JP2 When Guilt Wont go away
(S1)When Guilt Won’t Go Away
John 4:1-4:26
Gateway Baptist Church – 08/12/2008 – AM
Last Sunday morning we looked at the meeting between Nicodemus and Jesus in John chapter 3 and learned that religion is not the way to God – that access is only available through His Son Jesus! This morning I want to look at another meeting Jesus had, this time in John chapter 4. (S2) Jesus’ encounter with this woman is about as far as you can come from His meeting with Nicodemus!
Nicodemus was a Jew She was a Samaritan
Nicodemus was a respected ruler She was a despised woman
Nicodemus was polite She was hostile
Nicodemus was in Jerusalem She was in Samaria
Nicodemus came at night She met Jesus in the daytime
One thing they had in common – Jesus loved them and was willing to speak the truth to them!
With Nicodemus, Jesus explained the failings of religion. With the woman at the well, Jesus confronts her with the truth of her guilty condition and her need for a Savior!
Guilt has become a powerful force in our country. We are constantly presented with things to feel guilty about in order to cause us to change our behavior or thinking. ie “green guilt”
(S3 – Guilt) in this sense is defined as “a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime or wrong, whether real or imagined.”
Many people think that the main goal of Christian Churches is to make people feel guilty in order to manipulate them to conform to their standards. As a result, there is a growing trend to shy away from the concept of sin and the feelings of guilt that accompany it and focus on happier thoughts!
(S4 – Guilt2) has another def: “the state of having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong”
In this encounter Jesus teaches us that:
I. We need to know the truth about who we are!
A. We are people who matter to God! (S5 – John 4:1-9)
1. This woman knew the social and religious tension that existed between the Jews and the Samaritans. In 730 BC the King of Assyria carried Israel into captivity and placed people from other cultures in Samaria resulting in a mix of social and religious practices that continues even today. (2 Kings 17:24)
2. Jesus certainly understood this truth – but look at (S6 – John 4:4) again! Samaria was the most direct route from Judea to Galilee, but the Jews would rather divert through Perea to the east to avoid having to spend time in that vile country!
3. Jesus was not only willing to talk to this female Samaritan; He planned His whole trip in order to have this meeting!
B. We are sinners in need of the Savior!
1. After Jesus shared the wonderful truth about His living water (we will cover that in a minute) He revealed the truth of her situation. (S7 – John 4:16-18)
2. Why did Jesus do this? Was He trying to embarrass or hurt her? NO! He loved her and knew that the only way she could ever be freed from her sin and guilt was to be confronted with the truth of her need!
3. We all need to realize that we are sinners in need of a Savior! (S8 – Romans 3:10-12)
II. We need to know the truth about who He is!
A. He is our greatest need today! (S9 – John 4:10-15)
1. This woman came to the well to draw enough water to get her through another day.
2. Jesus revealed that her life was meant to be more than that!
B. He is our only hope for eternity! (S10 – John 4:19-20)
1. The woman was trusting in the religious practices of people but Jesus focused her on the spiritual truth of God! (S11 – John 4:21-24)
2. Look at the response of the woman! (S12 – John 4:25) One day we will know the truth! One day we will be able to have all questions answered!
3. Jesus had come to bring that day! (S13 – John 4:26) (S14 – 1 John 5:11-13)
III. We need to accept our responsibility to act on these truths!
A. This woman was confrontational at the beginning of her encounter with Jesus. She questioned His motives and theology - but look how she responded!
1. As the Disciples returned from their shopping trip they saw Jesus speaking to this woman and had the same reaction that she had expected of Jesus! (S15 – John 4:27)
2. I wonder if the Disciples had thought they ran her off! (S16 – John 4:28)
3. The truth that Jesus had shared with her could not be contained! (S17 – John 4:29-30)
4. Not only did she believe, she immediately brought others boldly to Jesus – something the Disciples had lost sight of! (S18 – John 4:34-35)
B. Not every person confronted with the truth responds so well!
1. Remember Pilate in Matthew 27 – His own wife warned him not to turn Jesus over for crucifixion, but he listened to the crowd instead of the truth!
2. (S19 - Winston Churchill) once said, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.”
3. Jesus paid the highest price to reveal these truths to us – and He expects us to respond! (S20 – John 8:31-32)
My purpose this morning is not to make us all feel guilty about who we are. Focusing on our guilt gives it control over our lives and pulls us away from God. This morning I want us to realize that even though we are guilty God still loves us and has made the way for us to put that guilt aside and enjoy the blessings of the Savior!
If you have never given your sin and guilt to Jesus you need to do it today. He is the only one that can deal with it properly and give you lasting relief! If you have trusted in Jesus, are you following the example of the Samaritan woman and letting others know about Him?