Ephesians 1:3-14
Steps Class Sunday School Study in Ephesians
Application Overview
A main point of emphasis in Eph 1 is that the believer’s salvation is part of God’s predestined plan for the world (Eph 1:4–5). Before God established the created order, in His love (Eph 1:4) and good pleasure (Eph 1:5b), He chose believers as His portion (Eph 1:5a). As God’s adopted children, believers have obtained an inheritance (Eph 1:11) that is guaranteed by the Spirit (Eph 1:14). Paul assures believers of their salvation by emphasizing the roles of each member of the Trinity: God chose believers for adoption according to His eternal purposes (Eph 1:3–10); Christ’s death and resurrection brought about salvation and victory over evil powers (Eph 1:11–12, 20–21); and the Spirit functions as the seal and promise of believers’ inheritance and redemption (Eph 1:13–14).