UMBC Sunday Night Service 08-23-2020
Amen, and he and he alone is Worthy. Amen, I love what the song it says. It says he is worthy to receive praise honor and glory in and you look in the in the Book of Psalms and I forget the chapter you may know it and when it says that all of creation joins in together singing Praise unto him a man in so next time you sitting on your porch and and you hear that bird, that's just sitting there getting on your nerves. 44 singing you you hear them frogs that they did plenty of water. Why are they even the lightning bugs flying across the sky got a light up in a in a sense of giving praise unto and I'll sit like this our great God. Amen. Amen. You got your Bibles tonight will turn over to the gospel of Mark.
the gospel of Mark the 12th chapter
why you turning we were talkin before service?
I think weather wise we're in pretty decent shape the first part of the week, but y'all y'all y'all keep an eye on the web page.
I mean if traffic gets just completely ridiculous and and so forth. We made me will we won't know till Wednesday if we're only we're not going to cancel service Wednesday night and and I'm going to go ahead and say this so my phone don't ring and brother Roberts phone don't ring and Ashley phone don't ring is if we have electricity. Yes, we will be having church Sunday. Are you mad?
Sound like a brother Danny Gerald. He always will go ahead and make those announcements ahead of time. Amen, I'm going to try to I'm going to try to wrap up where we were at Wednesday night and this morning.
You know I said this morning it has been heavy on my heart.
All About Us engaging in a relationship that should Be absolutely intimate. with our Lord and savior And there's there's a lot of aspects of that relationship. There's there's number one conversation. There's there's obedience on our part. Amen their servitude. There's and there's other things but I'm going to say lastly for the sake of where I want to go tonight. There is worship. There's worship and I love the fact to the last song that we sang this evening and it is use the word Alleluia and and the best definition that I have found and I found it in the commentary years ago, and it was good enough for me and I latched onto it but it the word the word that describes it means praise in the highest. And I can tell if that's what the word means the next word that should roll off of our lips. They an amen and day out as we give praise unto him and I'm almost say this before we get started tonight. But when you go to talking about worship is it's kind of a it's kind of a thing or a downhill thing and then once you start down hill and you begin to become reserved and and standoffish and sitting back and and not engaging and worship with the Lord guess what is going to get easier to continue that way and you're going to end up drying up like an old prune on the vine amen. So so so so no today is it that the way you praise the Lord is your way. It's the right way a man if you're engaging in it, and and and that's an expression. You to him? That's what thank you. Amen that you have put into motion. When you engage offering up praise and worship unto him. Amen what we read tonight. I'm I'm I'm going to say I'm going to say this and I'm not wanting to take off talkin about the Battle or the or the war that goes on between the Flesh and the spirit. I don't I don't want to get caught up on that but But the fact of the matter is is that you and I we engage that battle all the time every day. I don't think there's one of us sitting in here tonight and that would say why you know brother. I don't really get caught up in that or I don't really have that problem in and if you say that you don't have that problem then I'm going to quote something that Quinton Quinton Mills said years ago that that I loved and he said they was a lady come up to him and say, you know brother. I don't have that problem man. He said why why why shoot a dead rabbit? In other words he meant why would it bother you if you don't post no threats and so I'm going to say today you you living for the Lord You're going or you're going to struggle. Bruce Lee with the flash. Amen. And and
And that old flash will always promote you to take the easy way out. It'll always promote you to take the uninvolved way out of always promote you to 220 always encourage you to promote self. Amen. Whereas the spirit of the Lord knows what time it it he's going to move on you Amen to give 32 to love to consider others instead of yourself. Amen and ends in Seoul Paul when Paul spoke of that struggle of two Natures the end in other words, it was basically it's eating me doing what I want to do a mentor or me taking myself out of the equation and allowing the spirit to to have free rein in my life. And in the same can be said amen about servitude about worship.
Define can be said.
And I trust tonight that somewhere over the last couple of services that something inside of you has been stirred up. And and and I desire within you. Has been rekindled to love on your lord and savior and to give him the praise and worship that John seen on the Isle of Patmos that declared him to be so very worthy of Amen. But we're going to look at it. We're going to look at a a true warrior in the New Testament. We don't to look at at 1 that stood. Head and Shoulders higher than anyone else we going to look at 1 tonight. Amen that that put others to shame we're going to look at one whose wealth could not be counted. Amen. And we going to look at 1 tonight that that then when when this sealed people is is out in front and Jesus is looking over them. We're going to look at 1 tonight that stood out above the rest of them to the point that Jesus marveled.
Look look. Mark chapter 12
This is one of my favorite scripture reading. verse 41
And Jesus sat over against the treasury. And beheld how the people cast money into the treasury. And many that were Rich cast in much. And there came a certain for a widow. Is she threw me into mites which make a farthing or for you? And I today that comes up to a quarter of a cent.
And he called under him his disciples. And he said unto them. And this is what he said verily I say unto you that this poor Widow. Have cast mauryan then all they would have cast into the treasury for all they did cast end of their abundance, but she of her why did cast in all that? She had even all her living we can find that particular event recorded in in Another Place Another gospel and I'm leaving it's in that one that it's mentioned that that Jesus was just amazed that it did he marveled at what she had done and the night we were going to look at the someone who was appeared bigger than everybody else was going to look at someone who who stood Head and Shoulders taller than everyone else is going to look at someone who had wealth that could not be counted and could not be measured and and it's her.
When Jesus calls her a poor Widow, I promise you the word for is only being used to describe her her monetary worth.
He says this lady. Caste and more than everybody else together. And I've known some rich people before. I've never been rich and I don't have no desire today to to be rich not with a checking account. Now, I'm rich in my own way. Amen, but I've known I've known people that money just wasn't an issue with them. And I've seen them write some checks for the church that
a couple of write some checks to the church that will be about a half of your salary for me and
and always most every time not always with most every time there was always a sense of disappointment that came along with it because at some point in time, they would have to make mention of what I did.
And I'm going to tell you when they did that they just threw any blessing. They might have achieved out the window. You you not impressing Jesus when you do something to make yourself look good not impressing Jesus when you give something so you can pat yourself on the back. Amen and an in-game the praise of men. I'm out of church one. Right only use that money Hallelujah you bet you bet but as far as that individual, I doubt very seriously that the Lord ever called Gabriel and Michael Overton said wow. Did you see what they done in this particular verse? Jesus is over.
And they come over and they watch her and he's just like wow, did y'all see that? and if I know them disciples, like I think I know of at this stage in their relationship and in their walk with the Lord there probably like I don't get it.
He says everybody who come through here. They casting a good bit, but it's A Spacetime paraphrase and it's a small fraction compared to what they have with this little lady. When she came in here, and and I want you to know tonight, you got to remember this to gain even more appreciation for what's happened is in that damn thing. There's no welfare system. An elderly lady whose Widow she's basically on their own.
And so this little lady he says he said she came in here. And without any reservation without any regard for herself, she threw everything she had in there.
And if I can I don't know about you and you might say pretty sure you you you you you you think too much. That's probably true. And only thing I love more than thinking is talkin. But what if if if if Jesus could ever be overtaken with joy to me he has to be right here. Because he's seen someone who refuses to hold back.
and and you know I know I've talked a lot about worship. I've talked a lot about phrase.
And as all over the course of my life as is I'm preaching as I've chewed on scripture. This is there's a certain handful of scripture that I can't escape one of them being Mary when the angel visited her in the way that she just said, I mean I mean Mary makes me feel This Tall. This lady right here makes me feel This Tall. You say preacher why you don't you do this? And don't you bad. I love I love people. Amen. I serve the Lord. I love serving. Amen. I'm compassionate. I love being compassionate. I'm forgiving I like being forgiving because I like to be forgiven. Amen. I'm gentle I like being gentle. I'm compassionate and if I got something in my pocket and you need it, I don't I like doing that. That's fine. And I like I like doing all those things and I'm sure that each one of us sitting here tonight. We like doing those things. I like and I used to do it every Sunday every Sunday. I used to go to a hospital somewhere around here and walk from room to room with strangers that I didn't even know witness and threw them into Dream about the Lord. Amen. I love doing that love serving him. I I don't know how many how many sleepless nights. I've been in dormitories at church camp with boys that I would like to place their head off a man. What I was just compelled and and wanted to do that and I love doing that much. But here's the here's a question about doing any one of those things that I just mentioned and it's a question for you to did I give my all in in it.
I was thinking about a elderly man that I was real good friends with he passed he passed on probably 10-15 years ago. He had a son in law. I would hate to be his pastor. I mean he's just He's a knucklehead.
and And this knucklehead? somewhere back in the 60s
early 70's knucklehead had an affair. On this good man's daughter and the dis good man did what most dads would do and he blew up on me.
Understandably. I'm not condoning and blowing up but I understand that. This is been years ago years ago. And and so this good man on his Deathbed.
Five or six days before he leaves this old world. And he's trying to make amends with this son-in-law for years and son-in-law has been a deacon. He's been he served on Church boards is active in the church at the time and this good man one more time reaches out to his son-in-law and he says, I'm so sorry that everything happened the way it did and in the son-in-law stayed. I mean the family didn't bust up and then split up or nothing like that and and he and he looks at the son-in-law and only stay and he says I'm so sorry for that when you please. forgive me and the son-in-law looks Amy says. Oh, yeah. You bet. But I'll never forget it. And in that moment, I'm going to tell you what that son-in-law did that son-in-law said, I'm going to forgive you this much. But I'm not going to forgive you all the way we can have compassion on people. That we won't but when we begin drawing up barriers that I can fashion will not go beyond.
We're not give me compassion our all. weekend Love the Lord Our God with all our heart mind soul and strength. Amen. We can keep the Sabbath. Holy. We cannot lie. We cannot murder. We cannot steal we cannot cut it we can not bear false witness we can do we can do all of those things are in keeping the word, but we can also roll up to a place. Amen where we won't walk in that one little bit of the word and guess what? We not gave it our all on that. Amen. The Lord can cause us to do something. And it's great if it's what I feel comfortable doing a Manning and and I can do everything. He's called me to do it except this one little bit right there. And guess what? I ain't gave that mall. Either by like it. You ain't liking me at all this evening. Amen, and y'all ain't giving me y'all either. That's alright, Alleluia. and I can say these things because
Because I know.
And I can love.
But if I'm only loving the ones I want in love. And I'm not giving him my all.
I can pray. But if I only pray when it's convenient, I'm not giving him my all.
Let Brotherly Love continue.
What if I'm the master of Who falls under brotherly love and I'm not giving him my all and and I can worship and praise him. As long as I feel comfortable doing it.
And if that's the case, I'm not giving him my all there.
Instagram denied that the thing that got his attention ain't how much she threw in the plate. It's not the fact that she come walking in there. Slow in an elderly that didn't get his attention with him as a glorified body waiting on there. So he's
What the thing that just got away with it? Was the fact that her actions said I'm not holding any reservations for myself. You got it all.
And she makes me so convicted.
Full you are the pastor. Why would you be convicted?
because I think that sometimes Lord I'm going to give it all to you, but this one little piece because I need to hold some reservation where I've got a little saying this thing still.
Anytime in my life. Where I've emptied my pockets. I mean effort wise not financially. Remind my pockets everyday financially, so that's but anytime I ever bankrupt myself.
As far as having any say about what I do in an hour and recklessly laid before him and said it here, is it all? I promise you I've never had a more blessed. Freeland then at that moment.
What this what does preachers desire and in prayer? for you is is it when you get in this word? That you give it your all. Is it when you love you? Fella brother than you love this world that you love them with with all you have? Is it when you serve him? You don't just serve him when you feel like it. But even when you kept can I be honest with you tonight?
This is going to surprise you. There's a lot of times you see me get up here behind this pulpit.
And I wanted to stay home that day. Why I had a headache or or I blew it on something and I was feeling so low in spirit that I wanted so bad brother Robert. Would you take the service today?
And some of the greatest blessings I've had is those moments I felt like that and I said, I'm going to get up there anyway.
Because God honors you giving him. your aunt
and as far as worship.
I remember. I remember sitting when I was sitting here. Open Spears chop. I wasn't sitting there I was sitting here. I was sitting right here. I was blending in. Hey, man, we was they was having a time there that night. and and I finally
it felt like I was I had a Tugboat in my hand. That's how heavy my hand felt and I never forget that moment when I finally got that thing in the air. Hallelujah
And I couldn't get it down. And I remember the first time that the preacher got happy and I got happy and I said Hey, man. Maybe not that loud more like amen.
but you know what that I am an LED to Legend amen You know what that amen led to Amen brother. What that a manlet?
and a beautiful feeling Now I'm not telling. I mean, it's really don't you jump up next Sunday and holler get it boy. Now you can if you want. What a beautiful feeling. Is in your worship to is to come to a place where Lord? This may sound unorthodox and this may we completely different than everybody else in here. Or in my car driving down the road.
What you fixing to get everything I've got in me. I'm fixing to get it out, and I'm just going to give it to you.
GrandStay get it together.
giving your
all and whatever you're doing.
Whether studying the word with dealing with people was a church attendance. What is praying weathers worse?
bankrupt yourself But you got nothing left. to get
one of the best feelings in my life.
in two thousand and
two thousand and
when did you get married? 13 it was that year cuz you were one of the reasons why my schedule got like it did. 4 4 7 weeks and it started it started around the end of February for seven straight weeks. I did not have one evening off. I was preaching a Revival I was speaking somewhere. I was doing a wedding. I done some other revivals and I I remember I did a a week-long Revival up at Brother Louis church and in line and some of his little friends went with me.
Maybe a Friday or Saturday night and in so we were on our way home and stop storing up and get something dad. You want something? I don't want nothing. And I mean that service just got out of hand that night. It's a wonder if somebody called the cops on us down there and look funny at me that night and then we got home and said damn what's wrong with you. I said where you just seem down. I said all no sun. I said only thing wrong with your dad cuz I have gave him my I gave him every ounce of gas. I had in my tank and I'm empty. And I feel wonderful.
In my old point in that is there is such a sense of beauty such a sense of such an assurance when when you spent all that you have within you for him.
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