Rejoice! Again, Rejoice!
A Letter to a Beloved Church - Philippians
A Letter to a Beloved Church - Philippians
ILLUST: This is where we are - Current Events - How do we respond?
Protesters wanting to burn churches for “justice”
Govt. posting on church doors that it’s illegal to sing
Church becoming irrelevant, meaningless to believers
Background of Philippians: Acts 16:11-40
2nd missionary journey - AD 50-51 visit
Lydia and ladies - households converted
Slave girl demon exorcised, hurt local commerce, Paul and Silas jailed
Jailer converted, family, too
AD 61-62 letter (10 years passed)
KEY WORD - REJOICE - show great joy, delight
This is Paul’s “feel-good” church - perfect? Nope! Heart for the Lord? Oh, yeah!
Gentile, Women, Generous, Loyal
(so they can accept some correction, if necessary, and it always is)
Key Verses: 1:21, 2:3, 2:6-8, 2:10, 4:8, 4:13
A Christ-Centered Introduction
A Christ-Centered Introduction
Paul Tripp Quote: If you understand what is promised to us in eternity, why in the world would you attach yourself to the earth?
Current events, $$, stress, worry, success...
This letter is not for the lukewarm “Christian,” the ones that check out
This is to encourage the faithful, stick it out, it may actually get worse
(good at Philippi so far, but wait 10 years, AD 70)
Similarities? sure. Minor issues, yeah, us, too.
Goals of this Series on Philippians
Goals of this Series on Philippians
4 main sections: Paul’s situation, Unity, Legalists, Thanks (glorifying Christ in all!)
Cherish God’s Word - above all that is going on in the world
Foster a desire to live according to God’s will
Encouragement where we are strong
Challenge where we may need help (issues?)
Choose - Christ or the enemy
Seeing Christ in Philippians, Right From the Start
Seeing Christ in Philippians, Right From the Start
1- Praise God for Who He is - Adoration of Him
1- Praise God for Who He is - Adoration of Him
He bought us
He allows us to serve Him - bond-servants
He allows us to be used by Him, for Him - humility needed
He set us apart - saints - the word is who Christians are, citizenship, in process of being perfected
For His glory, not ours - Paul will keep emphasizing this
We have the church, because of Christ
Cornerstone is no less important to Christ than Philippi
God gives us grace - Christ is our gift, unmerited favor
Christ provides peace - inexplicable calm in the middle of the world that rages around us, secure in Christ’s strength
2- Confession
2- Confession
When we adore Him, acknowledge Him, we may feel inadequate, or we may just be convicted of where we can fall short - humility again
Me? I try to fix things on my own - figure things out MY way - forget Who I serve
The LORD will help me manage each day
You, too!
We can let circumstances dictate our response - instead of seeing how God can work through any circumstance
We forget to go to Him, the Master (REM: bond-servant) - He’s in control!
We are to be at His service, and that takes a willingness to surrender and follow
How surrendered are we? Paul’s letter will be a challenge.
3- Thankfulness
3- Thankfulness
Great reminder to be thankful for offering us a relationship with the Father
Through Jesus, by grace through faith - His grace is sufficient (reference)
Are we thankful for the church? How? Why?
I love having a family that has a common bond in Christ
I want to be closer and closer to this family - that can be a challenge
Serving alongside me - it’s easy for us, for anyone, to feel alone
Pastors in the church - leaders, those willing to fight for this family and truth
(not asking for thanks, I am thankful God led me here)
Thankfulness for His Word, our guide
This letter, so rich with familiar passages: (LIST)
4- What Do We Need? How Can this Passage Help?
4- What Do We Need? How Can this Passage Help?
Demonstrations and reminders of His grace
We need God to guide us, lead us, in very mighty ways, every day
He already does, do we notice?
We need God to speak to us, and for us to slow down, shut up, and listen
I pray for Him to be the voice in my head to tell me:
to shut up
when to defend Him
when to speak His Word
when to be silent and pray
We need to strive to be “saints” set apart
We then need God’s protection to do that, as we live that out
In very real and tangible ways
5- What Can We Commit To?
5- What Can We Commit To?
Desire to follow Him, His will - then DO IT.
Alone times, quiet times, when nobody is watching
Be the surrendered saint, disciple
Meditate on His Word - read it, pray it, study it, repeat!
(Phil. takes 10-15 minutes to read)
Understand it, and not take it out of context just to feel good
Understand our new nature (new creation, 2 Cor. 5:17)- so that we can better reflect Him in that new creation
ME? I’ll commit to being the best, faithful, surrendered pastor for this church, His church!
I’m committed to being a fellow servant (note the order of the intro) with y’all!
6- Last, How Can We Meet Needs of Others?
6- Last, How Can We Meet Needs of Others?
Our community needs this message of grace, peace
Maybe even people in our own church need this
Peace is not going to come from a political decision - EVER
2 Chron. 7:14 and others, not about us!
God promises to heal US - SPIRITUALLY
Help others by prioritizing our own lives (like O2 mask on plane)
Christ - church - family - community - workplace - etc....
Center life on Christ - no compromise
Focus on rejoicing in Christ - see Him at work in EVERYthing
Many oppose us - govt., non-believers, even religious groups
Many not on our side
Pray that God would open their eyes, hearts, minds
We need to be the instruments of the message of grace and peace
This epistle - formed and built upon the foundation of Christ, with the world spinning out of control (or so it seems) - so…REJOICE!
Challenge - mimic Christ, humbly, securely, joyfully, triumphantly
Grace - unmerited favor, the gift of Christ
Peace - “may all things be well with you” - spiritually
US - accept God’s gift - grace - Jesus
Allow ourselves to surrender to Him, and off we go - REJOICE!