S204 Seeing Idolatry Correctly
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· 12 viewsWe need to evaluate if we have allowed idolatry into our lives.
A. What comes to mind when I talk about idolatry?
A. What comes to mind when I talk about idolatry?
1. Pagan sacrifices
1. Pagan sacrifices
2. Chanting
2. Chanting
3. Kneeling and prostrating before a person or thing
3. Kneeling and prostrating before a person or thing
B. Do we have an idolatry problem in American culture?
B. Do we have an idolatry problem in American culture?
1. With these images in mind…we might not think so
1. With these images in mind…we might not think so
a. We don’t worship a lot of gold statue
b. We don’t have worshipping en mass of someone or somethinG
2. Do we?
2. Do we?
3. We have plenty of idolatry problems…when we understand idolatry
3. We have plenty of idolatry problems…when we understand idolatry
C. The important question: do I have an idolatry problem in my own life?
C. The important question: do I have an idolatry problem in my own life?
1. You say: “Of course not! I’m a Christian!”
1. You say: “Of course not! I’m a Christian!”
2. But…we need to think about this
2. But…we need to think about this
a. Understand the different idols our country loves to worship
b. Look at these and see if they are idols we worship
1) With our time
2) With our money
3) With our passion/obsession
4) With our devotion
3. If I have a problem with idolatry…what should I do?
3. If I have a problem with idolatry…what should I do?
D. What can be an idol?
D. What can be an idol?
1. We need to define idolatry
1. We need to define idolatry
a. Putting anything above God in our devotion, dedication, and adoration
b. Often, we associate this with a thing
1) A statue
2) An emblem
c. Idolatry can draw out attention away from God in many forms
1) Stuff
2) Obsessions
3) Ideas
2. Discover idols by following people’s passion
2. Discover idols by following people’s passion
a. What is a person passionate about?
b. What are they dedicated toward?
c. What takes their time, energy, resources, attention?
3. Idols can be evil…but also quite innocent
3. Idols can be evil…but also quite innocent
a. Pagan idols and statues…obvious and evil
b. Simple things can be innocent…but turned into our own idols