8/23/2020 Acts 1:12-26 | The Upper Room

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Good morning church. It's good to see your eyes your faces. So I know it's it's hard. I I feel like I can't breathe in these things either so I'm right there with you. But the church is essential. Despite what the government might say or anybody else might say the church is absolutely essential. It's mandated by God to meet it says in Hebrews 10:25. Don't neglect meeting with one another why because we need to Spur one another on and Good Deeds. We we need to encourage each other. It is powerful. But in the habit of some some will just not meet and you know it for throughout history. It has been the plan of the enemy to isolate his people from one. Another is always been the plan of the enemy to do that isolation is his tactic. It's his the way he wants to isolate us and then ultimately kill steal and destroy that says in John 10:10. That's what he does. But Jesus you said in that same verse he came to give life and life abundantly and it says that we that faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God us. What we have to do is Life Is Life in the word there's life in the people and the life in the encouragement in the body. We need it. I know it's stuffy. I know it's hot. I thought she has lots of different things that we can complain about it, but I'm just I'm absolutely thankful the timing of the Lord open up this place. It is the timing of God. I mean he gave us this place just at the right the nick of time and that's just how he works. Right and that should show us church that he loves us. He cares about us. He loves his church. He loves you. He loved he wants us to meet he sang. Hey, I want I want to people who desire to meet all kind of a place is not true. When we have faith and we believe him when we seek first his kingdom everything else will be added on he's like, I got it. I got the place and I I got the bill and that's just what he does is so good. He always will provide and we're going through right now the book of Acts. It's a powerful book that describes literally plot of people have different names for this book that the Acts of the Apostles that the Holy Spirit through the apostles. I've heard it said the acts of Jesus could continue an active Jesus. I mean it don't matter with the name is it just it's it's the continuation of the power of God and three of his people call the church to reach all nations all people all the four corners of the earth. It's the last week. What we did was we talked about How to actually complete that task so we looked at act 1 through 11 1 1 through 11 and we talked about four different things that understood that we as a people are the disciples we need to understand this message we have to be clear on the gospel weave in order to actually reach the four corners of the earth. We actually have to be clear about the gospel message number two is that we would be confident in this message. And how do we find conference? We found it at that the fact that Jesus did in fact rise from the dead and he appeared in front of many inside 500 people that were it says any he literally showed his hands and feet the scars just as Tyler was praying today that was real. The resurrection was real and then he ascended to have any said wait because you're going to receive power. The third thing is they needed to receive power. They could not go out on their own strength. a number for they needed motivation to complete the work that Jesus wasn't fat coming back the same place. He left the mountain of olives and he's coming back on that exact same place when he comes back to grab his church us his people and so that was the motivation that he's coming back. He will judge all sin. You make all things right? And I want to be ready. I want to hear well done my good and faithful servant. That's true. We all want to hear that and there's a way it was we go to the book of Acts. It's going to lay out very clear how we can actually live a life like that. And so God in the history of of the church, he's always wanted to use his people he always wanted to use his people to change the world you and me regular everyday people to change the world and John 15:16 says you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you. It says in Luke 6:12 216 it is at this time that he went off the mountain to pray and he spent the whole night in prayer to God when the day came he called his disciples to him and shows the twelve of them who who me appointed are named as Apostles Simon, which is also named Peter Andrew his brother James and John Philip and Bartholomew Matthew and Thomas James son of alphaeus in Simon who is called a zealot Judas the son of James and Judas Iscariot who became the traitor 1st Corinthians, 12, 27 28, you are the Christ body and individual members of it. And God is a pointed in church in in the church first Apostle second prophets third teachers that miracles than Gifts of healings helps ministrations and various tongues and infusions for 11 and 12 and gave some to be Apostles some as profits some is evangelist and some as pastors and teachers for the equipping of the Saints for the work of service to the building up of the body. He always Wanted us to be involved in the changing and the transformation of this world. It says Xanax 10 3942. We Are Witnesses of all these things he did both in the land of the Jews and Jerusalem and they also put him to death by hanging them on a cross. Raise them up on the third day and granted that he become visible not to all people but two witnesses who are chosen beforehand by God that is to us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead and he ordered us to preach to the people and saw me to testify that this one this is the one who has been appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead it's very clear that God has called all of us to be a part of his mission that it is clear that every single one of you are called to be apart every single one of you it says that everybody's call Everybody's called but few are chosen meaning that you there's a place in us to respond. God wants us to be a part of his Redemption plan, but never assume the position it is it is important to never assume or to be human appointed that God has called all of us to be saved all of us to to be apart to be Sons and Daughters of God. We have to respond to that message but also to be a part of his of his church to to receive those gifts were not to apply ourselves out of go round saying hey, I'm the pastor. I'm I'm a teacher. I'm at this time and that it is God appointed and the disciples actually knew that it says in Romans 10 1415, see how then will they call on him? Whom they have not believed. This is maybe speaking of evangelist. How will they believe in him? Who they have not heard how they hear without a preacher how they preach unless they are sent the keyword just it is written how beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news of good things. God actually sends us he appoints us and he sends us there's a backing from him and when there's a backing from him it'll last you never have to be curious if you never have to cast doubt on that calling it may be that for you right now. It's just like hey, I don't know what that calling really is. I don't and I'm not talking vocational Ministry. I don't know what that calling is. Maybe for some of you too many college students. She just got born again just recently or just young in the faith. Don't worry about that. The God has called you to be a disciple maker the first a disciple of him and remember to be a disciple maker and don't worry about the other things make disciples preach the word of God in the streets you have that he said go and make disciples. You already have that calling from Jesus to do that. And that's why I we actually have authority to me. In fact that the first day the amendments in our country and our constitution what that means we're we're at the government is not allowing us to meet. Don't get that wrong. God has called us to meet and other words that the rrr boss the one who gives us permission is not the government but Jesus. That is truth. And why is that important? Because he actually literally gave his god-given authority to preach the word of God says I'm your your your boss or your parents or anybody else around you that don't want to hear the gospel in there. Like boohoo given you throw me. Like, what are you? Why what how could you say that Jesus? He's my boss. When we give our lives to Jesus. Can I say that he is not just savior. He's also Lord and King. He is the Lord of lords and the King of Kings. That's who he is. It can't be anything else. We can't just see him as Savior who wipes away all of our sins. We have to see him as Lord and guess who's offended.

Why because he wants to be Lord, I guess who else is offended? government Why do I know that because he the devil is the prince in the power of the air in the Bible says in the world systems. And when you say in a long time ago, if you're in Roman times, and you said Jesus is Lord. Kyrgios, the word Jesus is Lord. You are literally saying in the same sentence without even saying it seizures, not Lord. And that would be worthy of death. But today is no different. Although you might not be in your night night be tried and put to death but it is still offencive. It is still it is still a going against a system that wants total utter control. Don't forget that. All right. So why is it important that you know that you have authority you don't it says here that in Jeremiah 23 20 1 and 32. So I did not send these profits but they rent I did not send that. I did not speak to them but they prophesied another was never just assume you are the guy. You know what happened to false prophets in the bible they died. It's simple. I mean, they don't necessarily die right now. It's been very gracious, but they lead people astray. But where am I going with that it is it is. It is offensive to God in the people around you just assume. That you have some sort of position. The God calls his people and an understand that he called is not just of the things in that they can of Ephesians 4 and 1st Corinthians 12. Those are important God actually is giving you gifts wait for them. Ask God what are you calling me to do? I know my disciples paper. But what do you call we're going to talk about the gifts of the Spirit we're going to talk about I talked about the that you know is all the all the different gifts that the Holy Spirit distributes to his church and we're going to do it where can I buy the book of Acts is so important because the book of Acts out of those book out of that one book long book of 20 chapters comes all the the Epistles Galatians your Bible Ephesians all those books that you read they all came from that of historical context in the book of Acts to Ephesians you like while the book of Ephesians such a good book. Where can I find it contact act 18 and 19. Where can I find the the degrees in Athens and in all those places at 17 Phillipi acts 16 you'd there's a horse to Oracle concert if you're wondering why this is really interesting. How did Paul get there what happened there? Lots of he's getting beat up and then he was getting you don't get the context and it actually Highlights and makes it even more interesting. And so we're going to go through all those in and because the point of this whole series are how long it's going to take but the point of it is we get the vision of the church again. What is Jesus's vision for his church? That's why we're doing it. All right acts 1:12, then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet which is near Jerusalem. A Sabbath days journey was just means point six miles is just literally The Upper Room in Jerusalem, the Jerusalem the city Gates were they were supposed to go and wait for the holy spirit for 10 days was just on the Eastern side of that. It was just outside the gate and exactly to the T probably most likely 0.6 Sabbath days journey. Why do they have a Sabbath days journey? All that really meant was during the time they could not walk more than 6 miles during the Sabbath day. I need to rest they could not walk more than that. I think all of us may be in for some of us drove farther than that today to come to church course. We don't have those rules anymore. And you're not in sin for Catholic Church in 15-20 minutes away. It's totally okay, but I can receive the Holy Spirit be under the an end for Phil. And so when they entered the city, they went up to the upper room where they were staying that is Peter and John and James Andrew and Philip and Thomas Bartholomew Matthew James Simon and Judas who are missing. the other Judas I'll get to that in a second why that's important. But they what would they actually answer? The question I want you guys to have in your mind right now is okay. It's the last week we talked about. What did it take to complete the mission of God this week is what were these disciples? Like how did they make the most of their the opportunity that they have for 10 days if we are all cooped up for 10 days, what would we do? I would imagine a lot of things right maybe perhaps it's just chilling on your phone scrolling waiting for the Holy Spirit.

They were scared out of their mind. Why cuz I could have died for what they believed in they were preaching if you know he I want you to underlie be a great exercise for you. I did this in my Bible every time you see somebody preaching the resurrection of Jesus underlined that was their message. That's why they. It wasn't believing in God. It wasn't believing in an in a Jesus even that did great works. It was believing in one who came on a donkey through Jerusalem and said, I'm a suffering servant and I'm coming back as a king. I am a king but he emptied himself for a time being to come to be a lamb and he's coming back as a lion. And so what happened was he came as a suffering servant Isaiah 53 read that again. He came as a suffering servant to die for you and me as a sacrifice. But how would he prove that incredible message? Can you imagine this that Jesus did all these amazing things and he died and you can still find his two. And still find him wrapped. What kind of a faith would that be? You and me. We were wasting our time when Twitter. Is it worth suffering for no good reason. But he resurrected. He actually ascended them now I didn't resurrect but he actually floated in the sky and he's coming back that same way. Why is that important because that's incredibly offensive. Why is it offencive because all other religions every other religion on the planet their hero is dead. Completely dead. It's there in the grave. That means why it here. Let me tell you this. This is why it's offensive because Jesus said he's the only way and to prove that he's the only way is he's the only one that came back. That's what that's it. That is why it's incredibly offensive because if you grew up Muslim, are you grew up Brutus or you grew up Jehovah's Witness or you grew up some other Christian called or other religion? And your parents like hey, this is Greg. This is how you grew up and you're like, well, I just found out that Jesus is the only way that's offensive cuz you just broke Family Ties and that is offencive to your workplace is no longer you're in there cult. Or you're in their way of way that they want you to be conformed do not be conformed by the image of this world. But I or the gods of This World by bike conformed by the image of Christ. How do you do that with the word of God? And that is what that is what we've all signed up for but we need to know that again so that we have the confidence in the motivation to preach the word to see salvation to change the world in the nation's. Alright. Alright, so number one. This is number one. Okay disciples were committed to family. They mad they weren't isolated didn't take Zoom is an option that they actually meant physically person-to-person. I would imagine that they probably would have thought some People if they had Zoom options, they would all gone under the ground and had their little Zoom said. Only spare back. Is he on your side zee-zee over there on the other side of the gate and no they were all together cuz Jesus said come to get here the cost Jesus Through the cost you think you know the cost. He's a shepherd He does lead us in the valley of Shadow and death I don't know what Jesus you signed up for but that's the Jesus is who he is. He is the Good Shepherd and he leaves us and troubling Waters. He led the disciples on in the water when they were at the store. He was actually chilling on the mountain and wash them struggling. It says that if you wash them struggling with like the ores in freaking out and is like maybe I should go get them. What was the showing he cares for us is not going to just leave us there but he's not always just going to lead us in a nice easy path. That's a Christianity or what you signed up for the church is signed up for at Large. Two dates are called to meet physically together. And I would imagine if Peter rose up from his grave today. He would be like what in the world is going on.

We have to have fortitude we need courage today. We need biblical courage. We need to hear him and in an obey what he's calling us to do and he knew he is pleased when you come together to meet with each other not in fear and saying alright, Jesus were waiting for you. We want to hear your word. We would encourage one another and so they were unified it says these all with one mind. We're continually devoted themselves to prayer along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brothers, they were gathering of about there's a gathering of about 120. Who are these people who were the people that were that were in this room one? We understand that there is there was women there there was there was most likely there was Mary the mother of Jesus Mary Magdalene Mary the wife of clopas and Mary and Martha. They were all there the people to Fowler's number. They were the ones supporting never wear the ones giving money to Jesus for his ministry. There were there is the one that had seven demons. She's like my life. Rock I'm with him, right and that's that's the point again, right? I mean, there's so many applications here that if your life got rock,

Be with his church. Mute other people who got their lives got rocked by the Lord that is if the church is a called out ones there. They're separated from the where they don't think like the world are totally odd weird. That's a wonderful calling where aliens is actually says of the world. the wonderful thing If you're so close to the world, I'm not sure if you're saved. If you're so close, if you if you want to be just like them to reach them. That's not what Paul was saying to become like all men that you might reach them. That's another meaning. That's not what that means. We are different. We are set apart sanctify means set apart means we're totally different than the world. It should make us uncomfortable and then uncomfortable in the workplace if you're uncomfortable. Okay, that's normal. But if you're totally comfortable and you're like chilling with them showing with them, that's not what Jesus meant when he met with them and like them. Because he be like, why do what do you have the different? Something different about you. Why would I want to be like you? He was different in that perturbed the Pharisees big time to the point. They wanted to kill is that who were the who were the half-brothers of Jesus is very interesting that they were not saved at the time. Is it in Johnstone 5S is not even his brothers were believing in him. Why there?

The resurrection is powerful. I would imagine they probably didn't believe until after the resurrection and these two people that the half-brothers, of course, you know, Jesus. Did not reach its technical but did not receive a sperm from Joe Joseph. It was from the Holy Spirit, but he was born miraculously by the Holy Spirit through the mother of Jesus. The mother of Jesus is no like in a Catholic Store some people just like she's just an ordinary woman of God, you said yes. And birth of Jesus but he had brothers and that was from literally from Joseph and Mary and those two brothers two of them being James who was the not the the disciple James but James who wrote James the half brother of Jesus and he was a staunch you if you actually read James you're like, wow, he's pretty he's obviously but he he was such an inherent to the light he was and if you find him an ax15 at the Jerusalem Council, he was one of the main Elders who was kind of oversight over this whole amazing movement that was happening and the second one was Jude is Judas, but another name for June and he also wrote a small tiny little letter 1 chapter very important. Larva talking about standing for truth not allowing false teaching to come into the church all that. He was he was a pillar. Oh, yeah, he was on saved in the ministry of Jesus. So there are one mind committed to each other. So John 17 22 and 23. It says here that The glory of which the glory which you have given me. I've also given to them. This is what he's praying right before he died that they may be one just as we are one I and them and you and me that they may be perfected in unity so that the world may know that you sent me and love them even as you love me. This Unity that was forming would be the power to show that they are really of Jesus and he was praying for this moment Jesus the Same. Hey when you're all stuck in this 10 10 days in this room waiting for the Holy Spirit, I'm going to unify you. I'm going to bring you together. ISO Ephesians 2:11 on a read this too powerful passage on unity and says Seasons to start reading Ephesians 2 1 to 10 and she's going to pick up in 11 there for our last week. And this week will pick up at 11:34. Remember that formally you the Gentiles in the flash who are called the uncircumcision by which so-called circumcision, which is performed in the flesh by human hands. Remember that you were at that time separate from Christ excluded from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of the promise having no hope and without God in this world. That's what it was like to be not a part of the church, but now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off haven't been brought near by the blood of Jesus Christ for he himself is our peace who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall. By abolishing in his flesh the enemy which is the law of The Commandments contain the ordinance so that in himself. He might make the two into one man. That's establishing peace and might reconcile them both to one body to God through the cross and then he begins to talk about the fact that through the death of the resurrection of Jesus. There is going to be Jesus had it but I'm not just saving Jewish people I'm saving Jen's house, which is you and me. How many are glad that is part of his plan to save you and me? Yes, so he always had that in mind but he was already starting he was praying for this type of unity because you see you later in the book of Acts. They had that problem right ax15. If you read that there was a major discrepancy asked and is a major discrepancy because they're like, yeah go to the nation's but they didn't to put two and two together like Jerusalem tracking with you today. I'm talking with you Samaria kind of tracking with u ends of the Earth. I don't know. Because they were brought up. They understood that it was a Jewish face and buy a d 70 the destruction of Jerusalem that literally the whole entire religion of Judaism died at that point, which is the total fulfillment that God was actually bringing these people together under one Christian faith. And that is important because the fact is we are all Unified. Give understand something that the world actually has an other definitions for love and for Unity is compromising. Why would we take a world definition if we understand the world is controlled by the devil? We need to take our cues of unity and love from the Bible. This is how it defines. One-man. What does that mean? It means there is no black church. That means there's no Asian church. That means there's no whatever other race there is a factor. There's no other there is one Church. That's what Jesus is after. That was his prayer John 17 fulfilled in this chapter and continually fulfilled and in the fusions in the fusion people if we look at the context of Ephesians later on your be floored Florida at like that just all sorts of Pagan religion and people from all different places around the world in that place was he raised up a church in that place. God is raising up a church in Orlando. We always ask God for a multicultural diversity.

God loves diversity and we've always said this from the beginning people out like how you guys still gave her son understand that it's amazing because when you lift up Jesus the room gets colorful. He draws men and women to himself when you lift him up when you put him at the center of your life and if Church the room will get colorful amazing thing. There's no tolerance for racism in the church. Why because there's one race now the fact that you might look different you come from and where you came from South America, whatever. We're not denying that fact, of course when I ignorant of that God wants to bring us all together as one. We are one and that's who we are despite with the worlds has all right. also number two is the disciples were committed to prayer. They're also committed to prayer there continually devoted. It says to prayer. That's why we pray every time we gather and meet We Gather and we want to pray that these people were separated from Jesus. Think about this they were with him for three and a half years. They were talking to him literally face-to-face and now he he ascended into heaven he was gone and is the only way to actually now communicate with this Jesus is through prayer. Does the only way to actually communicate with him is through prayer I would just say another thing if you don't do this, but pray through the scriptures if you need sometimes we were like I don't even know what to pray hard. I don't know how to pray. I actually don't know what to say I'm saying there. I'm like the Bible will give you language and how to pray. It'll give you the language to what to pray for. So when you're reading Ephesians 2, you're like, wow that is heavy stuff. That's amazing one man. I mean like God help our country help our society to understand this. You don't have to go get you at the time and I just got to pray biblically because he they understood it doesn't John 14, whatever you ask in my name that will I do so that the father may be glorified in the son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. What is he saying? Not anything according to your name? Not anything according to your will but everything according to his will does he want the world Unified? No. Did you want the Christians to be unify the church? Yes. That's the difference if you'd be unified. Let's just pee. Wee what does light have with Darkness? What is save halfway done save nothing. Don't be foolish Church. Don't be Bewitched. This isn't Galatians 3. We cannot unify with the world. He'll never happened. Regenerate meaning he made us alive and the unregenerate meaning dead.

That is why it's so hard to talk to people who are not saved to talk to people who are religious. Actually, they're the hardest because they know all this stuff but they're dead. That's why it's so hard to talk to people that are like, yeah, I know the stuff. Yeah, they're the hardest. They are the hardest people to talk to you on the planet read John agrees Luke 15:2 just a story of The Prodigal Son again. They were so mad. They were so frustrated at his talk about how shameful the sun was named coming in reaching into these people who are so far from God these gentile people these people who are gone and lost he reached down and he save them that is that is offencive to people who are religious. So the worst of the worst kind or people who know all this stuff, but yet they're not submitted to God because they're dead. And we can't unify with those types of people. We can't and that's not let me say this very clearly. That's not unloving. So don't tell me don't don't email me and come to me and say all this so unloved is not its. It's not.

okay, now that that's great because This is my authority. Not your worldly philosophy. This is my authority. And this is what it says. Only people can be unified. Even in otter care is believers who actually want Jesus and it's always a few what are the 11 and imagine how heartbroken they were this man committed suicide at work. How could Jesus have a pull on us and not him the questions but they said I'm going to trust God we're going to be together. There's a hundred and twenty people. That's it. Can you imagine can you imagine that I would be that I would be and I do sometimes I'm like, I don't understand this God. Why is it always the few? It's always the few, isn't it? It's always the few. Why is it so hard to evangelize? Why is it hard to actually talk to people about Jesus and you talked to them and and you can have a conversation with them and you're everything is going well until you mentioned repentance.

Why why why is that?

hard Panera Road You find it. That's the gospel few few find it that are happening. That's a joke. It's not real. I mean like thousands or I don't know. View this God's bit that the church will grow One Soul at a time. And we walk with them. We love them. We disciple them can God save the message. Yes, I mean 3000 got saved in the book of Acts, but but that can happen but they were ready got it was God's work not our manipulation is not are twisting and trying so hard to try to get them to like really broadest like me. I want them to like me.

Get out of the way and say this is who saves this is who you need. I'm batting like a hundred here out of ten. Well. Be faithful he saves. He's the righteous one. He saves we're pointing people to him. Don't get caught up into being like and putting on some sort of show to get people to like Jesus more. I love Jesus just buy the book amazing. You showed up into my life. I mean what he says is true what's real is powerful. Many convincing truths. He showed himself to the people. We're at the resurrection. We don't need any more evidence. Let's just preach Jesus. Let's just point to him and he will save people he promises he will do that. Alright, this is going on for for 10 days. And then the third thing. Is there committed to family committed to prayer and committed to the word of God? How do I know that at the time Peter stood up in the midst of his brother Brethren is the first time you actually said something worthwhile didn't put his foot in his mouth. You've been transformed. He says this brother in the scripture had to be fulfilled. What's the holy spirit for told by the mouth of David concerning Judas? You became a guide to those who arrested Jesus for he was counted Among Us and received his share in this ministry. Think about that. He had a share in his ministry what happened now this man acquired a field with a price of his weight of of his weakness in Falling headlong. He burst open in the middle and all his intestines gushed out that's graphic and it became known to all who are living in Jerusalem so that they're their own language do in their own language. That field was called heckled, which means the field of blood for it is written in the Book of Psalms. Let his Homestead be made desolate and let no man. Let no one dwell in it and let another man take his office which they did therefore. It is necessary. That one man are that I'm sorry it necessary that of the men who have Accompanying us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out Among Us beginning with the baptism of John until the day that he was taking up from us. One of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection. So they put forward two men Joseph. Barsabbas who is also called Justice and Matthias and they prayed and said you Lord, you know the hearts of all men show us or show which one of these you have chosen to occupy this ministry In apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place was his own choosing. Can I just say that people choose to go to hell? Judas chosen, it wasn't some like it was in the plan of God, which will see it was in the god knew that he knows everything but he's still there that human part that human will part of us he decided to go his own way. And so they understand that and they drew lots for them casted lots and the lot fell to Matthias and he was added to the 11 Apostles now casting lots with something that they actually could do in the Old Testament and Proverbs 16:33 the lot is cast into the lap, but it's every every decision is from the Lord. That was the last New Testament passage speaking of casting lots. What do we have today? People ask all the time. How do we discern the Lord's will a simple read the word pray for wisdom to Godly counsel Those are those are the three most simple ways to understand what the will of the Lord is and try to say also maybe just the fourth one. You got to be willing to obey. If you don't if you're not willing to obey all those three just go out the window. Okay, so backing up. How did Jesus's betrayal in death been in the God's plan? It did and I want to show you that I just said this is this is fun for me this part. I just love seeing all the scriptures that point to that God was not not surprised and therefore his people were not surprised would happen is they're all gathered. They're not wandering Ono does this work? Oh no, what happened to Judas? What's happening? He died what is going to understand that this happened? They trusted the word of God and then they took the word of God and said we need one more person. So Peter was right and that it doesn't Matthew 1920s is truly. I say to you that you who have followed me in this regeneration when the son of man will sit on his glorious Throne. You also shall sit upon 12 Thrones judging the Twelve Tribes of Israel the understood that 12 is a very significant. Number to the Lord and that now they were down to 11. They understood that in order to complete this in this time and that specific time of History. They needed one more and according to the scriptures that amazing. They understood the word of God. They weren't just like hell it's just kind of just intuitively figure out. Okay, what do we need? Maybe we need 15 young Jesus might have been wronged me. We need 25 then we'll really change the world. They just simply said what does the word of God say? Tarrasque 120. He says the scripture had to be for filled with the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David how long a thousand years before he was literally Judas would betray him. It says that the scripture was written with when men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God 2nd Peter 1:21. That was Peter who wrote that later. He understood the power of scripture you understood that he has such an importance in a power in our lives. God's word is true Psalm 115 verse 3. Our God is in the heavens. He does whatever he pleases and I good Isaiah 46-10 my purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure. It says Isaiah 55:11 God's word never returns empty, but always accomplish his purpose Joshua 23:14, you shall know and you will know in your heart all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words, which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed all have been fulfilled for you. Not one of them has failed. Not one of God's promises has ever failed a never will fail. Guys, this is important. We've got to know the word emanate is it from from 20 years ago when I'm sitting in my door when I got saved I picked up that bible. No one told me to read it. I just picked it up and I just started to bowring the word of God. Number to the New Testament Prophet three times in three months. I just highlighted every single page in and yellow and green and red. There's nothing left. Amazon how to get an app that I can read anymore It was so so powerful. This word is so powerful and people ask you. How did you get through it? How do you get through the hard times like the word? How do you get through such a hard time like this last time at the word?

Why are there churches not meeting and we're meeting the word? The word is so powerful. It is our Authority. It is an errand it is perfect. It is good and it is we can actually trust every word on every page despite Judas betrayal in death Gods. Where was actually being fulfilled in the Old Testament says in Psalm 41:9. This is even my close friend. This is David even my close friend in whom I trusted to ate my bread has lifted up his heel against me that amazing Jesus knew this whole time. He knew even picking you to see if you wanted to give him a chance. Tell Judas had just as much opportunity as any one of us has any person and any one of those eleven the other eleven? Jesus understood that she said in John 6:64, but there are some of you who do not believe for Jesus knew from the very beginning who they were and who did not believe in who it was that would betray him number 1771. Did I not myself choose you to 12 and yet one of you is of the devil now, he meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot for he one of the 12 was going to betray him John 17:12 during the Priestly prayer during that that I just read earlier when I was with him. I was keeping them in your name, which you have given me and I guarded them you and me guards guards us literally what he no one can snatch his from his hand. You never you are Totally Secure. If you are a believer in Jesus not one of them perish but one the Son of Perdition so that the scripture Might be fulfilled by Jesus Matthew 26:24. The son of man has to go is to go so he people were always trying to not always try to keep Jesus from going to the Cross like there's got to be some other way. You can redeem Israel for the son of man is to go just as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed it would have been good for that man if he had never been born

That's Heavy What is the reality that through these scriptures we can literally trust the Jesus above all people and his people were never surprised. But they took that confidently and said, alright Lord who should complete the 12 and let's go change the world. And that's what he did and it says well, I mean we saw basically What Judas juices problem was? He had a love for money, you know a lot of us got we we think if we never put ourselves into the life of Judas.

Put yourself there just for a second and maybe you're like I would never betray Jesus we have. We actually have many times many times we chickened out and we didn't preach Jesus many times. Our heart is beating just say it just say it just say it and we don't many times. We have betrayed Jesus. And it with the word says as in John 12, this is why was this perfume not sold for 300 Denari and give it to poor people. This is Judas speaking after this woman broke / bank at the feet of Jesus. We know that story would love that story now, he said this not because he was concerned for the portion no desire for the poor. You know her for that for he was a thief Eddie had the money box Houston pilfer through it. He would take a little bit for a self. Do you know why he probably did that?

Because at one point you see everybody's fine with a feeding the 5000 everybody's fine with him Healing The Sick and healing Peter's mother and healing mother-in-law healing. Everyone's fine with the the the benefits of Jesus of water of what and who would not want that who would not want to be with someone who kills and cast out evil spirits in in in you do Chris bread out of nothing. It's just I mean that we would love to be around people like that. It's incredible. There are amazing benefits of the Christian faith incredible promises that are yes, and amen. But I want to propose to you that the reason why Judith probably started saying what's the use I'm about to get my money's worth.

Is because he would talk about oh, I have to suffer and die. Oh, he's not the one who's going to redeem us from the burden of Rome. How many times does that happen to you and me how many times do your walk with your like disappointed that Jesus didn't show up for your like you know, what? back with this Let me just go back to my old ways. Maybe I don't lust for money for years just never dealt with it. You never went to Jesus with it. You know Peter did deny the same thing Peter did the same thing one went to a one went to the Cross another one went to a noose. And that's the difference that is actually the difference between Peter and Judas. They're both send they both fell short this one actually found forgiveness and one from condemnation. That is the difference. And that is what the gospel ultimately is. We find forgiveness at that cross cuz we all have fallen short even as a believer. We all have and there's a remedy for that. And by the way, there's no contradiction in the scriptures. It says in Matthew that he hung himself. He put his Judas realized that if we look at Matthew 27:3 to 10, which I won't read but where they find this is that Judas was. He was guilty. He knew it. He's like, what did I do? I'm going back to these people to religious people. He's like, I don't want this money in there. Like I don't want this money. Either way. They do they bought his grave site with it. That's crazy. They bought his great. That's why it's the field of blood cuz why would happen at the same location here at the Noose around his head and and I would imagine that what happened was in Luke he described as it is that his intestines got that what happened was it was leaning over a hillside with rocks at the bottom and the News broke either the news broke or the stick or the branch broke from it and he fell and hit his whole body gushed out in the field of blood the Betrayal money is blood Money. He never found forgiveness. I was reading earlier that I literally do some people have painted a picture of Judas hanging there. In the demons are literally just try to grab him. He knew exactly what he was doing. There's no God sovereignty did not put Judas into that place of betrayal all of us choose right and wrong all of us choose, whether to follow God for the rest of our lives all of us choose where they reject God, but I'm telling you today. There is a remedy at the cross. We don't have to crucify ourselves or hang ourselves on the on the news of condemnation. but we could come to the cross and find forgiveness and we always find it always every single day of our lives and there was no condemnation. It says in Romans 8 and call understood that no kind of therefore. There's no he said in Roman 7. He's struggling is like I do the things that I'm not supposed to do and I do not do the things I'm supposed to do. He was like who's going to deliver me from this body who's going to save me from this is like Jesus Will therefore there is no condemnation for those who believe if we trust and put our faith in him. It's enough. And then the requirements that's what they did cuz we close here just the again Clarity that these disciples they were just this is what we want to do is a church. This is how the church with bird eight nine years ago. We just said Jesus. What do you want? How do you want to do leadership? Your how do you want to how do you want us to plant your church? It's Yorkshire to choose I want to do what you say and that's the disciples. Did they just said? Okay. We got it. We got to actually do this. But what are the requirements. Should they what they said? Okay. Well, we got to replace this guy that the Old Testament prophecies and Psalm 69 and Psalm 109 says that he would be replaced. He would betray and he would be replaced and so there's three requirements for an apostle and all Apostle means is apostolos. It just means a scent when it means missionary. And what a what happened was they understood there's three things that qualify you as an apostle. Number one that you have to witness the entire Ministry of Jesus.

number two You have to be a witness of the Resurrection a number 303 chosen by the Lord himself. DePaul got two out of three not too bad. He was a apostle extraordinary. He was very he was Apostle to the Gentiles and they understood what he had a would say at a pretty radical conversion and everybody confirm that but besides that the apostles had to have all 3 in order to start his church in the apostles start the church that what we have if you want to look at it this way may be an easy way to say maybe the apostles a big during that time to 12 and then maybe we have like small eggs and all that means is that there are people who are Apostolic and nature who go plant churches overseas or in the states. They have a minute a missionary mindset a gift to go start something but who's Foundation the Lord's? It's Jesus's Church. If so, what I would just say again, that's not like but just to be clear that there is no like big a apostle and there's no big p profit. There's no big that's reserved for Jesus. He's the ultimate Visionary the ultimate Apostle. He sent us like him into the world to do his work. But I do not have Apostolic Authority. I'm just like you. I'm just a you and me. We're just the same. We're not call each other Apostle and your evangelist and your teacher your this.

It's important. So we have the right view of Jesus in his church and his leadership guys at the end of the day. I just want a healthy Church. Something that will last something that we can do something for my kids to grow up into that. They can sink their teeth and some Sunday that they're like, I know Dad preaches the word of God. I'm following the word. I'm following like Paul said follow me. So because I followed Jesus and that's who we are. We're This is an ax 13 or 12 little Christ ones little anointed ones small fee. humble submitted

well as I close I just Again, this is guys that I think when we part of the church years ago, one of the things Nicole and I were praying through and talked about and we knew for sure their churches all over the world. There's churches everywhere the church has ever in your backyard drive home count how many churches you see is churches everywhere. Rhino is the church that can change the world are those who live the stuff out who actually really do that's interesting Matthias. It says Matthias she's me. Matthias is means gift of God. Can I just say all of us are a gift from God where a gift of God to this world were a gift. A gift from God to each other. I mean where a gift I mean how many times someone prays for your cares for you loves you pastors. You you're like men that were such there's this church has incredible. Like I love this church. I love the bonus. I love the the passion for for Jesus in his purpose. I love all that stuff. It's incredible. We are gift this world and I'm telling you in order to be a gift. What are the characteristics of a believer in Jesus is three simple things? Again, this is who God has called all of us to be a people who are incredibly committed to his church each other number two is that we are committed to prayer. and 3rd Where people is word? And if you do those simple actually do those simple things without them crazy emotional thing or is most likely to have to see a visitation in the angel and Order confirm this it is confirmed right now that those people that are really the True Church of Jesus Christ are those who are committed to the church committed to his mission committed to prayer and the word of God. And so I just as I pray for you guys this morning, I don't know. Dad thanks Dad

a growing baby by baby one baby at a time.


I love you. I love this church. It's so good. I just are you guys are you guys filled? I wish I woke up at 6 in the morning this morning and just poured into the scriptures again, I'm just like his word is true. His word is true. Like I believe it and I'm telling you if you want joy. The only way Joy comes is through believing his word. Jesus said it like this. Jesus said it that I want your joy to be complete within also the Apostle John said in his epistle. I write these things for what so that your joy might be full I write these things. What does that mean? His word is true. And what is in our hearts hide the word in your heart. You don't have to have an anxious day in your life. You don't have to have a and when you do get anxious go to the word go to God. What is it? What we do that with our kids are you I mean to hurt herself and she's walking like that me she got hit with her her friends were piling on top of her what lovely girls play time right now. Sitting with her and just just saying okay are you know, she's hurting and everything and immediately just popped in my head is the same ask her if she's worried. Are you worried about what are you worried about that? I'm going to be stuck like this. You're not going to be stuck like that. It's going to take some time. We're going to be to see a chiropractor or just massage little not out or whatever that is and hurts. I'm have been there with my back just over there and I was like

Jesus make straight the Crooked paths, but when we are anxious or we do need help and we do need confirmation we go to the word we go to Jesus is the word made flesh and we trust him we trust him. We don't have to I'm telling you everything we need. Peter says it's in 1st Peter. He says everything you need for life and godliness is found in the word. Don't try to change. The culture is wonderful. I love the culture of any I got to love this place is wonderful. I love the love in the room. I love to the care for one another at love the fact that probably about sixty 70% of people live together and houses and so expensive to live here. Don't change that is wonderful and hanging sit. With the word, right? That's what we're saying. Strengthen It Go from milk to meet some of the skin a nurse you it'll I mean you'll be fine. It's time to go to Gerber baby food, you know, the little Mastiff green beans is nasty and hold their nose when I fed it which is how you do that, but it was awful, but then eventually you grow up and your you got the meat right and some of us are Probably should be at the meet stage. We're still sucking on milk, and that's why we're kind of in the place that we're in right now. And you need you need some meat and you can get it has lots of places. I mean there's more for you like so much more for your life resources where you live America not buying it.

He won't buy that excuse there is no excuse. Take advantage of the resources take advantage of the amazing resources that we have too many that's why it's confusing. I'm never getting some magazines at the house. There's so many we got to use my airline miles for Spirit. Can you know, those are worthless and I had I had so many I had so many magazines. I had food magazines. I had to go in for flights. I mean God forbid if they let you use that for a flight, but these guys been need to sit down and relax on the couch. If you have that time. I was very few and far between just kind of which one should I recall overwhelmed and then you just keep one if you And that's what it's like supposed to get overwhelmed by all the resources all the things you go to YouTube when I asked the Lord come up with a plan. I have one always going through different books and you can ask me later. What what that is or ask your life group leader, but there's many different ways to grow but have a plan it is so much easier if there's a plan I would imagine the disciples had a plan, They just all of a sudden no Psalm 68 and someone someone to the word easy for them. God is big enough to prevent that and take that lot and turn into certain way or do whatever it takes to get the other guy in so we knew this was the right one is named just happen to be a gift of God. And so are you your gift amazing gift in the world get Mason gift to your community amazing gift to your class amazing gift to each other and understand that when you go out and know that you're a gift know where you can find help know where you can get them help that's an impressive gift your resource in the hands of the Lord father. We thank you so much for what you're doing this church. You're incredible. Your Sovereign your holy righteous. You're good. You're all knowing. You're all-powerful and every place that every time ready to meet our needs every season. Love the passage from Tyler today. So I'm 23 what an amazing. If you're have a past history just go home and meditate on Psalm 23 with an incredible song. Lord is our shepherd. I shall not want there's no want we have you as our Shepherd because all of our needs everything that we need is taken care of. I have contentment whether I have much or they're very little and so father we ask you in Jesus name so that you would give us a great hunger for your word. For prayer for fellowship with each other and got him power us for the mission of God next week as we look at a text to you as they waited for the power of the Holy Spirit to come. I pray even today. We wait on your power. We were lying urpower be filled with the holy spirit. So we might go out and be a gift be a gift to this world in Jesus name. All right. I just I think it's powerful and is not an emotional plea of not trying to use nothing happens miraculously when you touch the carpet by the way, just so you know Wonderful carpet, but I ain't nothing happens when you put a knee down to the floor, but it's a pot of posture like it just sometimes I'm in my room and I do get on my knees cuz I just it's a posture. It's like I just a desperate that's a desperation. But it just if you need to come and just for your own sake with the Lord just I want to respond to him this morning. I want to I want to meet God in a powerful way. I want him to speak to me through his where I want him to empower me. I want I want again understand the importance of church. I've lost the vision for church man. I want that Vision again. I want that stirring. I want that believe if you're dealing with unbelief. The first I just I do wanted to say if there's any person here right now. The Bible clearly says that if you deny me on Earth, I will deny you in heaven before your company of angels and I just want to give you an opportunity to say hey, if if you never give in your life to Jesus and made him both Savior and Lord and saying I want to follow him. He is the only way I'm not going to go to the news this kind of Nations got to go. I don't know what to do with it. But I want to go across I want to go to him on a trust him this morning. Would you just would you just honestly just stand where you are just come up with would love to pray for you and one of the most powerful things that I did when I was 18 years old, I just said yes, I just simply just said yes to him and for 20 years now this September twenty years. In October of twenty years Nicole and I've known each other. I guess it got saved and not always work that way, but I've never lived one day. Brighten say Lord. I need something from this book. I need you. Maybe was a short prayer of it was busy or just something but I will get in the habit of doing that. If your believer get in the habit of doing that is your only Authority not what you feel not what you think but what he says, but if you want to give yourself to the Lord and come to Faith and just trust him and say Jesus for the first time. I just want to trust you. I want to place my faith and my trust in you that that cross will not move that noose and that branch that was weak wood. NFL but that cross that was up on a hill to see the difference in the valley. Turn on the hill we can trust that cross. It was sturdy. It was perfect was able to hold the sins of this world courses they able to hold yours is able to hold yours. If you want that if you're like man, I just I feel like I feel like I know Jesus I feel like I kind of know him. I've been to church my whole life. I I know all the stuff a man if I'm honest. I don't really know him. I really do love him. I don't have a desire for the scriptures. But you know what today is going to change. I want to know him that way. I want to Hungerford because it's a Believer you have that hunger. It is the word the very word that became flesh that saved use the very word that we read. If we don't have a hunger for that, today's the day you get that hunger because that is a sure sign of Salvation is a hunger and a respect for his word. Never had a Twist of Believers Army to reading only an unbeliever because we know that that so I'd love you if you if you want it just even if it helps even Get the bully just come up front. I just want to pray for you. I think this is do you know that do you know that want one of the things that I get some guys around him some of the leaders just pray. I pray that I'll pray with you, but you can but I just want to say Luke 15 something absolutely amazing. It says it in the Lost coin the lost sheep in the Lost Woods. It says all of Heaven rejoices over one sinner who comes you know, what it's saying. You don't do people say like all we just got to go chase people, you know, the 99 we got to we got to go chase that one and you know what he was saying this 99 I fear for the 99 I would I be careful if you were born in 99 how we could save today. Because the 99 was Jesus's your furniture is a self-righteous people. He said I'm leaving the self-righteous people and I'm running after the one who wants it and all of Heaven Rejoice because one person came and I'm telling you every day haven't read racing every single day of the year. Somebody around the world is getting saved. And that is the Father's Joy. It is amazing. I'll never forget that day 18. I mean something shifted in my heart. I became it did for the rest of my life changes. I acknowledge that. He is Lord and Savior. I acknowledge my sin that I was offending God with my speech my my thoughts with my actions and I acknowledge that he had a remedy is called The Gospel it is true is it was two thousand years ago is it is today the power to save I am not ashamed of the Gospel, but I am believing because it is the power of God. To save both Jew and Gentile and your hands in Jesus name. We thank you Father for the power of Salvation. We thank you Jesus for just your work of the power of the Holy Spirit to come and open up our minds and our hearts to the truth that we have offended you that we are far from you but that did not stop your plan and sending Jesus that while we were still sinners Christ died for our sins. And you made a payment for us who substituted us. You went to the cross and all of our sins on that cross so that we might be free. We might be free and have a relationship with you. We acknowledge Jesus that you're the only way the truth and the life. Would you be feeling would you fill him with your Holy Spirit right now? Would you fill them a new I got to give him a great hunger for your word got to give him a hatred for set an alert for what is right in Jesus name and be a witness of faithful witness in Jerusalem, Judea Samaria and the ends of the Earth in Jesus name.

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