Timber talking about Riptide about momento This is the next series right now.
But I just feel like this calm piece over this whole place is really cool. Cuz I was talked about moving forward momentum.
Jesus let's go to use me as your mouthpiece.
Anything that I saved for you from you and not for me. Help me. Open Hearts Minds ears to understand including mine. And your mighty name?
We're going to talk about momentum and I think one of the biggest things you can we getting to momentum motivation. I think one thing we have to look at it. It's called motives.
You know before you start going in the trajectory or Direction, you have to ask yourself. What is my motive behind what I'm doing? What are you being motivated by because the things that motivates you will be the thing that keeps the momentum behind you.
What's motivating you in your life? What's causing you to go forward and catapult forward?
You know it when we go to work what motivates us when we have to bring bread on the table right food on the table. So we were a shelter the basic necessities. But how do you build momentum for the kingdom of God?
How do you go forward? How do you go beyond anything? You've been at like you said this is a nice try but you said but there's something more what keeps you looking for more?
Why do we look towards heaven? Have you tried talked about it last week because biblical hope? Is it because we have something to look forward to and in that thing that we're looking forward to more confident? There's a place of expectation.
I told someone you can't have a miracle until you expect one.
You have to move somewhere in a place called. I see something more and sometimes you may not see it. But you may hear something from God. Let me give you an example. There's a man Jesus came to and he was lying there for some odd years and he's been laying there waiting for someone to help him get into a water was at the called the pool of bethsaida and it has five gates who's waiting for someone to take him in the water and Jesus comes walking along. He says do you want to be made? Well, well that man's expectation and hope was only I need someone to put me in the water because when the angel comes down the water stirs up and then people the first one in gets healed and Jesus looked at him and said do you want to be made well?
you didn't ask him how sometimes we get so caught up on the how we're going to and our lives with hinders us is when we try to figure out how
instead of Google the man was in front of the Son of God. He was right in front of him and Jesus looks at him and says up your mat. Sometimes we're waiting. We're waiting for for the house instead of listening for The Who and the what God is saying. Jesus picture matter do you get all the excuses in the world? I'm not in the water. What do you mean pick my Matt up?
But instead the word of God set him free.
try Sometimes in order to build momentum we got to try. You got understand he was laying there for 30 years.
Come on, everyone would have said you just give it up. You're going to be that way. Why don't you just keep digging and don't worry about this. There's too many people at the pool for you to go to try to sync to get to gills. Why wouldn't you stay there? Because there was hope he was expecting a better day.
I don't know where you're at in your life, but I want to tell you something. There's a better day for you.
Do not lose hope not lose sight just because it doesn't look like it. I'm going to charge you to try to pick your mat up. And see if you can walk that'll be cuz I said it because God Delights in you.
And acts 16th chapter you have Paul the Apostle and you had Silas and Paul just had his big break up with his mentor Barnabas because they wanted to bring along John Mark who wasn't who ran away when the battle got heated. So now you got Paul walking with silence and they just picked up a new recruit. His name is Timothy. He's a half Hebrew and half Greek to Paul have to take him is circumcising because no other Jewish person would listen to him because he's half Hebrew and half Greek. The only did that happen, but the church is at that time were being strengthened and established. They were growing daily. The Bible says it was growing daily numbers were being at so Paul was like, hey, man, we're going to strengthen them some more.
They were so in tune with the holy spirit that when God said don't go to Asia. They didn't go. Gattopardo don't want you to go and preach in Asia right now. Are you referring to hear a no from God?
Pimp goes to sleep. She has a vision and he sees a man from Macedonia saying come over here to Macedonia. So he wakes up. He's like. If you got to go to Macedonia, I just had a vision and they go to Macedonia meet this lady named Lydia. She was a seller of purple and it wasn't Hayes.
It was Lennon. selling purple
on top of that She was a woman who fear God. And this is where we're going to pick up cuz they stayed in Lydia's house. So if you ever Bibles, I'm coming from the ESV, which is the English Standard Version this time. I'm going to pick up an acts 16 16 through 24 and if we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling to follow Paul and US crying out these men are the Servants of the most high God by Proclaim to you the way of salvation. In which she kept doing for many days having become greatly annoyed turned and sent to the spirit. I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and it came out that very hour. but when her owner saw that there was no hope a game of game was gone They seized Paul and Silas and drag them into the marketplace before the rulers and when they have brought them to the magistrate's they said these men are Jews and there are disturbing our city The Advocate The Advocate to accept or practice the crowd joined an attacking them and the magistrates toward the garments off of them and gave orders to beat them with rods. And when they had Afflicted many blows upon them, they threw them into the prison warning the Jailer to keep them safely haven't received this order can put them into the inner prison and fasten their feet in the stocks.
Why did they end up in jail?
We just had all these are like the beginning of the chapter. There is like so much momentum going on churches are being established new recruits are being disciple. I mean Keys into with the Holy Ghost don't go to Asia. I just had a vision in this woman at Lydia let them stay in their house and she's taking care of Thrones our way to prayer man worried about nothing else.
Is it all the sudden they get derailed?
Your life do you ever feel like a jerk? You're walking on the path of everything's hunky-dory know it's going good and I look at covid. I'm like this derailed a lot of stuff.
But still we were just going on in our lives where we don't worry about nothing. We were just like we have elections coming up we know about all this other stuff and there's tension in our society, but we weren't looking for no type of pandemic we're going to be shut down and then this happen if our plans are for the billing The Stride stride don't send What happened?
Sometimes we think the derailing is the detorres. Most of the time it's a setup and not a setback.
What you do here this why didn't the pajama tell you first reason is simple. Paul got kicked
we got to look at that so shut it off.
I was reading all that ready to get I was like he's on his way here this woman following him around she's not led by the Holy Ghost to Black by a demonic Spirit. That's that scorching Taylor if it's really a psychic, you know, probably had her card stack whatever and she's walking around following then rest of these are the men of God.
But it was coming from a bad source. Hopefully gets ticked off enough. He's like u w come on over. I don't know about you cuz I was Silas I would have been laid.
about time until you get ticked off at the thing that's harassing you it will not leave.
Paul wasn't ticked off at the woman. ticked off at the Spirit those possessing the woman He finally gets annoyed enough sometimes in your life with your personal issues until you get ticked off enough. You won't say enough enough.
You got a great get some spiritual Vigor behind yourself. This a God, that's enough. I'm not going there anymore and you have to stand on I'm tired of that. It's not being mean. It's about you having a result from the Holy Ghost and it says enough and sometimes God will work through you being angry to get what he wants done done it. Sometimes you look at a Christian. I shouldn't feel angry. That's not biblical. Do you know what you got tipped off?
Jesus got ticked off guys. He went into a temple and he laid some WWE Smackdown.
I think we like the pink Jesus like he didn't have any emotions. He was just the man was a carpenter. He was just the lifting heavy thing. He probably wasn't pretty the Bible said so what did you have some guns, man? Put over tables and stuff because it's like, you know what you're doing you're making my father's house a place for thieves and robbers enough someone that had to say stand up and say that's enough.
The other reason why you end up in jail.
People lost. Do you understand had a problem if it was going to cost them money? You know people really don't get bothered until you start messing with your wallet.
I love you. Jesus did something like that? What if you went to a place and they had all these pigs it was a Jewish town and they had all these pigs that they were selling to Jen's house and it was unlawful for Jewish people have to touch pigs because it was an unclean animal to the Jewish people. It was an ordinance given by God not by man from the standpoint of the Old Testament. Jesus comes along. He sees this man who is demonically possessed. No one goes around because the dude is like flipping Hulk it out and it wasn't like from cameras. It was from the Legion of devils. and Jesus says you did miss you guys going to the piggies. And when you did that the Pig jump off the cliff and that town loses their livelihood they get so ticked off and not even happy the guy set free. Beggin Tik Tok cuz you just mess with my life for you and Jesus disciple left and went and he told the man you stay and you go evangelize let people know what I done and they left.
And then they get thrown into prison.
Paul and Silas Jesus he couldn't do ministry there. Pictures about no post in prison and it's not just went into a jail cell. They put them in the like the most insecure one that there was some hardened criminals and he said by the way this doctor do you got me in a Cell already why you got to mess with my feet?
So what happened? You got these two dudes in a prison cell. And something because it happened and they got there because they were following God. They got there because following God LED them into conflict. Sometimes we think the conflict. We think conflict is bad. But how do you not know God leading you into the middle of it?
Anyone ever had a tooth pulled I have to have your first tooth pulled that feeling and the doctor they were going to pull it. It's the dentist like we're at the pool. It's no good. The dentist told me that I thought anxiety. I was like, dude, you're not taking my tooth out. I'm like not even hurting me. I don't care what it looks like. It's not bothering me. So, you know what I did on your way out cuz it was just a general cleaning. What's right out the door? Pull my tooth man make it the worse. It was my wisdom tooth. I need all the wisdom I can get.
It lasted for another year didn't bother me. Finally that you start falling apart. I go to the dentist. Do you know what I did with the Walmart? They got this feeling Packer that you can put in stuffed. It was filling packer. Student go back to the dentist. I know today so I can get that. Don't worry about its covers. When did Sting started hurting me enough and I was like dude, it's hurting. I finally went to the dentist because I will take that out for you. I said okay. He's like you need some amoxicillin all this other stuff. Brittany democracy on but that thing came out it was pretty quick. I didn't feel a thing. He told me real good. But do you know that we don't deal with things until they start hurting us?
When it comes to our heart the motives and what God's trying to deal with. Do we put them off for another day or do we deal with it? Because it's hurting.
Going to the story.
So they're in jail in this work picks up at the 25th verse. What about midnight as Paul and Silas Weir? Second in about midnight when Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God and the other prisoners were listening to them suddenly. There was a great earthquake so that the very foundations of the prison was shaking it at once all the doors were open and everyone's shackles were unfastened.
They had some Jailhouse Rock going man.
We asked you this they're in jail. They're locked up their feets and everything else and there's any just got beat. It wasn't just they were locked up. They got beat first and then they got locked up. I don't know about you guys. I probably would have been taped now. I'd like you do know we're going to do we're going to sing a song.
I like you got to be kidding me man. You know what? I want to do some blankets. You know what that means playing Kitty blank blank blank blank blank blank blank.
Heather covered for all winner
don't do that. Do you know what they did? They start singing? Why were they singing? My question is wife. I want to I want to challenge this. Do you know sometimes when we pray and we sing it's about what we can get they weren't even paying to get the shackles off their feet so they can dance.
Mary Mary guys They weren't singing for that reason. Pictures of Dale Earnhardt's return to her God started singing him and hymns and things they were worried about nothing else was singing to God worship Ian other prisoners hurt this going on her motive for worshiping God had nothing to do with getting themselves out of prison.
Sometimes we read our Bibles because we're looking for a solution instead of reading it to know him. Don't try to get on breakthrough Fitzgerald because he's the king of kings.
Where is your motives at because your motives will motivate you and build momentum in your life.
They didn't have motives for trying to get free and try to change their situation. I don't like why you read the story. There was an earthquake because they were shut and I heard preachers preaching when you're in the middle of something.
I'm not against breakthrough trust me, but what I'm saying is that wasn't there at what I read scripture that wasn't their motive. Their motive was not break through. Their motive was to Adorn the heart of the father to door with Jesus has done for them in their life. That was the motive behind them and even imprisoned for the devil couldn't stop the spirits momentum in their life. How would it look for you to be going through the middle of hell and you never spew out hell because only thing you have is the moment on from Gods to speak life and it keep pressing forward cuz you're not growing weary in doing good.
Something shifted in them this the same pork. I just had contentious with his mentor who's in prison with Silas. And what do you want to do buddy? This is the song that never ends.
That's when they started doing and the prisoners heard it.
Other listening to these two not singing.
And because of their inward the outward had to shift.
I want to look at worship real quick and Huber real quickly.
I really want to say hello. Play lay with you. It means to praise to celebrate the Bose to raise. The rest of the cast is so points with the headset has to list their hands. So they're there because you're Jewish dude just sitting there. Like, hey, let's give the next one to give us in prison. You just got beat up in the blasting of your minds to give God a sacrifice of praise.
I'm going to speak from experience there. I'm in the hospital in excruciating pain because my nerves is getting feels like someone's going with the Jake song cutting my nerve apart and is going from out here.
I don't think you'll like I'm in pain God. Where you at?
Give me all of them. Hey. Can, I get some more morphine that really help last time. Do you know the first thing we try to do is stop the pain?
My focus was on I need this to stop hurting instead of looking towards God. Where do you what are you saying? And it's not easy to do because that's a shift and the motive of your heart. So I'm sitting there in pain. I feel like praising God. I knew I wanted the pain to stop. I wasn't like I worship you Lord. Thank you.
For something hurting your body or a headache and your life. Thank you. She's your life. My head is splitting right?
My wife has a stronger pain tolerance than I I think I think all women do and that's probably why they get pregnant. You know, they have to carry the baby I could imagine doing with think she had to do. No, I don't want to.
I want to see this but they chose to give God a sacrifice of praise they chose in the midst of it not for breakthrough to give God praise. The next one is shabach, which is means to boast pronounce happy with the loud voice. That means it worked quiet about it. They weren't sitting there singing. He got the whole world and his head held my hand.
They were sitting there like I'm going to make it but I can imagine it put me in the scenario. You know, it was me. Okay, you don't pause like this biscuits loud about it. I'm thinking like locked up. I can't get mad about it. I'm locked up. They won't let me out.
And they start worshiping and then get happy about where all the other prisoners start hearing it.
The next one is bierock what you means to me also worship involves movement and revolves singing it revolves.
Vanessa's Taco with Misa strike to Smite to drive it's a hand clap know what we did earlier.
Not aqua. Music rap Can you clap that's seen as a worship to God? finally the car was just a Twist leap and dance.
And he lies to sting. Tequila tequila may do that to you, but we're saying to heal.
It means to sing a new song.
That's what that means to sing something new that means in the moment and touched by God inspired and something you would also means to be inspired to write something you and then sing it. I'm finally Jamar to play an instrument. Well, I don't know if I'm praising him.
And something shifted in the prison. Earthquake happened to the point where the jelly and it picks up here and it's 27 verse the jelly or Jello being roused out of his sleep seeing the prison doors open drew. His sword was about to kill himself supposing that the prisoners had escaped. Hit number one big worm singing for breakthrough. I think they would have been there to get up here with a loud voice and the self no harm for we are all here and called for right and sprained in and trembling for fear fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said sirs. What must I do. What must I do? To be safe my screen change. Thank you though and I house.
And they speak the word of the Lord and to him with all that were that were in the house and he took them the same hour of the night wash their stripes and was baptized and he and all his immediate and immediately. And he brought them up into the house and said food before them and rejoice greatly with all his house having believed in God.
He was trying to kill me cuz I seen was that bad.
But he was he was because he thought he was going to die cuz it was his job to keep those prisoners and let me tell you back in the day is your prisoners Escape you got killed.
You know, the two guards are outside of Jesus's tomb they would have been killed. So the Sanhedrin said hey, let's spread this lie. In the end so they got to live so they for momentary Comfort they traded truth.
Could you imagine that two guards knowing that an angel came in and they knocked them out and the the stone was rolled away. The man ain't there no more and then what they ended up doing was selling them for life because it was if they wouldn't have it would have made their lives. Our family is very uncomfortable.
They would have been dead.
Sometimes in our life God is calling us into the uncomfortable most of the time. Sometimes. He's calling us to be uncomfortable. I'm reading the gospels and read a book reading books and stuff and I'm thinking about heart like gospel so uncomfortable It's so uncomfortable. I realize that we don't want comfortable but the Bible did I say that the Bible said the spirits going to comfort you by the gospels comforting not comfortable.
We like to do is make Christianity comfortable so you can stay here a while. And and what happens is then we become complacent. Comfortable and complacent. Could I say I don't know what I said I said comfortability is the Throne of complacency. So if it was a kingdom. Comfortability is of thrown at sister.
And when anyone messes with what's come to our comfort ability we get upset. What I'm guilty, dude.
So guilty like, you know, I'm in the middle of Batman. They just put out a new Batman movie for trailer at Washington Times. And always a high what's wrong with you and watching Batman?
She's messing with my comfortability.
I'm seriously, he's Batman fan.
so it's uncomfortable now.
I really God likes to interrupt our comfortability because if he doesn't then you will never build momentum. And if he doesn't think your motives in your heart never have to change never have to align but why were they why did they get free? I'm going to share this with you.
I was praying with that and I said Lord. I was praying and I got like hit me here. He's like, do you know this is the only time in existence that you can worship me in the midst of Trials and the face of Temptation and the aftermath of failure and disappointment and sorrow and sickness in the mist of demonic attack. This is the only time in existence.
You know, this is called the Deuces flower called the corpse flower it only blooms like every hundred years but not mistaken. I think that's something there's another one that only blooms every 400 years. Could you imagine having that flower? And it so happened to be in your lifetime. It's going to bloom. What was the technology we got now, I'm going to tell you you can make a pay-per-view budding set. You can people paying you to watch this thing show up in in Globe because guess what it only happens every 400 years and you happen to be alive in that time. People from miles and miles around will come and see because it's so rare. It's such a privilege to see it knowing that. Generations will not be able to see what I'm seeing right now.
but it really is it's really precious to God. Baby, so precious to you. You won't want to miss it. It's always the same with your Workshop. So it's the same with what you worship me right now for the motive. This is the only time in existence when you're in a trial you can worship because it happened. There's no trials.
Come on, we Face Temptation. That's the only time it is in existence. You understand. How rare this is. I'm scared with with the spirit was speaking to me. You remember that woman who was freed from a whole bunch of demons. She comes in there with her hair down and she has to spoil that she got from prostitution and it was very costly it probably was a Year's worth of wages. As she takes it and puts it on Jesus's feet. And she starts using her hair to wash his feet. I think Judy walks in.
Judas your Judy don't take any offense. I'm just saying I've been sober so much money. How dare she use that to worship you this is like shut up, man. What she's doing will be known for the rest of time and after time because it's so special and rare and it will be as a memoir memorial for her that she would do this. Jesus is like you know when she did that I said, yeah that that was like Precious. It was a lazy. He's like when you choose to worship me on Earth not for breakthrough not for what you can get not for how it makes you feel specifically for who I am and his dad precious to me.
It is a fragrance in an instant that can only come from Believers on Earth.
It can only come from Believers on Earth. Let me tell you something in heaven, they worship because they see him face-to-face. It's like dude. There's no hardships anymore. You're only but why you're on earth when we released from our hearts to God in the face of all this nonsense and pray it is so precious to the Lord.
It's like it's so precious it moved my heart more than She has a glory unto itself.
I like will God. You said you want to build momentum in me? Yeah.
Then why should we not worship me and seek me not for what I can do how to make you feel but because of who I am. And I'm going to invite you into understanding how rich and precious that is 2 mi. It's in that place. I will reveal secrets.
Intimacy with God to a greater degree. What holds you back? What holds you back? from
worshipping expressing. Love to God
What holds you back? What keeps you still What teams do skloot it? Like no. I'm not going to
I promise you if you overcome that, you would find God more.
Last thing I want to leave you guys with.
is this Two weeks ago I came here and I gave you guys a prophetic word that got share with me you guys remember that? I'm going to do what I told you guys to pray about that thing. I'm serious because I'm going to hold myself accountable to you guys, and I hope you hold me accountable because you don't want to reach her up your popping off. Then would you want to wait and see if it's true from God. Go to Stansell if I'm completely off publicly. I will apologize to you guys. I'm going to challenge you guys to hold me accountable. Okay. Do I do have another property that I send my words to now and he's holding me accountable as well. He was here. His name is Pat Brisson. He's a well-known Prophet that travels and is going to be another one, but I'm meeting in September. But other than that guy's just want to share that last statement with you. I want to pray for you guys. Close your eyes.
If you don't know Jesus if you're here, and you don't have a relationship with him and you want to start one. You like to. I want to know God. I want to experience his love. Put your hand in the air.
And just as a family as a church body, let's just repeat all this together Jesus.
I come to you now.
I give you my life.
And I ask you to forgive me of my sins.
I choose to believe. That you are the son of God.
And that you died and rose again.
Fill me up with your spirit.
And Reveal Your Heart To Me.
Hey, Matt.
Should probably thank you for that. We thank you for our hearts and lies changing. We think for a time to worship and come together these crazy and I defy you.
Hey guys. Love you all.