Matt 24
Handout for Matthew 24, “Not one Stone”
Goal: to see the difference between Jesus’ prophesies for the end of the Old Covenant and the end of the world
Timeline for the Great Jewish Revolt
Jerusalem revolts, Emperor
Nero sends army battle over temple leaves
dead in Holy of Holies-->
Abomination of Desolation,
Rome retreats, Nero in
"Messiah" Simon bar Giora
defeats Roman army
marching toward Jerusalem
Jewish refugees flood
Nero deposed, Battle of
Jerusalem stopped
Riots in Jerusalem over
pagan sacrifices in the
Christians Flee to Pella
Zealots, unhappy with
priests, takeover temple
Roman general Vespasian
attacks Galilee, killing
100,000 Jews
All four gospels record Jesus crossing
the Sea of Galilee. The people of the
Decapolis believed Jesus’ message in
Mark 7:36-37.
The Temple, Jerusalem, and political
Israel were about to be destroyed,
but Jesus provided a way for his
followers to be saved. What should
we learn from this?
Sept. 8, AD 70, Titus
breaches the city walls.
Josephus says 1 million
people are killed, many of
Rome regroups, refugees them crucified.
fleeing Jerusalem are
Vespasian becomes
General Titus attacks
Jerusalem at Passover
Fall of Masada fortress and
the end of the Jewish state
until 1948
Zealots burn food to force
God to do a miracle, he
doesn't, thousands starve