Psalm 51: Mercy, Restoration and Worship: How God Responds to Our Sin, and How We Respond to Him
Well, I can mourn Tricia RV. Good with will say the sound was muffled cuz of the masks. That's what we'll say. I was actually I was talking to gram this morning on her way in and we were we were lamenting over the how how can I / we are with the whole match thing and that I said to myself trying to understand, you know, all these girls who complain to me for years. They don't like me like how much is a mess of their hair up. I don't like wearing masks. Is it messes up my beard ran against our history understanding Play No, but that's completely unrelated. Good morning. It's good to see you. It's a pleasure to be here preaching this morning for the first time of the staff member here at West London Alliance Church. It's been a season of changes. If one of the ones that of my family are most excited about us is to partner with with West lemon going forward for the good of the Gospel here in London and that we can't wait to see what God does it in through this church when the next few years in and going forward. So I thank you for the opportunity and it's a joy to be here this morning sharing with you. So like I said, we're continuing today in the Psalms were in Psalm 51 song. This is the most famous penitential Psalm in the Bible. Right? It's it's David's Cry of lament in an in it. We see the raw emotional example of what it looks like for us to come to to God in Repentance right looks over example of how to pray in the midst of our own sin an inn in somebody when we see three teams played out repeatedly over the whole thing. We see Mercy Mercy restoration and we see worship. All right, we see Mercy restoration and worship in their displayed throughout the entire song Hustle. If you don't have them open already turn to Psalm 51, we're going to read it the whole thing and then we'll pray and jumping right Psalm 51. Do the choirmaster a Psalm of David when Nathan the prophet went to him after he had gone into best Sheba? Have mercy on me o God, according to your steadfast love according to your abundant Mercy blot out. My transgressions Wash Me thoroughly for my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin Rhino my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. Against you you only have I sinned and done was evil in your sights that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment behold. I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me behold you Delight in the truth in the inward being and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. Purge me with hyssop and I should be clean wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness that the bones that you have broken Rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart o God and renew a right Spirit Within Me cast me not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing Spirit then. Then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will return to you deliver me from blood-guiltiness. Oh God. Oh God of my salvation in my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness. Oh Lord, open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise for you. Do not Delight in sacrifice, or I would give it you will not be pleased to the burnt offering the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and a contrite heart. Oh God, you will not despise do good in Zion and in your good pleasure build up the walls of Jerusalem, and then you Delight in right then you would light and right sacrifices and burnt offerings and Holborn off rings in Bulls will be offered on your altar. osprey what was thank you for your word always thank you for how it teaches us instructs us and crashed us Lord and trains us for righteousness. Father. We thank you for the example. We see here in this prayer of David Lord. We thank you for your holy spirit. Let him to write this Lord for himself for his people ordering for us. We thank you for what it teaches us for I pray that you would open our hearts to see the truth of your word that you're holy spirit with moving us or would bring conviction or conviction is needed would bring restoration over restoration is Neil orne it will cause us to worship father. We look on the goodness of your mercy. Ball pit you just bless our time together and you were in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Or look at me again. We're to look at vs126 to start vs126 to the choirmaster a Psalm of David when Nathan the prophet went to him after he had gone into best ever to stop there for a second. Right? This is very important. I have a bad habit. I'm sure a lot of Us 2 of can I just Jenny over that'll big bold a bit at the beginning of the song that doesn't have a good we don't need to read it. That's not true read those cuz the context they provide is vitally important. We need to know what David is writing this in the midst of K is riding. So you want in the settings of 2nd Samuel 11 and 12 K in 2nd Samuel 11-12. We learn the David has had an affair with that Sheba can Cruise the right the wife of Uriah and then had Uriah murdered day in order to cover up his sin. This is David the king the man after God's Own Heart that he's gone and committed two sins that are punishable. My desk under the law given to Moses, right and he thinks that he's gotten away with it. But he's pretty sure he's he's good. All right, but in the prophet Nathan shows up and David is confronted with the reality of his guilt before God and with the consequences of his sin, which if you noticed or the consequence of the skin is is is real in Bristol in the death of the son born about Shiba, right? So this is the environment in which David is writing these words, right? And he says this have mercy on me o God according to your steadfast love according to your abundant Mercy blot out my transgressions Wash Me thoroughly for my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin before. I know my transgressions and my sin is ever before me against you you only have I sinned and done with as evil in your sight so that you may be justified in your words. Limas in your judgment behold, I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me? Behold you Delight in the truth in the inward being and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. I will we see here is Mercy Mercy our need for it and God's ability to give it right our need for mercy and God's ability to give a David he begins by throwing himself on the mercy of God because because he knows this is the only chance he has a right to know was that the mercy of God is the only thing that she can help in Swiss banks the question. What is Mercy right? What's Mercy? Well the Oxford dictionary describes Mercy as a kind or forgiving attitude towards someone that you have the power to harm or the right to punish. Someone that you have the power to harm or the right to punish. David is crying out to God for Mercy because he knows that God has the right to punish him for his sin. He makes this Crystal Clear reset against you you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sights that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment against you have sinned and so you would be completely just in anything you do to me to punish me for these sins that I have committed right now. Obviously obviously David is aware that he has actually in really sinned against both batsheva and Jiraiya if he gets that but what he is saying, Is that he understands that Sin is Sin Sin is Sin because it offends God and breaks his law rights citizen because it affects God offends God and breaks. His locked. David is showing us that are seeing is ultimately always ultimately always against God because he's the holy creator of the cosmos in sin is the rejecting or ignoring of his law right setting is like to catechism questions ago. What is sin sin is rejecting or ignoring the god regretted not being or doing what is required by his law. I forgot it there for a second, but it came back right? That's what it is. It's it's rejecting or ignoring God's law right touches on the reality of the Fallen all this right and the truth of indwelling sin. He touches on that in verse 5 talking about being conceived in sin, but he doesn't use that as an excuse right for his guilt. He doesn't use that to to White out his guilt instead instead. He leaned Into the truth out of all the people that were for bias in the one that was most grieved was God Wright brothers and sisters the person most offended most wrong. Most angered most disgusting most hurt by our sin is God. We cannot miss the importance of this when we sin we are sitting against a holy God who is righteous who is perfect and who was glorious and he was unable and unwilling to abide sin. And whose heart is broken by the sins of his created image Bears David knows that he has sinned against God and he knows that in doing so he has terribly damaged his relationship with God and it breaks his heart. Wright's is crushing him to know that his sin has wronged God these cries for Mercy are the cries of a man who was undone by his sin and the reality of a evil rights East cries for mercy of the cries of a man who was undone by the effects of his sin and the reality of his evil. So I need to ask is arson break our hearts like this.
Does the realization that we have sinned and offended God they drive us to our knees and sorrow and grief a does it cause us to turn to God for Mercy with a broken heart cuz it should.
God is Holy Isaiah 6 describes God is Holy Holy Holy in an effort to show just how set apart. He is in his Perfection and in his glory and when we see when we send it is against this holy God and His just judgment on sin is death. That's why David is crying for Mercy. That's why he begs Wash Me thoroughly for my Nic Woody's from my guilt for my perversion and cleanse me for my SIM key is broken begging for mercy because he knows because he knows that the mercy of God is the only thing that can save him and he asked for Mercy, okay, because he hopes and expects the God will show it right. He's asking with the hopeful expectation that God is going to show Mercy to him a sinner. Listen to Jesus have mercy on me. Oh God, according to what according to your steadfast love according to your abundant. Mercy, your abundant Mercy blot out. My transgressions. David is asking for Mercy because he knows that even as God is Holy and just he is also merciful and loving so merciful contacted David is asking to be forgiven for sins that God has said bear the penalty of death. Right. Stop that that's how he's written into the law given to Moses. David is not afraid to seek forgiveness for most people would turn me on serious offenses monkeys stolen right now. He's begging for forgiveness for murder and adultery right? She's not afraid to see forgiveness for a serious offense, and we shouldn't be either. right our sins are not so great to the cannot be forgiven by God. And so we should be we should be eager to come to him and repentance for forgiveness. Right God is merciful and he Delights in the truth in the inward being and he teaches wisdom in the secret heart God is abundant in Love & mercy so much so that he teaches his people wisdom so that they are able to live in integrity and obedience to him then plication of R6 is that the only way that God will be delighted in US is if he does the work of making us delightful to him, right? The only way that God will be delighted in us as if he does the work of making us delightful to have a we see this so wonderfully in versus 7 to 12 to look at me there restarting for 7. Purge me with hyssop and I will be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness let the bones that you have broken Rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my necklace. Created me a clean heart o God and renew a right Spirit Within Me cast me not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit. What we see here we see here's what is a picture of restoration k r need for it. And God's Gift of it is the picture restoration Arnie for in God's Gift of it. After opening with his with his cry for Mercy K David shifts to make his request for restoration right in as he does. This key doesn't lessen in his intensity when addressing his Sim you don't seem let off the pedal on that at all. But we do see if it's him beating harder into God's grace and into into his need for God to do a restoring work in his life. Okay. David is keenly aware. Keenly aware that he is damaged his relationship with God by his sin, but he's also aware that he is unable to make that relationship, right? He knows that he can't do this that it's up to God, right? And we see that all through this versus he asked he says he pleases God Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I will be whiter than snow. What he's asking God to do here is literally to unsend him right now wants to be unsinn. He's asking okay that God would make it like he had never sinned that is an incredibly bull prayer. Dash's thing to ask God and yet we see him ask these things again and again in these vs. Hide your face from my sin and block out all of my iniquities create in me a clean heart o God and renew a right Spirit Within Me cast me not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit. All of this in all of this do not miss the fact. I do not miss the fact that all of the action is. All of the action here is God's Not David's. Courage me Wash Me Hide Your Face blot Out Create in renew cast me not away take not restore uphold. All of these are acts of God on David. These are not things that David can do for himself. It is impossible for David to make himself right with God and she knows it. He knows it, right and so do we? We know that nothing we can do to make us right with God. That's why that's why there's so much hopelessness in the world. Right people people are where people know that were conceived in sin. Right-hander were not able to unsend ourselves before a holy and righteous Creator, right? We are all aware of the sin that separates us from God register for the first three chapters of Romans, right? We all we all know this And we know that we're not able to fix that problem, but David David knows something glorious, right? He knows that God can restore him to himself and what's even more glorious is that we know this truth better than David did. David was clinging to the hope of restoration with God through faith, but it was faith that he would spirit says was faith has of seeing something from a Faraway off, right? We see this. Hope so much clear clear Our Hope of restoration with God is Hope rooted in Jesus write the Risen and reigning Son of God as New Testament Believers. We know that God has been merciful to us by giving us his son. What is it doing that? He has answered David's prayer in a Fuller and a more glorious and more incredible way and David could ever have imagined right Christian. This song is so wonderful. It's so wonderful because even as a profoundly convicts us of our sin. Rite Aid points are so beautifully to the Cross of Christ in the Salvation that we find there. Is in Jesus that we are made clean and washed whiter than snow. It's in Jesus that we hear joy and gladness and it's Jesus that heals our Brokenness was her heels the Brokenness of our Sim. It's Jesus that blocked out our iniquities and unsends us as he closed Us in his own righteousness and makes his lovely to the father. It's in Jesus that were given a new clean heart and in Jesus. Our spirit is renewed if we are in Jesus if we are in Christ, we will never Never be cast out of the presence of the Lord instead his holy spirit is given to us in dwelling in us as a deposit for the day when we will dwell, eternally in the presence of God forever fully and finally experiencing the joy of Salvation God's mercy played out to the full Christian the blood of Jesus does what we can't and restores us to God and this is the truth that we need to remind ourselves of when we sin. We Wilson. Okay, and when we do we need to realize the severity of what we have done and we need to quickly turn to God in Repentance, but But we can rest in the finished work of Christ and know that our hope is in him right is our hope is in him and in his work on the cross. Frozen sisters, let's Psalm 51 be a reminder of the seriousness of sin, but also of the glory of the finished work of Christ and the restoration that's in him. You know if you're here and you don't know Jesus and you're not a Christian, let me tell you this.
every human being ever born has been born in sin and Gildan unable to keep God's law except one. That was Jesus Christ the son of God and he is done the work of living dying rising from the dead in ascending into heaven in order to save his people from the just punishment of their sins and to restore them to go you see the CSI from Jesus. There is no way to access the mercy of God. There is no way to access the mercy of God outside of Christ. And so there is no way to escape from the justice of God outside of Christ. So if you're here and you're not a Christian, please throw yourself on the mercy of God and ask Jesus to forgive your sins, he will become the Lord of your life and he will restore you to God or he will show you the joy of Salvation and the Abundant mercy and steadfast love of God and when he saves you when he sees you you will worship him because you understand how worthy she is a praise and worship because you understand how Worthy Is appraising that's a third thing. We seeing Psalm 51 writing verses 13 to 19. We're showing a picture of worship. Okay our response to God's mercy and restoration worship is how we respond to God's mercy and restoration Read With Me from verse 13 to close.
Then then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will return to you deliver me from blood-guiltiness. Oh God. Oh God of my salvation and my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness. Oh Lord, open my lips in my mouth will declare your praise for you will not Delight in sacrifice, or I would give it you will not be pleased with the burnt offering the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart. Oh God, you will not despise do good design on in your good pleasure build up the walls of Jerusalem, then will you Delight in right sacrifice and burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings then bulls will be offered on your altar. Even as he is still a continually aware right office in in the seriousness David has moved from Desiring restoration to worshipping God because of his faithfulness in reconciling him to himself David Falls up his request a verse 12 gauge where he asks for the restoration of joy and a willing spirit with an exclamation at this restoration will lead praise, right? He says that he will tell Sinners of the goodness of God and that his testimony to God's goodness. Well lead others to turn to him, right David is so confident. He is so confident in the news of God's goodness that he is sure people will turn to God from their sin and follow him and join David and giving him phrase. He's so confident that writes the emphasizes his commitment to Worship in verse 14 when he prays deliver me from blood-guiltiness. such a good word blood-guiltiness
I think it just sums up the terrible nature of sensible. He says deliver me from blood-guiltiness. Oh God. Oh God of my salvation and my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness. His reaction to being cleansed from sin is the sing aloud of God's righteousness is to glorify. God says to praise Him above all things. Now. This is a really really good lesson front because David doesn't say he doesn't say delivered me from blood-guiltiness. Oh God. Oh God of my salvation and my tongue will sing aloud of my sinfulness. Or am I evil past or my old ways? No, he said you said I was single out of your righteousness right Christian. When were saved Christ delivers us from our sins and we were able to give him glory and identify in his work not Revel in our past sins that we don't identify what we used to be in verse 15. David says, oh Lord open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise kek not open my lips and I'll tell OF what a wretched sinner. I am or how God can never really forgive my sins, right? That's not what you saying. If you think that your sins are what Define you or if you think that your sins are too big for God to forgive or two egregious or two or two terrible. Did you have a you have a small a warped and an incorrect view of what Christ has done on the cross? What if you think that God can't forgive your sins and if you identify with them even after coming to Christ and you have a small wart in incorrect you of what Christ has done for you on the Cross psalm 103 verse 12 says as far as the East is from the West so far this he removed our transgressions write our sins from us. That's far. Write Romans 8:1 says that there is therefore now. No not not a little K. Not some no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus when Jesus saved you he saved you? Okay. He didn't do it half way. He didn't leave some sins Unforgiven because they're too big. No When Jesus saves Jesus said mine and he pulled you from death to life, right? He raised you from the dead. He did that work fully and completely, right? There is nothing left for you to do. There is no Penance. You must do our prayers. You must pray or anything else that you must do to earn your forgiveness when Jesus saves you he saves you to the utmost. And David knew this was true of God before Jesus even want the Earth right in 416. It says that these is for you will not Delight in sacrifice or I would give it you will not be pleased in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart o God, you will not despise even living in the mist of the Old Testament sacrificial system David knew that sacrifices were useless unless they were accompanied by a changed heart right? He knew that sacrifices were useless unless they were accompanied by a changed heart a heart that can only be changed by the power of God. The things that David says God loves are a broken spirit and a contrite heart and what he means by that is that God loves it when we realize the enormity of our sins and come to him in Brokenness over our scent and in humility, right because it shows that we understand how good he is and how evil are sent against him is he does not desire a depressed angry people who are obsessed with rules and laws. No, No, he wants his people to understand their sin and to humbly come to him and repentance in order to be made right with him by him. He wants to display his mercy and desires that we would come to him for it and enjoy it forever right worshiping him because of his goodness David sinned against God and he cried for mercy in hopeful expectation. And when we cry to God for Mercy, we look to Jesus and receive the living embodiment of the mercy of God. Christian when we look to Jesus, we see a glorious reminder of Mercy given and enjoyed right and we see a reason to celebrate and worship God and worship The God Who delivered us more as we look forward to the day when we are fully and finally delivered from Marston and Glory. God wants reconciliation with his creation. That's why he sent his son right to save his people. If God wasn't merciful if he didn't love us if he wasn't rich in Grace. If you didn't desire else Ovation that he could have just ended everything you could have wiped it all out what's in enter the world and he would have been completely and totally right right and just in doing so instead instead because he is merciful. He created a way for undeserving Sinners to come to him and enjoy his goodness forever. That way is Jesus. Christian never take for granted the mercy of God never take for granted the mercy of God and daily walk in the knowledge that his Mercy is undeserved and freely given unbeliever you show this morning here in this do not neglect his offer of Salvation today turn to Jesus throw yourself on his merciful Grace right and experience freedom from sin the spray. only thing you for your word Are we thank you for how it teaches us so gloriously but Jesus we thank you for Mercy for the office or something that we're giving freedom from the just punishment for our sins. Are we thinking for restoration for waiting in a right with you through Jesus father? We thank you for worse or that when you save us a few minutes to a place where we see your goodness in your glory and Ukrainian us this desire and and and ability to worship you for who you are or thank you for your word or may arrest deeply in US Lord, let it well and also the changes and Transformers and more into the likeness of your son Jesus, isn't it? A beautiful name? We pray amen.