Psalm 52: The Steadfast Love of God: Orienting Myself in Suffering and Trauma

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a good morning church

good to be with you this morning. returning your Bibles to Psalm 52 Psalm 52

And that you're turning there. I want you to. consider the picture that's on the screen. The title of the message is the steadfast love of God orienting myself and suffering and Trauma. I want you to look at the man that's on the Mountainside and he's looking out over the The valley but the fog is rolled in. And that fog has covered. What do you want saw and enjoyed which were the the trails that led up to that mountain the trees and the river in the rocks and the different colors of landscaping right now as I thought would continue to roll and he probably couldn't see past his hand.

How would he Orient himself? To know how to navigate forward on that Mountainside from what would he Orient himself? when covid-19 pandemic World in what oriented you now picture yourself as Batman? The fog is rolled in. And you can't see past your hand. When the fog of maybe physical sickness this year has rolled in. What Orient did you? when the fog of relational conflict World in what were you did you?

Buy orientation. I'm eating this it comes from the Latin meaning arising and Eastern and it gives the idea of the dawning of a new day and the dawning of a new day helps to provide an orienting marker that orienting marker of a new day that brings hopeful unclouded Splendor to life. So really orientation, is that which is that position that you work yourself out from something orient's you? when covid hit something gave you a position to stand on and work your way through. when sickness hit when mental health hits

something orient's you something always will

in Psalm 52 David says the steadfast love of God.

Psalm 52 teaches us that when the fog and suffering a trauma roles in God's steadfast love for his people will Orient them with resilience and hope I want to say that again when the fog of suffering and Trauma roles in God's steadfast love. For his people orient's them with resilience. And so I'm 52 provides us with a real-life snapshot into the life of David. It doesn't give us a A Narrative of his entire life. It gives us a snapshot into one circumstance where he actually experienced a very significant trauma relational trauma. And he began the process of rhythm of lamenting. that rhythm of processing pain in the midst of pain

prayer and pain that leads us to trust that the trust in what? My hope would be that it would be the trust in the steadfast love of God as David did so let's read Psalm 52 together. We'll start with the superscription to the choirmaster a maskell of David when doeg the Edomite came and told Saul David has come to the house of a hemlock. I noticed what David says. Why do you boast of evil o Mighty Man? The steadfast love of God it indoors all the day your tongue it plots destruction like a sharp razor you worker of Deceit. You will have evil more than good and lying more than speaking. What is Right sayla pause and think about that for a minute.

You love all the words that devoureaux deceitful tongue, but God will break you down forever. He will snatch you and tear you from your tit. He will uproot you from the land of the living Salo. The righteous will they shall see and fear and laugh at him saying see the man who would not make God his Refuge but trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction, but I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever I will thank you forever because you have done it. I will wait for your name for it is good in the presence of The Godly. We're going to consider two aspects here this morning in this song first. We're going to consider David's orientation. Okay, we're going to consider David's orientation in the midst of suffering and Trauma and then we are going to confirm our orientation and suffering and Trauma the first of all it's considered David's orientation and suffering and Trauma. We're just going to read through the text together and we'll start with the superscription. It says here to the choirmaster a maskell of David. When do I need to eat? Am I came and told Saul David has come to the house of a Hemlock now, I'd ask you what kind of meeting was this? So David was the captain of the Lord's army.

don't like seem to say hey, you know what the David went to the house of a black was at like for a barbecue. Actually know this was quite a situation. It was quite a traumatic deception was quite a lie to hurdle oneself forward in the political Arena. You see this was about ten years after David was anointed king, but not yet. Inaugurated this was David after he just had remembered. I just had not remember he had just found out that David saw was truly trying to kill David Jonathan Saul's son brought to David this information. You need to escape and so David Fred he escaped from his land from his home and he began to wander and run and well, he's developed this conspiracy theory that everyone was against poor King Saul because he was angry that he had lost God's favor because of his Disobedience before him. And so saal got so Twisted in Benton is thinking he stood before his court and said can no one tell me can no one tell me where David is you're all against me. Well in the midst of that dough egg stands up. He says I know where David is. Will you see he went to that town of where Hemlock was the priest? And he gave him food. Because he was hungry he gave him Weaponry. You see King saw that conspiracy is real. I've got the inside scoop. I can align myself with you and help you.

That was a lie, because of him elect was just caring for David as the captains of the captain of the Lord's army like he would at any time and how he had in the past. It was a deception that really built off of Falls Twisted thinking. So so called the priest before him the 85 men that were there and he asked him. He said you have course I gave him food and I gave him left and right. I would have done that. Anyway, I mean that this is this is typical what I would do and try to care for it the captain of the Lord's army. He said no, it's all said, you know that I was against him you knew that. I've been pursuing him you knew that you were in this conspiracy against me and you've been trying and the priest was shocked in. The story is 4 Samuel 21 and 22 and he said well, this isn't true. I I'm not that guy. Saul turn to his soldiers kill the priest. You wouldn't they wouldn't do it. They were feared God so then he turns to doeg the Edomite. Remember doeg is called an Edomite. That means he came from the lineage of Esau member Jacob and Esau the fight that went on. Well that fight that went on between them the battle as they grew there was animosity that continue for generations and generations so much so that when Israel escaped to Egypt and we're trying to go to the promised land the king of Edom came out and said you will not enter through our land and he lined up the Army along their border and said walk away walk around us. When Saul became king. The first thing he did was he sent his troops around his border to fight against to make sure are all the enemies knew, this is Our Land one of them that they would have battled was Edom. So why in the world was no egg and King Saul's presents?

Could it be maybe he was a captive that was like Daniel in reverse and let go and into the king service. Could it be that he was maybe an immigrant that came in to this land that was now prospering and I wanted to make his fortune. Could it be that's all knew that as this kingdom was to grow he needed to engage the neighbors and the trade routes of which through the valley of Edom south-to-north gave them excellent access to resources. And so maybe he recruited doeg he gave him an honorary title of Chief herdsmen, which was an honorary title. We never learned that in any case Getting back to the story King Saul turns from his soldiers to doeg and he says killed priest. What happens doeg kills the 85 pre Slaughters them in the king's presence in the king's court for helping Saul I'm sorry for helping David. Delete then went to this town and he killed the remaining men women children and animals.

He was really trying to feed off of souls conspiracy theories. Jean newground This is the circumstance that David faced. Can you imagine it? I can't. Let's continue on now verse 1 verse 1 is very interesting in some 50 to hit. It really gives us three phrases by which outlines the rest of this song.

The first that we're going to look at is the question, why do you boast of evil? Who who is boasting of evil? He's reflecting on delay. Same doeg. Why do you boast of evil? Why do you eulogize? Why do you admire? Why is it that you verbally show off? evil Does moral choices that you made that were so corrupt those events that you practiced in? Why is it that you boast in that?

You wouldn't want to be found boasting in that you wouldn't want to be known is that? Notice how that frees expands itself into this texting versus 224. Expands on this doeg posting an evil by send your tongue at plots destruction like a sharp razor you worker of Deceit you love evil more than good in lying more than speaking. What is right you love the words that devour oldest people tongue. This is how captivating. The praise of do eggs lips had in his life. He plotted in his thinking. Is it his emotions were caught up in the affections of his heart hit the heel of evil more than good. Lying more than speaking with his right and he took action like a sharp razor. He could executed with specificity.

Only that he became known by his evil. He was called the old deceitful tongue and that's what can happen when we boast of evil and we give ourselves over to that not only do we think about it. Not only do our emotions get attached to it. Not only do we take action on it, but then we also develop a testimony of it. This is a sad situation that David's facing notice II freeze in verse 1. He said why do you boast of evil o mighty man. He called doeg the O mighty man that word means hero. That means the one to be honored with a great General coming back after Victory dewigs home self as the hero of the story but was thinking this evil. Can you imagine? Can you imagine how twisted we must think to be self-deceived that much to actually practice corrupt evil moral choices that are spiraling us down actually and we consider ourselves a hero in the story. although I didn't really a kind of aligns with the nature of man when it's dark and dead and it's in

it's so sad.

Do eggs thought he was the mighty man. He was self-deceived member. I told you he was given an honorary title the chief herdsman. He lived not in reality. He never learned anything, but really the the title of a deceitful tongue. This is a guy that was really living and I disconnected evil corrupt way. It was really trying to take advantage of whatever he could to get ahead. It's really a great story of hyperbole in her own life. Sometimes we see things that God will use things in our life. To see such seriousness. So significant things so that we can then walk back in and see how we might be reflecting attributes of those things. So he's using the way here Davis using doeg to help us reflect on the most awful and horrendous things in life.

And how he fell do I perceive himself?

But God in verse 5. This is how that phrase builds off. But God will be in verse 5 break you down forever. He will snatch you and tear you from your tent. He will approve you from the land of the living. Sea the man who would not make God is Refuge but trusted in the abundance of his riches. God the word in Hebrew here is L. It means the almighty Almighty one. Elohim speaks of the Majesty of God Yahweh speaks of his self existence but hear David specifically uses. Oh God two times in the Old Testament or there a sequence of phrases one and Joshua and one in Psalms where the people of God when there was a tribal conflict address God as the mighty one God the lord El Elohim Yahweh. They directed their attention to him twice and some 50 when the Divine courtroom opens up. He is called the mighty one God. Yahweh El the mighty one who really is the mighty one God is truly the mighty one. He is the one that can and will judge just lie. He is not impotent and he will act It's important for us to see that continuing on the last phrase the steadfast love of God in verse 1. Why do you boast of evil o Mighty Man the steadfast love of God it indoors all the day. This is an amazing statement. He oriented himself from his own evil. David oriented himself from a promise of God's steadfast love. He saw that the steadfast Love extended Beyond this immediate circumstance to both the past and the future. He could have a hope in God's steadfast love that oriented him and such trauma as this where many people were murdered men women children and animals unjustly.

Imagine you and me and covid we can surely Orient ourselves around God's steadfast love the sickness that you may be facing but relational conflict. You may be facing whatever the suffering in the mental health capacity. Whatever that might be we can Orient or we need to orient ourselves around God's steadfast love. So what is it? What is God's steadfast love? Will note that in verse 8 and 9 Again David expands on this. He says I am like an olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God. So there's an active Miss on David's part. They said the word steadfast love is Hesed and it could be translated steadfast unfailing or loyal love. There's three aspects one in relationship towards those in Need by intentional action being taken. And we can see that in the Exodus. Can we not God saw the people in Desperate in relationship? He had relationship with the children of Israel. He saw their need and he took action to address it and he led them out. and actually in Exodus 15:1 date ones when Moses the same phrase he said God uses us in your steadfast love he knew it is that Bond of relationship that God has with his people that extends beyond the immediate circumstances and Promises hopes not just for today, but for tomorrow Cross is another illustration where God initiates relationship with us the filling the promises of Genesis 315 where he said that the seed of the man will crush the Serpent's head and at just the right time. God sent forth his son. At that right time Christ died for the ungodly.

Russ Jesus opened the way is he got an issue. Relationship with us. That's why we can love him because he first loved us. We had great need because we've been enslaved to sin by nature and our thoughts and our actions. We had a bent that way but God took the intentional action the send us Jesus Christ not only to give us an eternal hope but your help today to break free of the power and a twisted dentists in her life so that we can position ourselves. Well when we Face trauma and suffering, so the steadfast love of God is the bond of gods in initiated relationship with those he chose to love in their need of sin and suffering by intentionally sending Jesus Christ to bring hope today and for eternity you see, it's Romans 8:2 said if God is for us who can be against us is it not if God is for us for you even in the midst of your suffering so I see David's we walk the text and I see how David oriented himself we've considered David's orientation, right? How can you confirm today your posture? What are you or anything from how might you do that by using this text? Well, I'm going to give you four questions to ask yourself and give you a little bit of diagnostic thinking so this is going to help you discern. I'm going to give you four questions quickly. Number one. What is my primary situation that I'm facing? We look get that from the superscription. We were given context when someone comes to me and counseling I want to understand who they are. And what's been going on in their world. What are they experiencing? What are they feeling? What are they thinking what's been done to them? What are they been doing need to understand the context and often and if someone is really facing suffering a trauma, they will begin to dance all over the place and be sharing a whole variety of things because they're trying to process and it's understandable and it's at that point where you try to income in gently and say help me to understand in the midst of all this pain. What's the primary thing? What's the primary thing and I think that's so important to ask because our grieving can just order thinking but we need to have Clarity so ask yourself. What is it? That is my primary Situation Number 2. What do I praise? Doeg praised evil. David praised God steadfast love what is it that you were praising? You see what whatever we praise it Stacks up value. It's like the child that struggles with learning how to and maybe some adults how to not go on a spending spree or impulse buying Amazon Amazon Amazon.

None of you have that problem. Well the child what my call you as you're training them and learning how to handle Finance cuz I got the first debit card and they're buying buying buying buying buying buying all the sudden Decline and they call the parents. Hey, Dad. Can you transfer some money into my account from your account? And father was a sure the father should say hey, how about you put that back in unless it's like medication Agony right now and come see me and we'll talk about that lets discern whether you really need it or not, but think about it, let's pause So the father may choose as I've chosen and when raising my kids. Hey, let's put this debit card away and let's give you cash the same cash that's in your account. What's put it in some envelopes as that cash began to stack up and they put more and more in all of a sudden that cash had a grip on them. Didn't want to spend it as much cuz it was visible. Well, whenever we praise on our lips, whatever builds up volume get the grip on us get a grip on her emotions gets a grip on our thoughts. So what are you praising are you exalting and giving unnecessary praise to the suffering being realistic to the suffering but are you is that all you're praising actually praising it? Are you admiring its power in your life? Or are you realizing the steadfast powerful love of God in the midst of your suffering consider what my words? end Is stacking up against consider your words what is stacking up value in those words? So first question, what is the primary situation second question? What do I praise third question? How do I perceive myself? No eggs to himself as an O mighty man, and he surely wasn't he thought he was the savior in a Scentsy. I he saw himself as the hero of manipulated Twisted sadistic kind of way, but he did and David saw himself as needy needing God's steadfast love and trusting in God. He he totally had the right perception David did of who God was and who he was in the midst of life. And in the midst of our suffering we can get twisted thinking on that. So, how do I perceive myself?

Often we struggle to come to grips with that. We can struggle with the fact that we're not in control. And God will allow suffering to come into our life sometimes to teach us that Paul said all the suffering came into his life so that he would learn not to trust himself. But God who can even raise the Dead. Amazing. It's amazing truth. So what's the primary situation? What do I praise? What has me in its grip how do I perceive myself in a myself deceived do I really see God properly. Do I see myself properly that's important task force Lee. Where is God's promise in my story David focused on the steadfast. Love of God. He said I trust in it. I thank God for what he's done in my life. I wait on him. When David begin to tell his story to us in the in the Psalms. God's promise was all over the story. When you come into a counseling situation where you go to talk to a friend in the midst of your immediate pain, you may not be there yet because it's fresh and raw, but if you've been navigating this for some time, you need to get to a point where you're actually seeing God in the midst of your story. It's like Sue who came through my door and struggle with the marital conflict with her husband. You see she said he pours all his time into work. It's like he only finds value there and I don't know why because I love him so much and the kids love him, but he just pours all his energy and there he is like he who provides Breast than everything else is good. But everything else is included and and I feel like I'm so alone and I and I struggle with this and so that situation moves to the depressive moods net depressive mood while it's turn to Despair and I feel like I'm trapped in this relationship. Or in contrast you look at Sandra who comes into my office. She's doubting. She struggling with cancer. And she sang me and I'm facing the challenges of having to change my lifestyle in the busyness that that picks up. I'm exhausted the chemicals going through my body. I don't know. I can't I can't think the same I don't feel the same set. I have mood swings. My family doesn't know how to always approach me. My friends don't She said, you know, I also have depressive moods. What is the awesome she also has depressive moods? but Sparkle in her eye of Hope because she said in the midst of that pit that I'm in. The only thing I can do is look up and put my arm up in a courageous faith in the midst of my pain and say God. I love you. Thank you for your steadfast love that not only save me but the promises well, maybe not healing today, but Healing For Eternity when you come again, you may heal me now and I pray for that. But if you don't you're still God, I'm still your child and one day you will make all things new this broken corrupt world that's affected by sin. It's not going to get the best of me. I will reach out in faith and trust you even the mixed with a pit. What's the difference between Su and Sandra one of the differences the primary difference God was in Sandra story his promise. It wasn't in Sue's she lost hope.

Play encourage you where is God in your story as you Dialogue on this with others? Think about what is actually in your story David walk through a horrendous situation. Like I said, hi pie in a sense we could say this is like the extreme extreme situation. But even in the midst of this he understood his primary situation, he discern properly what he was praising and what do egg was praising. He could understand how to proceed himself. And not be bent. He knew the promise of God. for him so you might ask. Okay. Well, I I wanted to know how I could assess myself and then just turn my posture. What am I renting from now? You might say so now what Rick how do I hit reset? If I'm not there? Well good news this week. I'm actually going to post a video when I record a video where it's going to walk through answering that question of how do I reset the contemplating my reorientation and suffering. How do I reset my orientation from a position of God's steadfast love so look for that being posted on Facebook and on social media so that way you can you can get that follow up. So as we can conclude remember this picture remember this picture Remember being on that Mountainside when suffering rolls in the clouds the fog and you can't see past your hand. What will you Orient yourself from? May it be God's steadfast love. consider David's orientation He was able to get there. May take you some time but work at it confirm your orientation using these four questions and then look this week for that video that's going to help you contemplate for your reading orientation, but you can hit reset suffering and Trauma Will Roll in. It will in her life. May God steadfast love Orient you and resilience and Hope. Lord we come to you and we thank you for your word. I thank you that you give us Clarity on a snapshot and David's life whereby God he struggled with such great anxiety. He didn't jump the sum 52 right out of the gate. It took him time to process this.

But he got there. The garbage you helped us to have the courage the faith the trust in you. To engage community community to engage maybe biblical counseling and they can come and talk with me. or maybe connect with a friend a process using these questions to assess their own heart in the midst of they're suffering. And God, I pray that in the end we would be able to reset.

maybe I'd only reset but reinforce in our minds a resilience and a hope in you and the bond of your steadfast love in relationship with us.

towards our great need

and thank you for moving actively in intentionally in Jesus Christ at the right time. You sent Christ not only to die and give us Freedom from the penalty of sin, but ongoing from the power on grip of sin, and it's bent in our life and one day from the presence of sin when you come again and make all things in Jesus name.

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