Judges 2
Prequel to Saviors that fail: When: Israel was in slavery for
400 years. Then Moses led the Exodus into the desert. His
successor, Joshua, let them into the promised land. Now, 100
years after the Exodus and 50 years after the Covenant, will God’s
people finish what they started? Will God?
Who: The 12 tribes of Israel came from Jacob’s (aka Israel) 12
sons. Judah is the star of the show, mostly. Or is God?
The Canaanites were the people living in the promised land when
the 12 tribes of Israel got there. The various “-ites” (like
Perizzites) can be thought of as sub-tribes of Canaanites.
The “Judges” didn’t judge like what happens in a courtroom. They
were “deliverers” or “saviors”. Who will be saved?
This week on Saviors that fail: God scolds Israel and they cry
about it. Is it true repentance? Only time will tell . . . unless the
rest of the chapter tells us. Is God torn between wrath and mercy?
Application →Forgetting God really, really
makes it hard to do the right thing. Do we
commit, “THE evil”? .... And will someone finally tell Spain about the Light of the
Judges 2:1-3:6 Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
Pattern of Sin and Judgment
2 The angel of the LORD went up
from Gilgal to Bochim and said,
“I brought you out of Egypt
and led you into the land I
had promised to your
fathers. I also said: I will
never break my covenant with
you. 2 You are not to make a
covenant with the inhabitants of
this land. You are to tear down their altars. But
you have not obeyed me. What is this you have
done? 3 Therefore, I now say: I will not drive
out these people before you. They will be
thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a
trap for you.” 4 When the angel of the LORD had
spoken these words to all the Israelites, the
people wept loudly. 5 So they named that place
Bochim and offered sacrifices there to the LORD.
Angel of the Lord
“Angel” means “messenger”. Nowhere in the OT do “angels” have wings.
The term is used for regular, human messengers, and even prophets. We
usually confuse angels with cherubs (2 wings) or seraphs (6 wings). Here, as
in other places, the angel of the Lord speaks with the full force of God
himself. In Exodus 23, God promised to send an angel before them. The last
time this angel was seen was at Gilgal . . . the place near Jericho where they
worshiped before the battle… the last time Israel was committed to God. His
words summarize themes from Deuteronomy and Joshua.
Joshua’s Death
A Sermon
Verses 2:6 to 3:6 are a commentary
Previously, when
by the author. This “sermon” about
Joshua had sent the
the state of Israel is an introduction
to the rest of the book. Things in
people away, the
general terms here will be fleshed out
Israelites had gone to
take possession of the
land, each to his own inheritance. 7 The people
worshiped the LORD throughout Joshua’s
lifetime and during the lifetimes of the elders
who outlived Joshua. They had seen all
the LORD’s great works he had done for
Joshua son of Nun, the servant of the LORD,
died at the age of 110. 9 They buried him in the
territory of his inheritance, in Timnath-heres, in
the hill country of Ephraim, north of Mount
Gaash. 10 That whole generation was also
gathered to their ancestors. After them another
generation rose up who did not know
the LORD or the works he had done for
We already had the story of Joshua’s death in the book of Joshua. The
narrator assumes that you know that, but is telling the story again with an
emphasis on the differences between generations.
There is an afterlife distinction for God’s people and not. Since Abraham’s
burial in Hebron, God’s physical promised land represents something
more. Jacob wanted his bones returned here. See Exodus 3 and Mark 12.
T he Israelites did what
The evil
was evil in the LORD’s
In English, there is a difference
sight. They worshiped
between “ugly” and “the ugly”.
the Baals 12 and
Adding “the” means
abandoned the LORD, the something. Here too, even in
God of their fathers, who Hebrew. In Deuteronomy,
“the evil” always meant
had brought them out of
following other gods and doing
Egypt. They followed
the terrible things that result.
other gods from the
“Evil” is murder/theft/adultery
but “the evil” is violating the
surrounding peoples and
first commandment.
bowed down to them.
They angered
the LORD,13 for they abandoned him and
worshiped Baal and the Ashtoreths.
The LORD’s anger burned against Israel, and
he handed them over to marauders who raided
them. He sold them to the enemies around
them, and they could no longer resist their
enemies. 15 Whenever the Israelites went out,
the LORD was against them and brought
disaster on them, just as he had promised and
sworn to them. So they suffered greatly.
Fertility Religions: making connections
We saw in Galatians the desires of the flesh are opposed to the desires
of the Spirit. Paul even calls the desires of the flesh “idolatry”.
Baal and Ashtoresh were male and female fertility gods. Their sexual
union, so believed, brought bigger crops, bigger herds, and bigger
families. The economic and political security of big, healthy families
was appealing in gods that rewarded fleshly desire. In Paul’s day like
now, dropping the names doesn’t mean dropping base desires.
The LORD raised
Did sending judges work? Why
up judges, who saved
or why not?
them from the power of
their marauders, 17 but
they did not listen to their judges. Instead,
they prostituted themselves with other gods,
bowing down to them. They quickly turned
from the way of their fathers, who had walked
in obedience to the LORD’s commands. They did
not do as their fathers did. 18 Whenever
the LORD raised up a judge for the Israelites,
the LORD was with him and saved the people
from the power of their enemies while the
judge was still alive. The LORD was moved to
pity whenever they groaned because of those
who were oppressing and afflicting
them. 19 Whenever the judge died, the
Israelites would act even more corruptly than
their fathers, following other gods to serve
them and bow in worship to them. They did not
turn from their evil
Why would they get worse?
practices or their
obstinate ways.
The LORD’s anger burned against Israel, and
he declared, “Because this nation has violated
my covenant that I made with their fathers and
disobeyed me, 21 I will no longer drive out
before them any of the nations Joshua
left when he died. 22 I did this to test Israel and
to see whether or not they would keep
the LORD’s way by walking in it,
as their fathers
had.” 23 The LORD left these
nations and did not drive them out
immediately. He did not hand
them over to Joshua.
History or sermon?
Detailing chronology is not the author’s intent. He makes clear
from this beginning that Israel’s spiritual state is the message of
this book. We shall see Israel become like the nations around
them . . . and even worse!!
The LORD Tests Israel
3 These are the nations the LORD left in order
to test all those in Israel who had
experienced none of the wars in Canaan. 2 This
was to teach the future generations of the
Israelites how to fight in battle, especially
those who had not fought before. 3 These
nations included the five rulers of the
Philistines and all of the Canaanites, the
Sidonians, and the Hivites who lived in the
Lebanese mountains from Mount Baal-hermon
as far as the entrance to
Hamath. 4 The LORD left them to test Israel, to
determine if they would keep the LORD’s
commands he had given their fathers
through Moses. 5 But they settled among the
Canaanites, Hethites, Amorites, Perizzites,
Hivites, and Jebusites. 6 The Israelites took
their daughters as wives for themselves, gave
their own daughters to their sons, and
worshiped their gods.