Weak Faith Strong Savior

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Many years ago there was a man, a friend of mine who tells a story about how he almost lost his life. He was with another friend and they had been out all day and went back to their apartment to rest. While one of the guys went to take a nap my friend went and took a quick shower. However my friend never finished his shower. Time passed and this other friend woke and realized immediately something was wrong. He woke up rushed to bathroom and there was my friend passed out on the bathroom floor. What was the cause? A gas leak. An odorless, invisible, gas that almost took this mans life. They rushed him to the hospital and I believe he was in a coma until he finally came to and made a full recovery. Why do I tell you this story? As we look at the passage in Mark this afternoon, Jesus is going to be talking about the danger of unbelief. Much like a gas leak, unbelief can go undetected in our lives, and yet it is deadly. You see the sin of unbelief doesn’t mean we don’t believe in something. All of us have belief. Even if you say you don’t believe in anything, you are believing that that statement is true. The point is IF we believe, we all believe, but it is WHO or what are we trusting and believing in. Mark is going to give us a story, and incredible look at the danger of unbelief and yet show us that the only hope to heal this type of unbelief and weak faith in our lives is a Strong Savior. Let’s stand for the reading of God’s word:
Mark 9:14–18 CSB
When they came to the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and scribes disputing with them. When the whole crowd saw him, they were amazed and ran to greet him. He asked them, “What are you arguing with them about?” Someone from the crowd answered him, “Teacher, I brought my son to you. He has a spirit that makes him unable to speak. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him down, and he foams at the mouth, grinds his teeth, and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive it out, but they couldn’t.”
Mark 9:14–18 CNVT


Look at this scene. We see that the disciples are surrounded by a crowd, and we discover that what has been happening for the past few days, or moments, is that a man has brought his son has is experiencing torment from the power of Satan. Look at verse 18
Mark 9:18 CSB
Whenever it seizes him, it throws him down, and he foams at the mouth, grinds his teeth, and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive it out, but they couldn’t.”
Mark 9:18 CNVT
“They couldn’t” this includes the meaning of power, which means they were defeated in a power struggle. Not just they can’t, but they weren’t strong enough.
What happened between Mark 6:7 and this moment? In Mark 6:7 we see that the disciples went from village to village and had great fruit in healing and delivering people from demons. So what happened now? Has the anointing run out? Did Jesus not give them enough power?
One commentator says this: The disciples had been tempted to believe that the gift they had received from Jesus (Ch. 6:7) was in their control and could be exercised at their disposal, whenever they wanted. They took God’s gift to use for their own glory. How many times have we been tempted, are we still tempted to believe that God’s gift in our lives can be used however WE WANT and HOWEVER we choose? Here’s the thing: our authority in Christ does NOT rest in our past achievements or successes. Our call is to daily depend, daily surrender, daily rely on the power of Christ. Why are they arguing with scribes? Jewish leaders, had exorcisms, and in this moment of pain and suffering for this dad, the disciples are arguing, comparison, with these scribes. Watch what I can do!
1)Unbelief leaves us powerless because it causes us to try to do the work of Christ. apart from relationship with Christ.
John 15:4–5 CSB
Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.
John 15:4–5 CNVT
Our living a life FOR Christ was never meant to separated from our relationship, our dependence on Christ.
Look at down at verse 19. Jesus is angry. He says “you unbelieving generation how long will I be with you?” You want to take notice in the Scriptures when Jesus gets angry. This reveals what He cares about. And in this story why is Jesus angry? Because His disciples as representatives of Him have failed to produce the fruit to exercise the authority and power that they had been given through Him. Jesus expects we as the church to produce fruit. Now it’s one thing if we don’t see fruit or miracles according to the Sovereign will of God like we said before. However, Jesus says that in this moment, the disciples are stuck, left powerless because of their unbelief.
Have we become content with our programs, our tricks, and then men and women who are seeking deliverance because they’ve heard that Jesus has power, have walked into our gatherings and are left bound up the same as this father, because instead of relying upon the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit we have compromised and become content with the status quo.
Jesus even puts his disciples into the same category as the scribes! He says you have unbelief.
#2 is that unbelief causes us to try to do the right things but for the wrong reasons.
These disciples were attempting to do a good thing right? Let’s help this guy, but for the wrong reasons. Whether it be to impress the crowd, to show how they were better than the scribes, this “good thing” was still being done for the wrong reason, and Jesus calls it unbelief. Scribes and Pharisees would both do good works and repent of bad works. However the Gospel is so different, this kind of unbelief that Jesus is accusing His disciples of is different. Gospel repentance isn’t just doing good works and repenting for bad works, it’s even repenting of the good works we do for the wrong reasons.
Church are you here, are doing “good things” trying to get the favor of God? Trying to get the blessing of God? I’ve heard testimony after testimony of morally good people who had to repent of their moralism because they were trusting in their good works to save them instead of Christ and Christ alone. The Gospel calls you and I to repent. Jesus stills calls that unbelief.
The sin of unbelief will keep us from experiencing the power of God in our lives. We are like the disciples where are too quick to trust in our own abilities and resources rather than in the power of God. DADS, MOMS, PARENTS, WORKERS.Where are we, where are you, putting your trust your hope in your own strength, abilities, in the things of man, rather than in the Lord?


The scene moves to where the boys father comes to Jesus and begins to describe the experience of his son’s situation. Look at these descriptions with me:
1.Throws him down
2.Foams at the mouth
3.Grinds his teeth
4.He becomes rigid
5.Throws him into the water and fire
These things all occurred since childhood. Could you imagine the sleepless nights this father had, how many times he jumped up ran to his sons aid, but was left helpless to do anything? How many of us have been in a situation where we have felt helpless. Helpless in our suffering helpless to withstand the attacks of our spiritual enemy. Now Mark is reminding us here that there is real spiritual enemy that seeks to destroy. The bible tells us that we have an enemy of our faith: Satan, and his purpose is to destroy.
1 Peter 5:8–9 CSB
Be sober-minded, be alert. Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world.
1 Peter 5:8–9 CNVT
Ghost month, I understand it is a part of culture, but there is a real spiritual realm that as Christians we stand and make war against. We know that the bible tells us that the goal of these demonic beings is to destroy, to blind, and to lead people away from the gospel and from Christ.
3 commands from Scripture when it comes to Spiritual warfare:
Be alert注意。 ( 1 Peter 5:8-9)
Be strong堅強。 (Ephesians 6:10)
Be not afraid 不要懼怕(John 16:33 )
What unbelief does is it not only leaves us powerless for ministry, but it leaves us helpless to overcome both sin and satan.
In this story the dad is helpless against this demonic attack on his son.
Yet, as you read this story a question should pop up(describe this)
Why does Jesus not command the demon to come out right away, why does He ask the Father ‘how long’ first? Have you ever felt this way? Where it seems like God is absent, or God is slow. You might be asking “why”?Why are you allowing this pain this suffering to endure?
I had a friend who was dealing with stomach pain. A dad of 3 kids, went into the hospital because he was having intense stomach pain. As he went to the doctors he asked them to treat his stomach pain, but what they discovered was far more serious. That day he found out he had stomach cancer. He died less than a year later.
This is what Jesus is doing with this dad, saying listen your coming to me for your felt need which I can meet, but my power is even greater than that, because you have a greater need that I want to heal, this cancer that’s in your heart.
Unbelief. Notice the father in verse 22 says this to Jesus “If you can” . He’s saying
“I know I’m asking for something big here, something that your disciples couldn’t do, something that my love for my son can’t do, something the religious leaders can’t do, so “if you can” help me. “If you can” How many of us feel this way? Like our problems are situations are too big for God?
Unbelief creates small view of God. Unbelief takes God, in our hearts, from His heavenly throne seated above ALL THINGS, full in power, and it lowers Him to a small god who might be able to help me, but I’m not sure.
This is actually how most gods in religion are. For example here in Taiwan, I was talking recently to some brothers and we were reminded how in Taiwan, the gods are not all powerful, and don’t need help, but instead they are limited and actually NEED our help. So many of you and Taiwanese wonder can this god actually help me? Can this deity, really bring me deliverance? I’m not sure. This is what our unbelief does church, it lowers God from being the all powerful all knowing Creator, to being a small limited deity.
So Hebrews tells us this:
Hebrews 3:12 CSB
Watch out, brothers and sisters, so that there won’t be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.
Hebrews 3:12 CNVT
弟兄們,你們要小心,免得你們中間有人存著邪惡、不信的心,以致離棄了永活的 神;


So what’s the hope, what’s the cure for our unbelief, for our weak faith? Let’s see what the father does:
What does this man do with his unbelief?
1.Comes to Jesus. When we experience or have moments of unbelief, we run to Christ. We run to Jesus. Not away, but run to Christ.
Hebrews 4:15–16 CSB
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin. Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.
Hebrews 4:15–16 CNVT
2. Confesses what he believes to be true. This statement “I do believe” means more than just I believe your able. It actually means more, I believe not only that you’re only that you’re able, but I believe you are who you say you are. Church, in moments of doubt, unbelief, suffering, we need to begin to confess biblical truths about who God is. (gospel truths, need to constantly be reminding each other and ourselves. We can do a lot of self talk, a lot listening to the enemy, but here, the father confesses what he believes about Jesus. The bible says that faith comes by hearing(the word of God), how do we grow in faith? Reading and obeying the word of God.
3. Asks for deliverance for the places in his heart of unbelief.
This word “help” is like someone crying out from a fire. This man realized that not only did his son need deliverance but he did too, from his unbelief. Do we see our areas of unbelief in our life in this same way. Come to my rescue, come to my aid, and help my unbelief. Faith is both a gift from God and a human response(Ephesians 2:8-9) Ask God for faith. We can ask the Holy Spirit, give me the faith to believe, increase my faith God, I believe, but help, rescue me from my unbelief.
Now I want us to stop here, because how would you imagine Jesus to respond to this. I believe but I also have unbelief. Would you imagine, God folding his arms, saying, you know, your faith right now is at a level 2 but I really need it to be at a level 7 before I do anything? Does rebuke the father and say “what you believe but also have unbelief?” No how does Jesus respond?
Mark 9:25 CSB
When Jesus saw that a crowd was quickly gathering, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, “You mute and deaf spirit, I command you: Come out of him and never enter him again.”
Mark 9:25 CNVT
Jesus responded by answering this fathers plea. What we will see it’s not the AMOUNT OF faith that we have, but it is the OBJECT of our faith that matters. Who are we putting our trust in.

I want us to take a step back, and realize something. The answer for our unbelief, the cure for our weak faith, is a STRONG CHRIST. The only thing that can help can heal a weak faith is a strong savior. What the disciples couldn’t do, what the scribes and pharisees couldn’t do, what this dad couldn’t do even though he had so much love for his son, a weak faith in a great Christ did.

Church, access to power of God, sharing in the love of Christ, does not come by any other way except through faith, and faith alone. Right now there are people who believe that the only way they have access to freedom, to blessing, to deliverance is by (creating)mustering up this great amount of faith. and then finally the gods will bless me or heal me, BUT THAT IS NOT THE GOSPEL. Jesus shows us that even that weakest faith, the smallest amount, like a small seed, but placed in Him, ANYTHING, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. The power does not reside in our amount of faith, but it resides in the ONE that we place our faith in.
1 John 5:4–5 CSB
because everyone who has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith. Who is the one who conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
1 John 5:4–5 CNVT
因為凡從 神生的就勝過世界。使我們勝過世界的,就是我們的信心。勝過世界的是誰呢?不就是那信耶穌是 神的兒子的嗎?
Story that Brandon and Jess shared of a resurrection. Brand new believer. I’m sure theology wasn’t perfect, I know they still had sin in their hearts, yet, their faith, in a strong and able Christ, anything is possible.


Where do you feel weak? Place your weakness in a strong Christ. Where do we feel like we are failing, place those areas in a strong Christ. Where do we see and know we are unable, run to A God, a Savior who is more than able!


But I want to close by speaking to those of you who haven’t experienced this kind of deliverance. How would this encourage a suffering church and a suffering person?
There is a theme in the bible where God takes what is weak what is even hurting to accomplish His purposes. Think about most of the men and women God uses in the bible they are men and women who had moments a great need and weakness. I would same the same here. It is in this dad’s moment of suffering where Jesus comes so near to him, pulling the back the layers of this mans heart and bringing deliverance not just one deliverance but two.
Faith requires us to believe God to heal, but it also calls us to continue to trust even when He doesn’t. I’ll tell you this. If you’re going through something it’s not meaningless. Your suffering is not meaningless. Our suffering our waiting just like this dads, is meant to draw you to Christ, to bring us out of our unbelief and build our faith in Jesus.
“My weakness, that is, my quadriplegia, is my greatest asset, because it forces me into the arms of Christ every single morning when I get up.” J. Tada
2 Corinthians 1:3–7 CSB
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation. If we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings that we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that as you share in the sufferings, so you will also share in the comfort.
2 Corinthians 1:3–7 CNVT
我們主耶穌基督的父 神是應當稱頌的。他是滿有憐憫的父,各樣安慰的 神。我們在一切患難中, 神都安慰我們,使我們能用他所賜的安慰,去安慰那些在各樣患難中的人。我們既然多受基督所受的痛苦,就靠著基督多得安慰。如果我們遭遇患難,那是要使你們得著安慰,得著拯救;如果我們得到安慰,是要使你們得到安慰。這安慰使你們能夠忍受我們所受那樣的痛苦。我們對你們的盼望是堅定的,因為知道你們既然一同受痛苦,也必照樣同得安慰。
So church let’s take our unbelief, our weak faith, and place it and run to a Strong Christ.
Let’s pray.
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