Cost and Compensation
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With all of the talk about MLK, and this being the Sunday before his holiday, we are faced with the reality that Dr. King was a great leader. And then, the harsher reality, that in today's time with today's problems particularly for monstrosities we are lacking in the leadership department. Al Sharpton does what he can, but he is not King, Louis Farrakhan tries to be militant and stir the pot of Black consciousness, but he is no Malcom X. We have tons of talent from public intellectuals such as Cornell West and Michael Eric Dyson but we have more division between our methods no unity in what is needed at this time. We have many a preacher in the pulpit that can preach prosperity and get people into a frenzy but few preachers preaching the bible and getting people into heaven. We turn to celebrities, athletes, and entertainers for opinions on issues or race class and gender. And get disappointed when our favorite artist says something stupid about it on twitter.
In my own opinion and by my own estimation, not with any statistics or, only evaluation, it seems that people in general don't seem to think, or know what we need to fight for anymore, and so leaders are only in support of their own cause and reputation.(preach here) Now I don't want anyone to assume that the people I just mentioned aren’t doing good in our communities and that they are bad leaders in their respective fields of study and service, but If I asked you who is leading us as a people, as a country we would have several answers if any at all. But, I think you know me by now. You know I didn't wake up this morning to bring you bad news. There is a leader, and He has a cause, and he has a method. And if we would only follow this Man, oh Church, I do believe everything will turn out all right. Do you know Him?
He may not have led a march to Washington Dr. King but He is the King of King's leading us to glory. He is not having an militant “any means necessary” person like Malcom X but he did take every means necessary nailed to a cross for you.He is not a politician on call like Al Sharpton but is will show up when you call and He will be there right on time He is not and philosopher like Cornell West but He does know the beginning from the end.He may not have written books like Michael Eric Dyson but he is the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Does anybody know that Jesus is the one, and the only one we should look to solve our problems? And if you are going to lead a people it ought to be the way Jesus did.
We played games as a kid, “follow the leader”. It was fun. It was easy. But now church, following the leader, can be dangerous. But if you follow the right leader, Jesus, it may cost you but it pays in the end.
1. Cost you Plans
If you are going to follow anyone, I hope you at least agree with them on where the are going. And If you don't know where they are going at lease you agree with the reason. You have to have the same mind and be on one accord with the leader. Jesus is no different. He may not give us all of the details that we need but he definitely gives us direction. He told them that his plan was and Peter (who loves to flap his gums) says, “nope what you said aint gonna happen.” And here is whats really crazy Peter, “rebuked” Jesus. Told Jesus what Jesus wasn't gonna do. Now don't get mad a Peter, because you have been a little Peter like in your day. (preach)
2. Cost you Comfort
The call to follow Jesus is not a an invitation watch as with a spectator sport. The call to follow Jesus requires full participation in the work that Jesus Himself is called to. No, you don't die for the sins of the world, but you do have a cross to carry, and that is the gospel itself. The song says, “should Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free? no. there is a cross for everyone and cross for you and for me.”
3. Cost you Life
A leader is only as good as the people that follow. If a leader has no person following them, they are not a leader, they are a loner. That's what makes a movement, a people who are united in mind but also willing to be mobile and go where the leader goes. As it pertains to Jesus, this is where it gets costly. Jesus says extends the invitation by implication by saying that if you want to follow me, that's ok but you are going to have to suffer with me because.
Although the cost of following Jesus is high the cost of not following him his higher.
The life that you find in Jesus isn’t just the life after this one. But, it is a life of meaning, purpose, and enjoyment. Jesus said in John 10:10 that “the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that they may have life and life more abundant”. When you live a life centered on you then you will miss out on a whole lot. The first point compensation is not monetary, but a life in Christ. “you will find it” Understand church that this type of finding is not when you locate what you’ve been looking for but rather when you discover what yo didn’t know you needed. (examples) So when you give up your life to Jesus you will discover that it is better. ( i didn’t know…but i found....) I came to Jesus as I was weary wounded and sad, But I found in him a resting place and he has made me glad.
Life with Jesus is....
Jesus then juxtaposes the life he offers with the life of someone who has gained thew whole world and forfeits his soul.
Son of man is going to come in the glory of his father with His angels and then will repay every man according to his deed.