Year of Biblical Literacy: A Creative Minority: What is a Creative Minority? (Part 4)
Jeremiah 29:1-14
A Creative Minority
What is a Creative Minority? Pt. 4
Redemptive Participation
Introduction: If it is your first time joining us - Welcome! We have
dedicated this year to Biblical Literacy; meaning we as a church are
reading the Bible for ourselves to know first hand what it teaches and in
order to be shaped by the story of God. And along with that we are
teaching through the Bible on Sunday mornings - the main themes and
characters. We are currently doing this mini series called A Creative
Minority using the books of Daniel and Jeremiah as Catalyst for how the
people of God live faithfully as a religious minority.
The Book of Daniel has helped the people of God for centuries in thinking
deeply and strategically about how we live faithfully to Jesus, and his
kingdom in a culture that has a competing vision of what it means to be
human, to flourish. A competing vision of freedom. A competing vision of
life. How do we live in a culture like this and not just exist, but LIVE, work;
how do we cultivate a kingdom of God counter culture??
We’ve been using this definition of a creative minority to help us
understand how we do this:
“A Creative Minority is a christian community in a web of stubbornly loyal
relationships, knotted together in a living network of persons who are
committed to practicing the way of Jesus for the renewal of the world.” Jon Tyson, A Creative Minority
When we think about what it means to be a creative minority we should be
thinking in terms of Jesus radical vision of the kingdom of God and it’s
people as seen in the sermon on the mount - A people who’s whole world,
and life is radically different - a kingdom tuned people. “What is taught
here (In the sermon on the mount) is symptoms, signs, examples of what it
means when the kingdom of God breaks into the world which is still under
sin, death, and the devil. You yourselves should be signs of the coming
kingdom of God, signs that something has already happened.” - Joachim
Or as Karl Barth said, “The church exists to set up in the world a new sign
which is radically dissimilar to the world’s own manner and which
contradicts it in a way that is full of promise.”
This means that our kingdom witness isn’t just about critiquing or
deconstructing culture but about living out a new, kingdom of God vision
for human identity, purpose, and flourishing. This will include a radical
dissimilarity and new incredible hope and potential.
1. What does a Creative Minority look like? - Covenantal Community;
Compelling Narrative; Counter Cultural Ethics; Counter Formational
Practice; Kingdom Allegiance; And Redemptive Participation..
1. A Creative Minority is defined by Covenantal Community - Our
influence will be determined by the level of our self-sacrificial
commitment to one another and our neighbors, and our willingness
to see things through even when things get hard.
1. “The most eloquent testimony to the reality of the resurrection
is….a group of people whose life together is so radically
different, so completely changed from the way the world builds a
community, that there can be no explanation other than that
something decisive has happened in history.” - Will Willimon
2. A Creative Minority is fueled, driven and framed by a
Compelling Counter Narrative - the full biblical story of God’s
loving relationship with his people, and his redemption brought
about through Jesus, culminating in a new heavens and a new earth
(Made by God, we are made for God, to join him in his work of
renewal in the world). Out of that flows a substitute vision for the
economy, education, human sexuality and many other areas - all of
these larger issues fit into this all encompassing story. How we view
God’s relationship to humanity and his desires for us changes
everything. Our identity, as a part of God’s story - results in kingdom
3. A Creative Minority is defined by Counter Cultural Ethics/ A
Distinct Moral Vision
1. The people of God or a Creative Minority are not formed by the
culture around them whether modern, post modern/secular,
spiritual or religious. God’s people are formed by the word of
God - the redemptive narrative of scripture, and the way of
Jesus. Jesus our redeemer, and king, defines life for us, right and
wrong, goodness and truth, righteousness and justice. Our lives
are about following his pattern of life.
4. A Creative Minority is defined by Counter Formational Practices
1. A Creative Minority is not formed by the rhythms, priorities and
practices of culture around them, but is shaped by scripture, by
sabbath, by fasting, by silence and solitude, by cultivating a life
in the presence of the Father - If we are to be signs of the
kingdom, properly imaging God to the culture around us - Being
human with other humans— we must prioritize and intentionally
cultivate counter formative practices - And that takes, time,
unplugging from the busyness and demands of our culture to do
what is necessary for our spiritual health and people of God
5. A Creative Minority is defined by Alternative Allegiance
1. Giving allegiance to Jesus and his kingdom rather than any
country, king, identity, or cultural narrative.. Living out of an
alternative authority means that regardless of the consequences,
we are loyal to the person of Jesus. He is our king, and we are
subjects to his kingdom before any other, citizenship, or loyalty
that this life my ask of us. We have confidence that Jesus has the
ultimate authority in this world, and our actions reflect that
conviction. And yet we live this with profound humility
2. As people whose loyalty lies with Jesus Christ, we will not
participate in the way our culture uses sex, money and power –
and we must say this with our mouths and with our lives. We will
not participate in our culture's idols or our culture's gods or what
our culture worships.
6. A Creative Minority is defined by Redemptive Participation.
1. It seems that Redemptive Participation is the heart or driver of a
Creative Minority. Redemptive participation is when God’s
people intentionally bring the kingdom of God to bear upon their
community, their cities, their neighborhood, their homes…. every
nook and cranny of life here on planet earth - to engage our
culture with the kingdom of God. I’ve often thought about where
do the needs of our city, it's people/citizens, and the hope of the
gospel actually and practically intersect - that is where the
church should be…
2. The posture of the church has often been to either hold down the
“holiness” fort (Not engaging culture) until Jesus brings the
kingdom of God; or to live a life of complacency as we wait for
Jesus to return.
Not that anyone outrightly says this but a lot of christians live this
way….Yes, there is evil, and suffering, heartbreak, slavery,
addiction and the poverty in the world. Jesus came to do
something about it in his life, death, and resurrection, and
ascension to heaven as king - One day he’ll return and set
everything right… So we don’t have to worry or do anything
about evil and suffering, heartbreak, slavery, addiction,
oppression or poverty….
Everything I said about Jesus is true, but it isn’t told to us so that
we can wash our hands of the whole thing and
concern ourselves with our own affairs, or hopes and dreams - If
we are Jesus’ people we are invited to enter the fight, to engage
in the work of redemption, to be enemies of sin and
suffering, heartbreak, slavery, addiction, oppression and the
poverty. How? In the same way that Jesus and the early church
did - Proclaiming God’s good news and incarnating the kingdom
of God -love, forgiveness, reconciliation, self sacrifice,
faithfulness, generosity, care for the poor, the weak, the single
mom, the marginalized, the foreigner and refugee..
We are called to join God in his ongoing work of redemption in
the world.
1. With Redemptive Participation we are declaring that God is
the Sovereign Lord of history and is presently at work in the
world - bringing redemption. The task of the individual and the
church is to be attentive and discerning, eager to participate
in that redemptive work where opportunities arise. I believe
that this is the heart cry or prayer of redemptive participation Lord, what do you want to do in our city? Lord bring us into
what you are already doing in our city? Asking - How can we
engage this moment?
It seems that this is what Daniel was doing in some sense in
chapter 9 of Daniel..
1. “In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, by
descent a Mede, who was made king over the realm of the
Chaldeans in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, perceived
in the books the number of years that, according to the
word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass
before the end of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely,
seventy years. Then I turned my face to the Lord God,
seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting
and sackcloth and ashes……. What is he praying for ? vs
17 - “Now therefore, O our God, listen to the prayer of your
servant and to his pleas for mercy, and for your own sake,
O Lord, make your face to shine upon your sanctuary,
which is desolate. O my God, incline your ear and hear.
Open your eyes and see our desolations, and the city that
is called by your name. - Daniel 9:1-3;17-18
2. Daniel has understood, through reading the scroll of Jeremiah,
that the captivity is almost over and so he seeks the Lord in
order to know, and to discern, how to properly respond….. I
mean Daniel is looking all around him, the state of the world,
the state of God’s people, and he’s reading scripture - about
God’s promise to work and move powerfully - and he’s is
entering into that work of redemption through prayer pleading
with God for mercy, for renewal, for restoration for
3. This is to be the posture of the Creative Minority - to know and
discern the heart of God as we read scripture, as we cultivate
his presence in our life and in our midst (God’s mercy,
renewal, and redemption) and then to pray that for our cities,
for our neighborhoods, and then not just to pray it, but to act it
1. “Seeking the Kingdom means embodying God’s renewing
power in politics and citizenship, economics, and business,
education and scholarship, family and neighborhood, media
and art, leisure and play. It is not just that we carry out
evangelism in these areas of life. This is important but not
enough. It means that the way we live as citizens,
consumers, students, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers,
sisters, brothers, and friends witnesses to the restoring
power of God.” - Michael Goheen, The Drama of Scripture
2. We don’t just pray - Your kingdom come, Your will be done
- but we see, ourselves, the church, as enacting and
incarnating that kingdom life and presence.
3. “The greatest issue facing the world today, with all its
heartbreaking needs, is whether those who, by profession
or culture, are identified as ‘Christians’ will become
disciples – students, apprentices, practitioners – of Jesus
Christ, steadily learning from him how to live the life of the
Kingdom of the Heavens into every corner of human
existence.” - Dallas Willard, The Great Omission:
Reclaiming Jesus's Essential Teachings on Discipleship
2. Closing: A Creative Minority is outward facing, looking at the
world with incredible hope because of Gods redemption through
As God’s people, those who have been redeemed by Jesus, we are
called to bring the redemption of God to bear upon the world around
us as we have opportunity - We obviously can’t do everything - but
what is one way that you can begin living a life of Redemptive
1. Ask: God, how can I participate in your work? To be a voice of truth,
to be intercessor, to be a bearer of mercy, to be hands that help and
heal, to be an emotional, or monetary support to those hurting
around me..
2. As you look around our community and interact with its citizens
Ask: Jesus where do you want to be? Where do you want to bring
redemption? Jesus bring me into what you are already doing (Uncle
Chuck story?)
3. I truly believe this has to start with each of us personally - it starts in
my heart, with my rhythms, with my priorities, in my finances,
around my table, in my family, with my kids… and from there it
grows, it spreads and produces has to start somewhere.
1. “Only God can handle the whole world. The World is not ours to
manage or to save. Our task is to focus on our individual callings
in engaging with the world, to trust that others are following theirs
too, and to leave to God the masterminding of the grand
outcome.” - Os Guinness, Renaissance
Prayer: Oh God of such truth as sweeps away all lies, of such grace as
shrivels all excuses. Come now to find us for we have lost ourselves in the
shuffle of disguises and the rattle of empty words. Let your Spirit move
mercifully to re-create us from the chaos of our lives. We have been
careless of our days, of our loves, our gifts, our chances. Our prayer is to
change, oh God, not out of despair of self, but for love of you, and for the
selves we long to become before we simply waste away. Let your mercy
move in and through us now. Amen. Ted Loder, My Heart in my mouth