Biblical Social Justice
Biblical Social Justice
Exodus 22:16-23:9
Sexual Sin (vs. 16,17, 19)
Witchcraft(vs. 18)
Idolatry(vs. 20)
Immigrants(vs. 22: 21, 23:9)
Widows and Orphans(22-24, James 1:27)
Treatment of the poor(vs. 25-27)
Leaders(vs. 28)
Offerings(vs. 29-30)
Unclean food (vs. 31)
Justice in Court(vs. 1-3, 6-8)
Treating Neighbor Correctly (vs. 4-5)
Micah 6:8
Discussion Questions:
What spoke to you from today’s sermon?
What is the difference between Social Justice many push today and biblical justice?
Which area of justice listed above could your family make a difference in?
Is there an area you or your family has a blind spot to(or an area where you have been reluctant to act)?
Pick one area you or your family can do something about it this week. Make a plan and do it!
Spend some time praying asking God to make you an agent of biblical justice in the world in which you live.