JP1 When Religion Fails
(S1)When Religion Fails
John 3:1-18
Gateway Baptist Church – 10/05/08 – AM
The first thing that comes to many people’s minds when you talk to the about God is religion. (S2 – Religion) has many definitions, but I think the one that most closely matches the idea of most people today is “A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.”
In essence, religion is man’s attempt at figuring out who God is and how to know Him. In that sense, religion will ALWAYS fail because it places man and his ability to discover God at the center.
This morning I want to study the account of Nicodemus’ meeting with Jesus in John 3.
I. Who was Nicodemus?
A. He was a Pharisee: (S3 – John 3:1a) Self-righteous, Self-serving & Self-seeking!
B. He was a “ruler of the Jews” (S4 – John 3:1b) – on the Sanhedrin council, a body of 70 men who were tasked with the spiritual and often political leadership of the Jews.
C. He was curious! (S5 – John 3:2) Unlike many of the other Jews, Nicodemus was stirred in his heart when he beheld the ministry of our Lord!
D. He was cautious! (some may say cowardly) He came to Jesus under the cover of darkness – but he CAME!
II. What did the Pharisees depend on?
A. Religion’s Rules and Rituals! (S6 – John 9:13)
1. This interview takes place immediately following the miracle of Jesus giving sight to a blind man at the pool of Siloam.
2. As the man was presented to the Pharisees we are told that Jesus had healed this man on the Sabbath. (S7 – John 9:14)
3. This is the first mention of the day that Jesus healed the man on. Why do you think we were not told before now? Because, although Jesus understood and observed the true meaning of the Sabbath, He did not use it as an excuse to dishonor the Father!
B. This man had just experienced an undeniable miracle and was not ashamed to tell people about it! (S8 – John 9:15)
1. The Pharisees did not dispute the miracle itself, but they could not allow themselves to let go of their religion long enough to see the truth! (S9 – John 9:16)
2. This account is just one of many in the New Testament that show how the religious Jews allowed their religion to stand between them and God!
C. Many people today think that the only way to God is through religion!
1. According to a 2007 Pew Research Study (S10–Americans) are:
· 51.3% Protestant
· 23.9% Catholic
· 1.7% Mormon
· 1.7% Jewish
· .7% Buddhist
· .6% Muslim
2. And that is only the surface! Is there any wonder people are confused?
III. Jesus presented Nicodemus another way – the only way!
A. Nicodemus came to find out about the things that Jesus did – Jesus immediately turned the conversation in the opposite direction! (S11 – John 3:3)
1. Do you think Nicodemus was expecting these words from Jesus? I don’t! I think he was expecting a theological presentation of our Lord’s position! To explain His religion!
2. Nicodemus immediately began to question Jesus. (S12 – John 3:4)
B. Jesus responds with a truth that each one of us needs to understand! (S13 – John 3:5)
1. Knowing God has nothing to do with our religious practices, it is rooted in relationship!
2. Jesus uses the analogy of physical birth to make this point. (S14 – John 3:6) When parents give birth to a child they begin a relationship with that child!
3. When we are “born again” we undergo the same process! “That which is born of the flesh is flesh” and “that which is born of the Spirit is spirit”!
C. Unlike our physical birth, we have a choice in our spiritual birth! (S15 – John 3:16)
1. Many people look to the first portion of this verse and rejoice in the love of God, but totally ignore the fact that this verse presents us with a choice!
2. The benefits of this relationship are incredible! (S16 – John 3:17)
3. The results of refusal are terrifying! (S17 – John 3:18)
If you are here this morning and have been depending on your religion to place you in God’s good graces you need to stop right now. No amount of religious activity can begin to make you acceptable in the eyes of God – otherwise Jesus died in vain! God calls us to have a relationship with Him through the new birth!
If you have entered into that relationship with God how close is that relationship? Do you go on daily walks together and talk about all the things that matter in your life?
Finally, have you invited someone else to join in? God has plenty of love to go around and will use you to share that love with others through relationships with them!