Setting the Leadership Straight

Setting Things Straight  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God brings order to the church by appointing quality leaders.

Growing up I spent a lot of time at my grandmother’s house while my mother was at work. I remember when my grandmother lived in this big house in the two hundred block of North Harrison Ave in the 70’s, its now a lot for Trucks. When she had to run errands, I remember she would often leave my uncle Cloyd in charge of the house. He was in charge of my Uncles Rick and BayBay, and Aunts Trina and Stacy. You see my grandmother who was in charge, appointed Cloyd because he was more mature and commanded the respect of the others. She anticipated Rick and BayBay getting out of line. But she knew if things got out of order and they often did, he would be able to set things straight before she got back home.
Here we see a similar case in Crete, Paul appoints Titus to carry out the tasked establishing order to the church that was organized here on the isle of Crete. He tells Titus put into order the things that have been left undone. That is, deal with the false doctrine and appoint elders in every town. Apparently Paul has been to Crete and organized some churches but could not complete the job because he had to leave hastily. And now Titus is charged, to carry it out. Titus is someone who has been with Paul and is respected among his peers as well as the community. Paul trust Titus to do just as he would have done if he himself were present.
There may not have been a church in every town on this mission, but for every town that had a church, he was to appoint an elder. Eldership as we will see in this letter has nothing to do with age of a person, more so on the basis of character that person. It must be noted that Paul says that Titus is to do as Paul directed, which would suggest that Titus is being reminded and the Cretan churches know that he is acting in Paul’s authority.
God brings order to the church by appointing quality leaders.

The Need for Quality Leaders V. 10-12, 15-16

The lack of order in the church produces a need for quality leaders.
Individual in the church in Crete were totally out of order. They needed immediate correction. These false teachers and their teaching and its ramifications in the lives of those who heard them and in the lives of those they appoint mean Paul must act quickly and decisively to silence them.
There were many who were insubordinate, that is they were disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority. They were rebelliously disobedient.
They were empty talkers, their talk was worthless drivel, foolish babble, in other words, their teaching was nonsense and it would lead to the deception of the people.
They were deceivers, people who lead you to believe something that is not true.
He highlights the circumcision party, the Judiazers, Jewish Christians, who insisted that Gentiles must be circumcised in order to be Christians.
Paul declares they must be silenced, made to stop talking.
They upsetting, ruining, turning families upside down, changing the normalcy of their lives, by teaching for money and that became their primary goal for teaching. Teaching out of compulsion, with profit as their motive.
They are defiled, stained, and unbelieving and nothing is pure to them. Their consciences are stained.
They profess, openly talk about knowing God, but their behavior in how they treat others and motive for what they do says something different.
These individuals are disgusting to God, won’t obey Him and worthless.
They simple fail to meet the requirements of a leader.

The Requirements for Quality Leaders V. 6-8

God requires godly standards for quality leaders.
Elders were well known and respected members of the Jewish community who were expected to lead by example This character and function of synagogue elders served as a template for elders in the Christian community.
Excellent Character
Above reproach
Husband of one wife
His children are believers
His children are not charged with
He must meet certain requirements as a steward. As an administrator, one who supervises or has charge and direction of God’s people.
He cannot possess undesirable qualities of a church leader.
He cannot be arrogant. Self important, being primarily concerned about one’s own interests. He can’t be stubborn, headstrong, self-willed. You cant be contemptuous of others, insisting on their own way regardless of the consequences.
He cannot be quick-tempered. He cannot be easily angered, a person with a short fuse.
He cannot be a drunkard. addicted to much wine. Because of the scarcity of safe drinking water, wine became the drink of choice and necessity. But drinking to much led to drunkenness. The Bible doesn’t call for complete abstinence, but consistently warns against drunkenness.
He cannot be violent. the cannot be bullies. A cruel and brutal person. A person quick to use physical force or force of any kind, to deal with annoyances and problems within their personal or Church life.
He cannot be greedy for gain. A person who is shamelessly or better yet, shamefully greedy. That is so desirous of acquiring wealth that it brings disgrace and shame on a person.
Desirable qualities of a church leaders.
He must be above reproach. That is unaccusable, not subject to, deserving, or worthy of a charge of wrongdoing. Not only are they to be without reproach as an individuals, but they must also be beyond reproach in carrying out their function in God’s household.
He must be hospitable. Treating guest and stranger cordially and with generosity.
The inns of the Greco-Roman world were dangerous places to stay. So travelling teachers would local congregations that met in homes would be an open base for preaching and teaching, and would be a welcome place for strangers to eat and lodge.
Truth is most people at that time came to faith not by coming to the synagogue, but sitting over a meal and hearing the message of Jesus Christ at a friends home.
He must be a lover of good.
He love all things that are good.
He both loves and does good things.
He must be self-controlled.
He must behave in a sensible manner.
He moderate, balanced in his behavior. This was a virtue.
He must wisely keep self-control over his passions and desires.
He must be upright.
Being in accord with what God requires.
He must be just in the sense of being impartial and fair in dealing with people. This promotes order and harmony among people.
He must be holy.
Being morally and ritually pure.
Striving to fulfill God’s commandments.
He must be disciplined.
Controlling one’s desires (which produce actions); especially sensual desires.
Meeting these requirements or qualifications will qualify one as fit for the responsibility of a quality leader.

The Responsibility of Quality Leaders V. 9, 13-14

Quality leaders will have an awesome responsibility.
The qualifications fall into two categories, behavior and belief.
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught.
He must be devoted. This is to give oneself entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause.
He must give himself to the trustworthy Word that has been passed down by tradition concerning Jesus Christ.
He will be a be able to give instruction, encourage people in right teaching.
He will be able to rebuke, to admonish strongly those who contradict or oppose it. V. 13-14
Those who pay close attention to Jewish legendary stories and accounts. Untrue stories over the Gospel.
Those who reject the truth.
The Christian leader has an awesome responsibility.
Do you see a need for quality leaders in your church?
Do you meet the qualifications for leading God’s people?
What does your character say about you?
Are you ready to take on the responsibilities that’s required of a quality leader?
God wants you to be at your best. He gave us His best in Jesus, and He wants us to give him our best in Jesus.
Because God brings order to the church by appointing quality leaders.
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