Lead Us Not into Temptation Matt
Lead Us Not into Temptation Matt. 6:13 Sunday School 7/09/06
We all face temptation – James 1:13-15 –
* KJV Bible Commentary - Lead us not into temptation is a plea for the providential help of God in our daily confrontation with the temptation of sin. There is a difference between Trials and temptations. Charles Stanley - The Heavenly father has a purpose for testing the believer's faith. He stretches us so that we will have greater capacity to serve Him. He desires our complete dependence regardless of the situation. That is why He will test His children repeatedly until they successfully bear up under the pressure.
I. There must be a Desire on my Part
A. James 1:14 - Some want to be tempted. Gen. 3:12 – Adam blamed God.
1. Pornography
2. Alcohol
3. Gossip
4. Worry – much worry is self-centered
B. We are tempted many times because we have wrong kinds of desires
1. When we pray 6:13, we are expressing a desire to have victory over our desires. We understand that we are weak.
2. How does God allow trials?
a. Objectively – as with Peter.
b. Permissively – when he does not restrain Satan – allows him to sift us as wheat
C. 1 John 2:15-17 –
1. These are the three areas of temptation. We are tempted when we have a greater desire to sin than to please God.
2. We must love God enough to overcome temptation
a. 1 John 4:19 -
b. John 14:15 –
D. Thomas Watson - To tempt is to make trial of a person, in order to find out what he is and what he will do.
II. There must be a Decision on my Part
A. Rom. 6:1-4; 10-14 -
1. You must make a decision that you are dead unto sin
2. You will either yield to sin or to God.
B. John MacArthur - So the believer prays to be kept from overwhelming solicitation to sin.
III. There must be a Dependence on my Part
A. 1 Cor. 10:12-14 -
1. Your temptation to sin can be defeated no matter how great a temptation it is in God’s strength.
2. When temptation comes we must flee
a. Heb. 4:15 -
B. John MacArthur - In a cursed world where we are battered by evil all around us, we confess our inadequacy to deal with evil. We confess the weakness of our flesh and the absolute impotency of human resources to combat sin and rescue us from its clutches.