Characteristics of Christians
Handfuls on Purpose Devotions for MAFA • Sermon • Submitted
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He who spake in times past by the prophets now opened His mouth. These first words of the Great Teacher (Jesus) who came from God reveal the way of happiness — not through doings, but being.
Happiness is found not in what we have, but in what we are.
This blessedness belongs to every Christ-like character.
The Christian’s Character
The Christian’s Character
He is Poor in Spirit (vs. 3)
He is Poor in Spirit (vs. 3)
Not spiritually poor, because that through the poverty of Jesus Christ he is made rich.
Isaiah 57:15 tells us that the humble spirit is indwelt by the God of grace and glory.
He Mourns (vs. 4)
He Mourns (vs. 4)
Not for fear of missing the kingdom, but over everything that hinders his greater growth into the image of Jesus Christ; over the sins of others; and over the enemies of the cross.
He is Meek (vs. 5)
He is Meek (vs. 5)
Matthew 11:29 He would not be like his master if he was not meek and lowly.
1 Peter 3:8-9 Not rendering railing for railing (slander; making false charges against someone to damage their reputation), but contrariwise (vice versa, or the opposite).
Matthew 5:39 A Christian is to be a peculiar (distinctive, special) person.
He Hungers and Thirsts (vs. 6)
He Hungers and Thirsts (vs. 6)
Not after the pleasures of sin and worldliness, but after righteousness — that is, righteousness unto God.
These cravings are the natural desires of the new man (Christian).
He is Merciful (vs. 7)
He is Merciful (vs. 7)
He delights to show mercy because he himself has had GREAT mercy showed him. As Jesus prayed for His enemies, so does the Christian.
He is Pure in Heart (vs. 8)
He is Pure in Heart (vs. 8)
His heart is right with God.
The Christian is completely yielded to his Father’s will.
The Christian delights in all that is pleasing to God, is cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and is open to the light God has put in him.
He Makes Peace (vs. 9)
He Makes Peace (vs. 9)
Christians love peace because they have the peace of God ruling in their heart.
Christians seek to make peace by beseeching (requesting urgently, or begging) others to be reconciled (restored to friendship or harmony) to God.
He Suffers Persecution (vs. 10,11)
He Suffers Persecution (vs. 10,11)
2 Timothy 3:12 If any man will live godly he must suffer persecution.
John 15:20 Jesus told us we would suffer persecution.
Notice that these characteristics present us with a true portrait of the life of Jesus Christ. Are we like Him?
Each Christ-like characteristic we see has its own special reward. It is always so. Therefore, if we have the Christian’s Character, we can look forward to the Christian’s Prospects.
The Christian’s Prospects
The Christian’s Prospects
He Shall Be Comforted (vs. 4)
He Shall Be Comforted (vs. 4)
This world is the hour and power of darkness. Although we are poor in spirit, the Kingdom of God is sure, and all the comforts of His Kingdom will yet be given to us in eternity.
He Shall Inherit (vs. 5)
He Shall Inherit (vs. 5)
Revelation 20:6 The saints of God don’t have much of the earth right now, but when God comes again we shall inherit it.
Daniel 7:22 There is a good time coming for God’s people.
He Shall Be Filled (vs. 6)
He Shall Be Filled (vs. 6)
Revelation 7:16 “They shall hunger no more.” We shall be satisfied when we awake in God’s likeness, filled with the fullness of God.
Present hunger is the evidence of future fulfilling. There is satisfaction for every holy longing.
He Shall Obtain Mercy (vs. 7)
He Shall Obtain Mercy (vs. 7)
The mercy of God, which covers a Christian’s sin, can cover every fault and failing. It means we are blameless.
He Shall See God (vs. 8)
He Shall See God (vs. 8)
Hebrews 12:14 Because his heart is pure, he is an holy one.
Holy eyes see holy things.
A holy heart shall see a holy God.
Holiness is capacity for God.
He Shall Be Called A Child of God (vs. 9)
He Shall Be Called A Child of God (vs. 9)
The world sees us as a pestilent (destructive, displeasing, or annoying) people.
Galatians 3:26 , Romans 8:16 Jesus says we are Sons of God. As Christians, every one of us is the child of a King.
He Shall Be Rewarded (vs. 12)
He Shall Be Rewarded (vs. 12)
Verse 12 says, “Great is your reward in Heaven.”
2 Corinthians 4:17 Although we are reviled on earth, we shall be rewarded in Heaven with an eternal weight of glory.
Let not the fear of man rob you of your reward.