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What’s Next
What will be taking place in Heaven while the tribulation is happening here on earth.
Over the past several we have been talking about the next events that we believe are going to happen on God’s prophetic calendar. We have looked at the rapture of the church, the 7 year tribulation and today we are going to look at what will be taking place in heaven during the 7 year tribulation here on Earth. So if you would please turn in your Bibles to Revelation Chapter 4 as we begin our study today.
Now I believe that the rapture of the church could take place at any moment. And the question we have been asking through this series is how do we live today knowing that at any moment the trumpet of God could sound and the dead in Christ be raised and those of tus hat remain are caught up with them in the clouds to be with Lord according to Thessalonians 4.
This morning we are going to take a look at two events that I believe will take place in heaven while the tribulation is happening here on this Earth. And what we are going to see today is that there must be an interval between the rapture of the church and the Glorious appearing of Christ at the end of the tribulation period.
The first event that I want us to take a look at today is the Judgement Seat Of Christ. Look with me if you would at II Corinthians 5:9-10.
Paul is speaking to the believers at Corinth and in the beginning verses of this passage he is reminding the believers of the resurrection that is to come for believers. And he talks about how we are in this body we are physically separated from the Lord. And in verse 8 he says we are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. Now I don’t want to get us off track today but this is great news for believers. And the news is this “This world for believers is a bad as it gets”. For those who have placed their faith in trust in Jesus Christ, when we die we become we are no longer in this earthly body but we are now present with the Lord.
And then he goes on to say that wether absent or present our goal is to b pleasing to Him. And heres why? Their is a judgment that is coming. Now I want you to keep in mind that everyone of will one day stand before God in judgement. the bible says in Hebrews 9:27 that man is appointed to die once and then after that the judgment. There is a judgment that is coming for those who accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior (Judgment seat of Christ) and judgment for those that have not accepted Christ as Lord and savior (Great White Throne Judgment). The one we want to focus on today is the Judgment seat of Christ. The judgment for those who have who have placed their faith in Christ.
Now the word Paul used for Judgment seat is the word Bema in the Greek. And it is important to understand that this word is never used at the end of the book of revelation when we see the judgment that is to come for those who did not receive Christ or the Judgment for Satan and the antichrist. But it is mentioned here and Revelation Chapter 4 as a judgment for believers.
A few things I want you note about this judgment.
This is not a judgment of salvation.
The Bible says this in John 5:24, anyone who hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not come under judgement. but has passed from life death to life.
That word judgment there is the same as condemnation. John 3:17. “For God did not send His Son into the World to condemn but that the world the world Through Him (Christ) might be saved.
Listen, there is no judgment in the bible where God judges a person to determine whether a person is saved or lost. The judgments in the Bible all have to do with execution of the sentence. And here is why. A person is not saved or lost by how well they live their life on this earth. Salvation is not determined by the works you do or do not do. Whether you are saved or lost all depends on what you do with Christ. It is based on your relationship with Him and thats it. Did you place your faith in trust in Jesus Christ period.
So this is not a judgment of salvation. So what kind of judgment is this? Glad you asked
2. This is a judgment of evaluation.
At this judgment, your works will be evaluated. How you lived out your Christian life will be evaluated. And Paul says or life will be evaluated for the good things and the bad things. Our life will be evaluated for well we followed Christ as believers, how well we carried out the Great Commission in our lives. How well we loved and served others. all these things will be evaluated. for good and for bad
Paul talks about this 1st Corinthians 3 where he says everyones works will become clear. And each ones works will be tested by fire and that the works that are not burned up will be rewarded but the works that are burned up he will suffer loss. And he goes on to say that your works will be burned up but you yourself will be saved. Again letting us know that this is not a judgment of salvation but a judgment of evaluation.
3. When and Why does this judgment take place.
While we are not sure exactly when this judgement takes we do know that it will take place in heaven and it will take place when the church is in heaven. So that means it will take place sometime after the rapture of the church and before the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb. Now many scholars believe that Revelation Chapter 4 is the place of the Judgment seat of Christ and the reason is that in this passage John is caught up into to heaven and given a glimpse of en event that takes place around the throne in heaven.
In Verse 2 of Rev chapter 4 he an there a throne set in Heaven. Now word word used for throne in this passage is the same word Paul Used in 2 Corinthians for Bema Seat. So he seas a throne of judgment . And then John talks about this worship that is taking place around the throne and when the worship happens, those around the throne fall down and they worship and part of that worship is casting their crowns down at the feet of Jesus.
What are the crowns? the crowns are the rewards. What will we do with those crowns will lay them down at the feet of Jesus in a great time of worship. Now I don’t want to be left out when believers from all walks of life and from every generation since the creation of man are all gathered around the throne singing Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord are casting their crowns at the feet of the one who took your place and my place on the cross, who bore our sins and our shame, i don’t want to miss out. I want to be fully involved in that great time of worship.