To Be, or Not To Be? pt6
Christ is not looking for shades, or degrees, of commitment. He does not desire some "half-hearted," conditional faith. He will only accept complete and total commitment. That is what "taking up our Cross" is! Christ's Cross was not a decoration...a peice of jewelry to adorn a wall of body. It was a place of torment, of shame, of punishment, of sacrifice...and of Grace. The Cross we bear is the same. We are called to be faithful martyrs, who take up our Cross, and willingly walk through hell, for the sake of the Christ's Kingdom. The question is: Will We? What will our choice be? Committed to the Cross? or, Lost in this world?
What is Grace?
If you spend your time in this world trying to hide the fact that you really believed some things Jesus said, then Jesus will hide all the glory from you. Is that the price you are willing to pay? Worldly glory? Heavenly glory? Which matters most to you—the world’s ways or God’s ways? Which are you following—the world’s wealth or Christ’s reward? Which will you receive?