C111 Overcoming Arrogance
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A. [Matthew 18.1-14] Please turn with me and follow along as I read our text for today
A. [Matthew 18.1-14] Please turn with me and follow along as I read our text for today
B. It can be easy to have an overdeveloped sense of worth in our own minds, I think
B. It can be easy to have an overdeveloped sense of worth in our own minds, I think
1. I know there are people who struggle with self-esteem and don’t think much of themselves
1. I know there are people who struggle with self-esteem and don’t think much of themselves
2. But most of us still have a little bit of pride…even if we have self-confidence issues
2. But most of us still have a little bit of pride…even if we have self-confidence issues
3. Our pride can take root when we begin to compare ourselves to others
3. Our pride can take root when we begin to compare ourselves to others
Even for the one lacking a lot of self-confidence, it can be easy to feel superior when you meet someone you think of as “less”
We see a lot of trouble in our society when different ethnicities look down on others, and almost treat one another as sub-human
C. The disciples struggled with this type of pride and arrogance
C. The disciples struggled with this type of pride and arrogance
1. They wanted to know who was the BEST
1. They wanted to know who was the BEST
Who was Jesus’ favorite
Who was the best follower?
Whose miracles and signs were the most impressive
2. We don’t know for sure what their criteria was, but they surely had some sort of “checklist” in their mind that made them think they were better than their friends
2. We don’t know for sure what their criteria was, but they surely had some sort of “checklist” in their mind that made them think they were better than their friends
3. They put others down so they feel better about themselves…and then they ask Jesus to validate their perspective
3. They put others down so they feel better about themselves…and then they ask Jesus to validate their perspective
D. I struggle with this same sort of mindset…I have for years
D. I struggle with this same sort of mindset…I have for years
1. When I was young, I was bullied a lot, and the way I coped with it when I got into high school was to begin seeing myself as better than others
1. When I was young, I was bullied a lot, and the way I coped with it when I got into high school was to begin seeing myself as better than others
I was better than the jocks because I could do this thing
I was better than the preppy kids because I was involved in this situation
2. My arrogance blossomed when I found something I was good at…military things
2. My arrogance blossomed when I found something I was good at…military things
I told myself I was better than a lot of other military people at doing military things
I became very arrogant, because every time I compared myself to others, I felt I was better
3. This arrogance can seep into all facets of life
3. This arrogance can seep into all facets of life
Am I a good husband? Well, compare myself with other husbands and marriages
Am I a good preacher? Well, compare myself with other preachers and sermons the teach
Am I a good father? Well, compare myself or my kids with other families
4. The best way for me to overcome this arrogance is to begin developing humility in my life and begin actively viewing others the way God wants me to see them
4. The best way for me to overcome this arrogance is to begin developing humility in my life and begin actively viewing others the way God wants me to see them
E. The disciples seem to be struggling with arrogance in this passage, and so Jesus needs to teach the dangers of their attitudes
E. The disciples seem to be struggling with arrogance in this passage, and so Jesus needs to teach the dangers of their attitudes
1. In Matthew 18.1-5, Jesus sees the arrogance and helps them see the correct attitude of humility
1. In Matthew 18.1-5, Jesus sees the arrogance and helps them see the correct attitude of humility
2. In Matthew 18.6-10, Jesus reveals the danger of the arrogance
2. In Matthew 18.6-10, Jesus reveals the danger of the arrogance
3. In Matthew 18.12-14, Jesus shows the right mindset of humility toward our brethren
3. In Matthew 18.12-14, Jesus shows the right mindset of humility toward our brethren
F. Arrogance is dangerous and can be what leads us to despise our brothers and sisters in Christ…ultimately, it can be what separates us from God, and we are not immune from arrogance
F. Arrogance is dangerous and can be what leads us to despise our brothers and sisters in Christ…ultimately, it can be what separates us from God, and we are not immune from arrogance
I. Disciples Struggling with Arrogance (Matthew 18.1-5)
I. Disciples Struggling with Arrogance (Matthew 18.1-5)
II. Why Arrogance is Dangerous (Matthew 18.6-10)
II. Why Arrogance is Dangerous (Matthew 18.6-10)
III. Humility Values Others (Matthew 18.12-14)
III. Humility Values Others (Matthew 18.12-14)