Holiness Part 2

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Holiness  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  29:28
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Romans 11:16

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good song

words that you don't get out

I was checking just a little bit at my house or the house of the Lord this morning. Do they have a Pastor David darling back with his today?

Well, I had a good time. David dehaven, South Carolina


wake up one morning. I appreciate it in my phrasing this morning. By Sunday, we are entitled talking about Holiness and I told you that was when I started Siri talking about Holiness has just kind of alarm chicken point for that. We're going to continue on in that this morning in the Bible chapter 11 Romans chapter 11. first number 16 Rowland's 1116

Is it good to know that the Lord calls us to more each and every day?

Romans chapter 11 verse number 16 ruse I didn't do my 3 hours last Sunday. I may get there today. We'll see.

I enjoy enjoying Bruce's testimony. Can you can find a blessing in anytime even the server? But God God is good. No matter what. Those are chapter 11 verse number 16 sounded say amen for 9. it says for is the first fruit is Holy is also holding and if the root is Holy, so Are the branches? Unrestrained person suddenly found the Lord as you come to you in prayer. Once again, thank you for this savior. Mighty blessing lets me your servant one more time. I have to bring them cuz that from the spirit of the Lord.

This morning last week. We talked a little bit about Holiness and talked about somebody had devoted to God and loving one another as thyself as we walk in the Lord or Holden ss-v. Not this something of heart, but something of Life something that we should be wanting this sign for doing everything that we can fix that have attacked your boots of God. I'll be something that radiates from us having our mind our mind being that the mind of Christ being us and everything that seems to be going on around us as we can. So easily get distracted so easily I get that put down and I'm so easily I just be over with But I don't want to be overwhelmed by the things of the word. I want to be overwhelmed by the things of God does things of God to be able to float in the gym today? But what God is going to do tomorrow in sale or whatever you need to do to be able to come my way. And I know sometimes we be able to come our way when we get to the root of the issue. It will bless that which we are. Word of God here tells us the route is Holy than the branches that what you do out of his mouth was outside. If we were truly digging deeper with the Lord is going to show in the healthy walk that we are walking in with the way things are going on around us. I want my reaction to be things that are approved by a holy God.

Hello sunshine. I got to be willing to dig deeper. I've got to be willing to place. No matter how silly for Stripes my message this morning, but no matter what happens if the areas.

Pillsbury even in this thing that we think is Monday he is very the times in which we do not matter are those moments to which we think we need to really

Healthy branches outside of the Lord in the end of my route. To get where it needs to be.

The roots are not helping the plant will not grow.

You can look at least somebody to change over in this Garden.

Why we are home and we weren't able to get out and then be able to take care of a we went we went we got cages and put on them in something happens if I kill the plants.

Can you take a few out?

gold white lion

from the root

I want to share this with you this morning over at Mark chapter 11 and starting in verse that says they're so now the next day she was hungry talking about you and seeing how far off a fig tree having bleeds. He went to see if he would find something on it. Nothing, but it was not season of figs and his response. Jesus said let no one eat fruit from you ever disciples heard. It says I'm Peter remembering said to him the fake tree with you cursed has with your wife.

Does a snow good?

Backstreet wrinkled all good and healthy, it looks like it should have been doing something that you just went by the church.

It's not an exterior problem. It's a heart problem.

I listen to a song this morning. I had never heard the song before but did I listen to it? And this is what I need when does holiness is what you want for me righteousness righteousness is what I long for righteousness is what I need righteousness righteousness is what you want for me. So take my heart and mold it.

Take my will and conform to yours to yours.

If we're not allowing go hard and giving him to be able to transform them.

It's not my desires, but it's

Show employee to get distracted by everything out.


So many times we could focus on situations and circumstances.

How do you focus on the things that are going on in the world? Are you focus on the things of God?

The Church of Christ in heaven put on band break free of get that little part of their shoes, but we let them know there will be no proof Brother people in Puerto Rico.

Cuz we're not seeking after righteousness cuz we're not shaking after I've never been before it's not about what you thought about what it is. It's not about who I am, but it's about who he is.

Cuz I don't understand much.

I should be able to cast all my cares upon him because he cares for me. Punta Gorda. I'm important I'm so important. He does not expect me to remain where I have always been. If I save 20 years ago there to be a difference in my salvation now.

Proposed to grow a proposed to dig deeper because she knew growing up.

There's nothing nothing.

this way turn off Ironman salvation. I cannot earn per say my maturity in the Lord.

But he freely gives his Blessing because I want to do for him. Duty

What is Black Sea? Island island picture one time tell me a short time and I will take this Sunday.

I like what I say wrong. I said I got to go grab me something something preach this Sunday.

It's a blessing to be able to do.

If we have to say, I don't know how I'm going to tell somebody about Jesus.

How much do concert?

I'll get my breasts in a minute.

We can understand something this morning.

I want to be closer to God on Monday more hours on Sunday.

Like this is a grand Adventure. I want to leave the house of God different than the way. I want to read my prayer.

Get all you can. Why are you taking? For as long as you never came and I don't want you to I want you to work on that still doesn't tell me the remedy that Branch comes out of here. I'm going to be saying the things that needs to be safe.

You're insane this morning.

Or zero song City PC change my heart so I can fill out a change my mind so I can sing try to change my mind.

I mean if you really want to show you things happen when you got to really be well decide if I got to get up every day.

Measure of Faith that we're going to get

I love you too, baby in church.

Love you too, baby in church.

I love hearing grown ups in church.

And if you don't I have babies Lord, he made grown ups. If we're going to have Converse, we made faithful people to be able to show them how to walk and talk the talk and do what?

Just like little ones, whatever.

Cuter baby interesting to look at a car.

What our walk with the Lord?

the first part of that version to read early enrollment with the first fruit offering

Person. Just focus on what you're giving away your focusing on who you are in Jesus Christ you yet today?

Today's weather affect where I'm going to be at 1 tomorrow.

Focus on everything else tonight, I'm going to do something tomorrow. appropriate on everything else instead of focusing on God

are not done away with changed.

Text * 30 something, but you got to do the same thing over and over.

She'll pray everyday straight for a month. You'll become a habit.

I want the one that had it with my blood pressure medicine I can take it cuz I forgot the same time everyday. I want to do dishes I can tell when I don't take that you can tell when you're not prayed up.

You can't when you're not trust in the Lord enough. Sometimes run on empty for too long.

If you get nothing out of anything that I'm fixing Sunday or this morning get better.

Get closer.

You never been before.

Things are not. What are you doing this year?

I want you around all these things to distract additional horde. What about when the next time you come? the next time, Firefighters wife heard over can I say this morning Siri stuff in the world what happens when the real deal stuff comes in? And the Lord says enough's enough.

I want to I want to return to the park at 1 to check my good and faithful servant not depart from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you.

I don't want to just do it alone Mary. I want to take as many with me as I can.

I want I want to see Mary's grandkids go with us. I'm going to see all of Mary's kids go with it. I want to see examples.

We're supposed to love thy neighbor as thyself.

If you want to go to heaven.

Why don't you want your neighbor to go with you?

A man, come on. I want to go to heaven. Why don't I want them to What do you say to people being so when we talked about it on Wednesday in the Bible people being distracted by phone?

The only way you going to get it done grow up in.

Show me a picture of a child on my way. I want you to go with me.

I want to take a take a submarine with me. I want to take a house phone.

The rivers of life until I reach the portals of girlfriend.

God Compass this morning not just to be the appearance.

And that is he's called us on the new South.

structures we want

how are you today? I will pay for that dude that the Lord says how you can have all you today and it's free.

Remember this morning when you staying with me this morning?

Knowing someone you know each and every one of your better than I do. God knows you better than I can tell is we bow our heads and close your eyes for just a moment there anybody that needs to come and pray this morning.

I don't know what you going through. I know what you mean, but I know this I know but I'm only if you want to come.

What do you need to get closer.

Maybe you just need to stay hard. Take my heart and mold it take my mind transform. Take my will and informant.

Mega manectric

Or send somebody else.

Emily have Summers tonight at 6. I hope you a bonus for last year.

Will answer prayer this morning. I do love you. Hope you have a great Sunday.

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