America's mayhem and massive decline in Christianity

God gives us a helmet to protect our thoughts from Satanic influence and interference. Satan usually goes after the mind. Paul told his friends at Corinth that “the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not” (2 Corinthians 4:4). The protection God gives us from Satan’s deceptions, denials, and distortions is the helmet of salvation. Without this protection, our thinking—brilliant as it may be—is open to the damning influence of Satan’s rulers of darkness.
Apart from God’s salvation, man cannot reach correct conclusions about psychological, social, philosophical, and spiritual phenomena.
Satan’s lies are diabolically clever. Under the influence of demonic insinuation and suggestion, man deliberately sets aside divine revelation in favor of human reasoning. Satan’s deceptions appeal to the unregenerate mind. They seem to make lots of sense and they appeal to human pride. To the unsaved, the theory of evolution is more plausible than the story of creation. Communism used to seem much more practical than Christianity (especially Christianity as distorted and disseminated by Satan’s dupes). A creed demanding works seems more logical than the cross. Humanism is more attractive than holiness. Psychology seems more reasonable than salvation. Satan never gives up his attacks on thought processes.