Forgive Us Our Debts Matt
Forgive Us Our Debts Matt. 6:12 EBC 5/14/06
One of the hardest things we have to do is to forgive. Forgiveness is something we try to understand very little about.
Somethings about forgiveness:
I. Forgiveness in Required
A. Forgiveness gives eternal life
1. Isa. 59:2 – what God says concerning our sins
B. Forgiveness is ours when we come to Christ
1. Col. 2:13-14 -
2. Eph. 1:7-
C. We need forgiveness daily
1. Psa. 66:18 -
2. Eph. 4:30-31-
D. We need to forgive
1. Matt. 18:21-22-
2. Eph. 4:32-
II. Forgiveness Is Requested
A. We need to seek forgiveness from God
1. Eph. 2:8-9-
2. Eph. 1:7-
3. Psa. 32:5-
4. 1 John 1:9-
B. We need to seek forgiveness from others
1. Matt. 5:22-24-
2. Jas 5:16-
3. Luke 17:3-4-
III. Forgiveness Is Relative
Anytime I come to God I must understand that I am responsible to forgive
A. Heb. 6:15- fail to forgive brings bitterness
1. Pastor Jack Peters – “I am forgiven relative to the extent I am willing to forgive. To not forgive is to not understand God’s forgiveness.
B. Matt. 6:14-15-
IV. Forgiveness Is Repeated
A. By God
1. 1 John 1:9-
2. Psa. 103:10-14-
B. By Us
1. Luke 17:3-4-
a. Forgiveness means you are removing responsibility from that person. Pastor Jack Peters “don’t bring it up to them, to others, to yourself, to God