Where Does Mark Chapter 9 Begin?

Prayer Requests
Jesus is coming again!
For a while, right now, Satan is the prince of this world, but his time is running out. He can bully and browbeat believers; he can mock them and martyr them. But Jesus is coming again, in glory and power and backed by the armies of heaven.
Satan has his men in our schools and colleges; sitting in the seat of the scornful; and intimidating, threatening, and seeking to bully the believer. He has his men in the business world and the world of education, men who wield power, men who curse and blaspheme and take the name of the Lord Jesus in vain, men who link that precious name to the foulest words that can be dredged from the dark sewers of the unregenerate mind. Such men try to cow the believer into silence. Satan has his men in government where they can pass laws against Christianity and threaten Christians with imprisonment, torture, and painful deaths. But Satan’s time is running out.