An Undeniable Truth
Salvation Truths • Sermon • Submitted
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· 103 viewsThis portion of scripture provides a clear distinction between those who will be ultimately condemned and those who will be free from condemnation.
This portion of scripture begins with what is likely the most recognizable verse of scripture in all the Bible
This particular portion of scripture is one of the clearest passages in all the Word of God concerning the distinction between those who will spend eternity in heaven and those who tragically will spend eternity in hell.
The truths contained in this passage are undeniable and are vital to our understanding of salvation.
The first undeniable truth that we come to is:
Undeniable Devotion(Vs. 16-17)
Undeniable Devotion(Vs. 16-17)
In this verse we find one of the most marvelous phrases in all the Bible: “GOD SO LOVED”.
The love that God has for the world is beyond description and beyond our human comprehension.
God’s love is not merely stated or spoken but was summarily proven. God’s love is evidenced by the fact that he willingly delivered his only begotten son to be mocked, ridiculed, and ultimately condemned to die on a cross for you and for me. Romans 5:8- God commendeth his love I John 4:9- love of God manifested.
It is only love that could give explanation to why God would do such a thing. Not one of us this morning has any grounds to question the love that God has for us. His devotion to our redemption is undeniable!
We were destined to perish without Jesus Christ- Romans 3:10-12 and Romans 3:19- God looked across the pages of time from beginning to end and saw a world that was guilty, perishing because of their sin.
God’s justice demanded judgment and punishment but God’s love sought to show mercy and grace. The only solution was that Christ should come and take the penalty for our sins upon himself.
I Peter 2:24- bare our sins in his own body/II Corinthians 5:21- made him to be sin for us
Jesus Christ came and lived a sinless life (Hebrews 4:15) and then died a sacrificial death suffering in our place under the punishment that you and I deserved.
Isaiah 53:6 & Isaiah 53:10-11- your iniquities were laid upon him and ultimately the justice of God was satisfied.
God loved you so much that he was willing to deliver up his only begotten son so that we, through faith in him, “should not perish, but have everlasting life”
Verse 17- Jesus Christ came not to condemn the world, for sin had already assured our condemnation, but he came to save the world from sin.
John pronounced this, the moment he saw Jesus he proclaimed “Behold the Lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)
Undeniable Distinction (Vs. 18)
Undeniable Distinction (Vs. 18)
This very next verse draws a clear line of distinction dividing all mankind into two distinct classes with very different destinies.
The scriptures present two, and only two, vastly different destinations where all mankind shall spend eternity.
On the one hand is eternal life in a glorious place called heaven where you shall dwell in the presence of God forevermore.
On the other hand is eternal condemnation in a terrible place called hell where you shall be eternally separated from the presence of God dwelling in darkness and torment forever.
Each and every one of us will one day enter into eternity and we will spend it in one of these two destinations. No one in their right mind would choose hell over heaven when faced with the contrasting details of these two destinations and yet there are many who this very moment are headed there.
Let us now turn our attention to verse 18 so that we might discern the distinction between those who are headed for heaven and those who are headed for hell.
Let us carefully examine this verse so that we may know into which class we fall.
First we see a class of people who are not condemned. This naturally attests to the fact that their sins have been forgiven and thus they are no longer under condemnation.
Then we see a class of people who are condemned already. These are still under the wrath of God (John 3:36) and will ultimately face eternal condemnation if they remain in their current state.
There is a clear distinction in these verses as to what separates these two groups of people. It is not their sinfulness, it is not their goodness, it is not their social status or their wealth.
We see plainly what separates these two classes of people is their faith. Those no longer condemned have believed on Christ while those who are condemned already believed not.
The reason is even clearly spelled out in the latter part of the verse. The reason for their condemnation is clearly expressed in no uncertain terms. They are condemned because they have not believed upon Jesus Christ.
No one is in hell today because God could not or would not save them. Those who are in hell are only there because they rejected God’s means of salvation and chose to go their own way instead.
Acts 4:12- none other name/ John 14:6- Christ is THE way.
Which class of people do you belong to? Can you remember the moment when you believed on Jesus Christ?
God’s love and devotion is undeniable and there is not a single person upon this earth that he will not save if you will but believe on Jesus?
All that was necessary to secure your salvation was accomplished over 2000 years ago as Jesus died, was buried, and rose again. Will you trust him today?
If you have trusted Christ will you consider those who are yet in their sins, who have not yet believed on Christ? Will you pray today for them, will you commit to tell them of Christ and to do all that you can to bring them to HIM?