Textual Criticism - Dr. James White
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Textual Criticism
Textual Criticism
Doesn’t exist in the original text
John 5:4
John 8:1-11
KJV and NKJV come from Textus Receptus
ESV, NASB, Holman, NLT from Nestle Aland 28th ed
The Current Onslaught
Naturalistic Materialism rules the day in Academia
Anything that does not presuppose an uncreated universe that can be explained solely on the basis of naturalism is rejected A-priori
Christians claims are relegated to the arena of “myth”
Approx 5300 variants
Variant - something is different, even down to the slightest detail
About 400,000 variant
We’re told that we cannot be confident in anything we read today
99% of all variants do not impact the meaning of the text. Variations in spelling and word order make up the VAST bulk of the variations.
1500-2000 viable, meaningful variants
A simple fact: the more manuscripts you have for a particular work, the more textual variants you will have
There are 5700+ catalogued manuscripts of the NT books, the avg of which is 350 pgs long
over 2 mil pages of text
1500-2000 meaningful/viable variants over 2mil pages of hand-copied text spanning approx 1500 yrs (before printing) is an amazingly small percentage of text reflecting an amazingly accurate history of transmission (miraculous)
Revelations had to fight to be canonical
Hebrews has the least variants because it was a “closed book”.
1 Jn 3:1 KJV vs NASB
Homoeteleuton - “similar endings”
P52 - Mark? John?
P115 - Rev
Not 666
Actually 616
P72 - 1 and 2 Pet and Jude
2 Pet 1:1
“our God and Savior Jesus Christ
P75 - Matt, Mark, Lk, Jn
P66 - Jn 1
P45 - Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn, Acts
P46 - Ph
Earliest record of Paul’s writings
Contains Hebrews so the scribe thought that Paul wrote it
Doesn’t mean he actually did
P91 - Acts
Could it be a possibility that, through history, people construed Scripture? Sure.
But, to have been able to construe all copies of the text would have been nearly impossible
In various locations throughout the world, copies were made and distributed by scribes