His Faith or Your Feelings (Part 4)
TFCC guess what? I’m excited! Why Pastor James? Because I didn’t finish the message from last week! Therefore, I want to jump right back on the rhythm and on the flow that we were on last week. ***Remember now, there are certain types of prayers that you can pray that will cause heaven to lean in your direction!
But before we go there, don’t forget Hebrews 10:38 which says: “My righteous Ones will live from my faith, but if fear holds them back, my soul shall not be content with them. ***You and I are God’s righteous One’s that the scripture is talking about. In other words, we have been created to live from His Faith! Remember this, “His Faith is birthed from His Word and His Word will reveal or manifest whatever the word says.
On the other hand, our feelings comes from our words, thoughts, pictures, memories or imaginations that we have been nursing and rehearsing in our minds to such a profound degree, that as soon as we believe them, it turns into a feeling. And when the feeling is created, this is the dilemna, when you find yourself in a crunch-time situation, can you trust what you’re feeling to lead you into a place of wholeness, victory, peace, protection, freedom, healing, provision and prosperity?
Because this is what we do know for sure, that the word of God is the only thing on this planet that is a 100% guarantee on whatever it says! ***Thats why His faith cannot be birthed in us, until we hear Him speak!
TFCC the #1 reason why God wants this series to continue is because God wants us to be hungry to hear His Voice. #2 God wants us to develop an expectation to hear his voice! And #3 God wants us to get comfortable knowing, that He always wants to speak to you!
Repeat This Behind Me! “I am a child of God! I am in the family of God! I am a joint-heir with Jesus Christ and I am the life that radiates in the heart of God! He created me to hear His voice. He designed me to hear his voice, and it is in my nature to hear His voice! My Father always speak to me, because my Father and I are in an authentic relationship! If my Father doesn’t speak to me , then i want be qualified, to carry out His will on earth. Therefore, I have received His heart, I can receive His Will and I can receive His ways, for my life on this day! Right now, I eliminate all distractions, I eliminate all interruptions and I eliminate all interferences, that are trying to stop me, from hearing His voice! Speak to me Father, Speak to me Jesus, Speak to me Holy Spirit! Because without your voice, I’ll be void of your faith! In Jesus Name, Amen
Phase #1
Sometimes when you dont think that God is speaking to you, thats when you have to take the responsibility to be the initiator of the conversation! In other words if He’s not speaking to you, that means that its time to start speaking to Him! ***If you really know that you are a child of God and you know that your Father is too good to ignore what His child has to say, that alone should push you to initiate the conversation! Thats why the bible says in Psalms 84:11 that no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly! And because His Voice is a “Good Thing” that means that He will not withhold it from you!
Just don’t forget that when He speaks, you must believe that He spoke to you and then you must say exactly what He said to you! Thats why I say that you and every believer was created to prophecy!
Point #1
There are certain types of prayers, that will cause Heaven To respond! Remember, its not only about what you pray, but its about the position of your heart when you pray! #2 Its not only about what you pray, but its also about knowing who you are in your relationship with God when you pray! ***To be honest Ladies and Gentlemen, I don’t think that we think that God values our thoughts, opinions and desires. But the truth is that He does! If He didn’t value our thoughts, opinions and desires He wouldn’t of never told us to CO-Labour with Him! Question, how can He fulfill the desires of your heart if you don’t tell Him the desires of your heart? Yes, He’s all knowing but just because He’s all knowing that doesn’t give you a right to be lazy and not communicate the desires of your heart to Him!
***God gives us a choice to express to Him our desires, because He loves us! Love doesnt control you, actually Love gives you the power to choose! How do you think that Moses got the ability to change God’s Mind? He choose to express His Thoughts. How do you think that Hezekiahchanged God’s mind? He choose to express His thoughts! Neither of these men were afraid to express their thoughts to God because they knew they had developed a place of intimacy in their relationship with God!
(A). Its not only about what you pray, but its also about knowing God’s Purpose, In The Specific Season, For His People!
***Ladies and Gentlemen, this lets us know a key principle about getting your prayers answered! Know this, “Your prayers are never solely about you, but your prayers must fall under the mission of God’s Purpose so that the answer can also be beneficial to Gods people! Why? Because when God answers my prayer, His answer blesses me or it restores me, and 10 times out of 10 its not solely about me but its also designed to bless His People! (TESTIMONY)
***Yes, whatever God is doing in His answer to you, He not only want to bless you, but He wants to send a blessing through you, so you can open up the opportunity to send a blessing to His people!
(B). Watch This! When you pray, Even when you’re in a place of trouble, my primary reason for praying cannot be for the sole reason of getting me out of this pain, but my primary reason for praying, had better be focused on His purpose!
***This kinda reminds me of a man by the name of Samson! Samson was definitely a man of the times! Meaning, the times that Samson and the children of Israel were living in, were times of indecisiveness! They didn’t know whether or not if they wanted to serve God or be superstars in the world! They didn’t know if they wanted to rebel or obey! The Children of Israel had a pattern! They would rebel, reject God, get put in bondage, repent, and God would deliever them and restore them! Don’t that sound familiar???
(C). Samson was born for the sole purpose of being God’s Chosen Man, who would deliver the children of Israel out of the hands of the Philistines! At that time, the Philistines had become one of God’s arch enemies. ***What was special about Samson was this, Samson had a supernatural anointing that would come upon Him anytime He was getting ready to engage in War! It was actually called the Spirit of Might! When the spirit of Might came upon Sampson, He killed a lion with His bare hands! When the Spirit of Might came upon Him, he killed 1000 philistines with the jaw bone of a donkey! When the spirit of Might came upon Samson, He tied 300 foxes tails together, put a gas bomb on em and set the philistines fields on fire in order to destroy their crops!
(D). Sampson destroyed the philistines on every single opportunity that He had! He beat them so much, that they knew that if they didn’t discover where His supernatural strength was coming from, eventually He would destroy the entire philistine nation! Ladies and Gentlemen, when the enemy is serious about destroying you, He studies you patiently and intentionally!
(E). The Philistines honored and respected Samson’s strength, but on the other hand they discovered, exposed and exploited His weakness! They knew that Samson was strong when it came to spiritual warfare, but they also knew he was weak as water when it came to women! Because they recognized that samson had an addiction to exotic women! What do you do, when you are strong on one hand but you’re severely weak on the other! (Example)
(F). Samson was a nazarite, that mean that He wasn’t only supposed to keep the law, but He had another specific law that was even more stricter that God placed on him and expected him to keep! Watch this, the children of Israel were instructed in the law not to engage in interracial marriages with other nations! Why is that Pastor James? Because God knew that the other nation’s would try to influence the israelites to serve their gods. Therefore, He didn’t even want them to entertain the thought of it, so He just wrote it into the law!
(G). But as for Samson, he was rebellious and disobedient! Because in the 14th chapter of Judges, the bible said that Samson saw a philistine woman in Timnah, and He told his parents, “I have found a wife amongst the philistines! Go get her for me, because she’s my wife!” His parents said, “Samson, couldn’t you find a wife amongst your people? Why don’t you choose an Israelite, someone thats our people?” Samson said, “no mom!” I see what I want and I have to have her. Ladies and Gentlemen Samson valued the voice of his feelings, 100 times more than He valued the voice of His Faith!
(H). Even though Samson was a Nazarite and God had some restrictions on his over his life, God gave Samson what he wanted, even though He knew that He wasn’t built to handle it! “What do you do, when God gives you what you are dying to have, even though you are not built to handle it?” Give 3 good examples!
(I). Sampson was so desperate to have a philistine woman instead of an Israelite woman, then God gave him exactly what He wanted, even though he wasn’t built to handle what he felt like He had to have! How do you know that Sampson wasn’t built to handle the philistine women Pastor James? because the first two He got, they cheated on him and disrespected him and the last one that he got, she set him up and killed him!
(J). Ladies and Gentlemen Samson knew that Delilah was trying to kill him, but his feelings would not allow him to get free from her! ***What do you do when you know that someone is trying to destroy you but your feelings are so strong for the person that they won’t allow you to get free from the person?
(K). Finally, Delilah said, “Samson, you don’t love me because if you loved me, you wouldn’t keep telling me these lies about where your strength is coming from? And the bible said, “Samson told her all of his heart!” In other words, Samson choose to show delilah just how much he trusted her, instead of being obedient to God to show God just how much He trusted His Word! Thats when Samson got transparent with the enemy? Have you ever been in a situation, that you knew the person didn’t have your best interest at heart? You knew the person didnt want you but they wanted what you had to offer them and you knew that they were the enemy! But you loved them so much, even when you knew they were about to betray you and you knew that they couldn’t be trusted but your feelings caused you to trust them anyway!
(L). When Samson told Delilah the truth, that He was a Nazarite and that now scissors were to ever touch his hair. The Bible said that night Samson went to sleep with his head in Delilah’s lap and his locks was in her hand, Delilah called in a skilled philistine barber, to slowly and gently cut off Samsons dreadlocks in His sleep. When the barber finished, Delilah made sure the Philistine army was in position, and she screamed, “Samson, the Philistines are here!” And as always, Samson jumps out of his sleep and he shakes himself! He was thinking that The Spirit Of Might was coming upon him, but this time Samson felt weak as water! Why? Because the Glory of the Lord, had departed from Samson!
(M). What that means is this, Because trusted His Feeling over God’s Faith, God’s super would not come upon Sampson’s natural, so the Philistines captured Samson! ***Ladies and Gentlemen the very first thing that the Philistines did when they caught Samson was this, THEY GAUGED HIS EYES OUT! You may be thinking, “Pastor why they just didnt kill him? Why did they keep him alive and take out his eyes! Wanna know I’ll tell you why. Because when the enemy gets you and put you in prison, he would rather take your vision so that you can stay alive to fulfill his mission! The enemy knows this, if you can’t see you way out of bondage, eventually you’ll just learn how to cope with the bondage! So instead of killing you, the enemy would rather just keep you alive in order for you to inflict and infect other christians!
(N). So Philistines took Samson, put him in Prison and made him their personal slave! And one day, the bible said that the leaders of the philistines wanted to have a feast so they could celebrate the victory that their God had given Sampson over to them! The Bible said about 3000 Philistine Leaders all came together and they had a huge celebration! The were eating, drinking and celebrating because they knew that the children of Israel were no longer a threat!
(O). ***So they said to each other, we should have samson come out here and entertain us, let him dance for us! So they called for Samson, they brought Samson out and Samson entertained the Philistines by moving and grooving for a few hours! When Samson got tired and he needed a lil rest, he asked his handler which was a teenage boy to place on the two pillars of the building so that He could get some rest! As the little boy was leading Samson to the pillars, Samson started praying!
(P). Remember the point! “Its not only about what you pray, but its also about God’s Purpose, In The Specific Season, For His People! So even when I’m in trouble, my first priority cannot be get me out of my pain, but my first priority has to be Lord, is this your purpose!
***Sampson said: “Father, if you will just remember me one more time! Send me my Supernatural Strength back, and I will destroy the Philistines for you and Your people! ***Did you catch that? The reason why Samson was born was to deliver the children of Israel out of the hands of the Philistines! So Samson prayed according to Gods Purpose! Thats when His strength came back! And Samson stood in between the 2 pillars, he grabbed the pillars and started pulling the pillars together in order to cause the entire building to callapse! *** Yes Samson died, but in his death HE destroyed more philistines in that one event that he had destroyed in his entire life! Samson, killed the heads of the Philistines so that the children of Israel could be delivered out of there bondage!
***Ladies and Gentlemen don’t you dare forget that the only way out is up! On the other hand of that point, I had a strong prophetic dream that the Lord wanted me to share with you as it pertains to Going Up!