Walking by the One Who Comes Alongside
10:14: Prepare slide
10:15: Welcome slide
10:15: Devo, Music Set 1
10:35: Prayer
10:40: Music Set 2
10:45: Children’s Message / Lord’s Supper
Lord’s Supper
Lord’s Supper
Intro: our rhythm, our 2020 series
Reflection: The Spirit confirms
The HS confirms that Jesus is the Christ ()
The HS confirms that believers are children of God ()
Only the HS can do both
Taking these elements is not what confirms that we are children of God, but it’s something that children of God do because they are children of God
Believers, let the HS confirm to your spirit that you are a child of the living God and receive these elements to say “Amen” to the testimony of the Holy Spirit
If you don’t yet believe in Jesus, the bread and the cup are of no value - this is not what makes you a child of God, but rather faith in what these elements draw our attention to
Explain elements - drawing our attention to
Belief in that is how you become a child of God
10:50: Dismiss kids
10:50: Announcements
10:55: Sermon
Title Slide
Title Slide
In Rev, John says that this vision came to him while he was “in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day” (Rev 1:10) - OK, so you probably have to be “in the Spirit” in order to get a vision that wild.
But in Rom 8, Paul talks about believers who are not “in the flesh” but “in the Spirit.” - No wild visions, not just one apostle on a remote island with no one to talk to but seagulls and lizards - just everyday Christians. People like you and me.
What do we mean?
What do we mean?
++What does it mean to be “in” the Spirit?
++What does it mean to “walk by the Spirit”?
++Whose job is it to do what when it comes to walking by the Spirit?
++How do we know when we’re “in” or “walking by” the Spirit?
Anonymous Survey? Zoom if these are questions you’ve asked and aren’t completely confident in the answers. (Onsite - anonymously raise your hand.)
Some key passages to help us
Some key passages to help us
Plan: I read, you take note of key words related to the Spirit, especialy RE “walking in/by”, active chat window. No analysis, just key words and phrases.
Romans 8:1-4
Romans 8:1-4
Live according to / by / walk by
Romans 8:5-8
Romans 8:5-8
Mindset / mind set on / outlook
Romans 8:9-11
Romans 8:9-11
Us in the Spirit
The Spirit in us
Romans 8:12-17
Romans 8:12-17
Live according to (again)
Led by
Eph 5:17-21
Eph 5:17-21
Filled by / with vs. drunk
1 Cor 12:12-14
1 Cor 12:12-14
Baptized by
Drink / partake of
1 Peter 1:1-2
1 Peter 1:1-2
Sanctified by for Obedience
2 Cor 3:12-18
2 Cor 3:12-18
Transformed by
Our List
Our List
Live according to / by the Spirit, walk by the Spirit
Mindset of the Spirit / mind set on the Spirit / outlook of the Spirit
Us in the Spirit
The Spirit in us
Have the Spirit
Led by the Spirit
The Spirit Confirms with our spirit that we’re children of God
Be filled by / with the Spirit (vs. drunk)
Baptized by the Spirit into one body
Drink / partake of the Spirit
Sanctified by the Spirit for Obedience
Liberty because of the Spirit
Gradually and continuously Transformed by the Spirit
How might we collect these ideas into groups?
Our Organized List
Our Organized List
++Our state of being
(us in the Spirit, the Spirit in us, have the Spirit)
Positional truth
++What the Spirit is doing in us
(led by the Spirit, confirms, fills vs. drunk, baptizes, sanctifies for obedience)
God’s work in us walking by the Spirit
++Actions we take
(live according to / by; walk by; set mind on; drink)
Our work in walking by the Spirit
++What happens as a result
(liberty, transformed, fruit)
The result: walking by the Spirit
Analogy of a fruit tree
++Planted - “I want oranges, so I’m going to plant an orange tree”
++Growth - I can’t do that - God does that
++Cultivate - God still includes my work into His work because He wants to; (collaborate, cooperate)
++Fruit - the last thing in the process, but the thing we wanted in the first place, what everything is designed to work together for
Sum: Walking by the Spirit comes from:
Being in the Spirit - planted
The Spirit doing some independent work in us - growth
Actions we take - cultivating, collaborating, cooperating
The fruit of walking by the Spirit - walking by the Spirit results in … something
How do I know I’m walking by the Spirit?
How do I know I’m walking by the Spirit?
ABNYC (chart)
ABNYC (chart)
RV symbols (esp Trinity)
But not yet (or “but about to be”)
Completion - walking more and more by the Spirit
Until Jesus returns and truly completes everything
Our state of being - planted
Our state of being - planted
(us in the Spirit, the Spirit in us, have the Spirit)
Are these words true of me? Must start here!
What are we “In” / “have”?
3rd P of Trinity:
1 God - 3 P’s
Fully God but not F or S
Person: mind/will/emo
All spirit
Revealed from Gen through Rev
Especially present now b/c JC sent Him for this Age
Church Age vs. Age of the Spirit
Sent for the Church, her success, until KoG
Essential and yet, most Xns struggle to describe how He makes a personal difference
Series RV:
Big Narrative
Special r’ship w/the Word
Work in JC’s incarnation
Role in worship
His ministry of the Word in our lives
His ministry to us in general
Persistently difficult word: “Paraklete” - comforter, helper, advocate
“Come alongside” ~ training wheels (Bruce)
Modern wordpicture: “Influencer”
In social media: *, what they say has results (even get paid $$$)
++The “Advocacy of the Spirit” vs. the “advocacy of the flesh” - not a lawyer, but an influencer, a champion even
Therefore, walking by the Spirit = walking kata the advocacy of the Spirit
Xit: but first, we have to be planted
Is my faith in JC to the point of surrender?
From that comes “in” * 2, “have”
Faith, salvation, xferred to KoG. If not, why are you delaying? Not to be harsh, but this is important - your eternal life is at stake. What are you waiting for? Not as a challenge, but as a real question - what are you waiting for? We’re waiting for C-19 to change before we do certain things, so what is the thing you’re waiting for before throwing all your trust into Christ and receiving the HS “in” you so that you “have” the Spirit? If you want to explore that question further, I want to have that conversation with you. Several people here are more than happy to have that conversation with you. But you need to let us know it’s a question for you.
If this is true of you, then you are “in” the HS, he is “in” you, and you “have” Him - you are an orange tree planted in the soil.
RV Plant: positional truth, “already”, can’t walk in HS w/o this 1st
What the Spirit is doing in us - growth
What the Spirit is doing in us - growth
(led by the Spirit, confirms, baptizes, sanctifies for obedience)
Does the Spirit actually bother to lead someone like me?
Sure, the apostle John on the island of Patmos, but me?
Some Xns struggle with this question - I don’t really expect the HS to actually do something real and discernible in my life … not really.
Others struggle with telling a story about it. They believe the truth of the statement, but when you ask them for a personal example, they don’t have a story at the ready.
Usually, they have been led by the Spirit, but they didn’t recognize it as a work of the Spirit.
Sometimes, the work of the Spirit is really mundane and ordinary - sometimes it’s a thunderstorm but sometimes it’s a gentle breeze
Others struggle because, quite frankly, they aren’t saved and aren’t in the Spirit. They are church goers but have never been planted, and that’s why they don’t have a story.
Warning: Just because you struggle to have a story doesn’t mean you’re not saved. It could just mean that you need to be more observant.
But, yes, if you’re in Christ, the HS does actually bother to lead someone like you.
This is a matter of faith first, experience second. When we believe He actually will be at work in our lives, then we begin to look for it, see it, recognize it, and more important, learn to “surf” His work like a surfboarder on a big, powerful wave.
Is the Spirit confirming to my spirit that I’m a child of God?
We all have moments of doubt, sometimes profound.
Has the Spirit ever said to your spirit, “Chill. I’ve got you. Yes, things can get confusing. But I’ve got you. You belong to Jesus. Relax. Rest in this.”?
Again, if He hasn’t, that doesn’t mean you’re not saved. But this is something that He does.
Raise hand if the Spirit has ever given you deep in your spirit this kind of reassurance (or online, the response icon or chat window)
Am I part of the body of Christ?
HS baptizes us into one body - the body of Christ
Not just active in a local church, but a functioning part of the body of Christ and the mission He has given us to make disciples.
The HS has baptized all believers into the the body of Christ so that we’d be functioning members of that body - if want to walk by the Spirit, our walk will include walking in this space
Do I notice an unnatural compulsion to obey?
Another work of the HS - sanctifying us for obedience
We have all have a natural compulsion to disobey
But have you ever noticed an unnatural compulsion to obey Christ?
Not the guilt-ridden THISJ, but a HS-inspired drive to obey Christ just because Jesus is awesome.
This is a work of the HS for us to walk in the Spirit
RV Growth: not by your action, but still happens in/thru you and enables you to walk (the question we’re exploring) … we still need our part …
Actions we take - cultivate
Actions we take - cultivate
(live according to / by; walk by; set mind on; be filled vs. drunk, drink)
Live kata / by / Walk - primary verb - the question we’re trying answer today
Is my mind set on the things of the Spirit or the things of the flesh?
What do I set my mind on?
I’m unlikely to walk by the Spirit while I’m setting my mind on the things of the flesh
This is not rocket science or deep, complex theology! This is not a mystical experience on the island of Patmos.
[img: guy walking into pole b/c on phone] https://images.app.goo.gl/kxmjjNvu8h9qMac18 or https://www.fellowshipofgrace.org/test/
Do I drink in the things of the Spirit to be influenced like wine?
There’s no secret sauce - it’s the Word of God, Prayer, and the People of God; no new idea in a new book or video, no new technique, no shortcuts
These are the things of the Spirit
Word of God - He inspired it and He illumines it
Prayer - He intercedes for us as we pray
People of God - especially present
So, it just makes sense: The more we drink these things in, the more, like wine, the Spirit the Influencer influences us
It’s all crock-pot, no microwave - slow cooking over years
What happens as a result - fruit
What happens as a result - fruit
(liberty, transformed, fruit)
Do I see some fruit?
JC: Known by fruit (Mt 12:33)
Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23):
Singular, not plural - a big fruit basket, not a salad bar
Let’s review (kids/youth?): love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Obedience: mentioned before, but it’s a fruit, and this is important! Obedience is a fruit as well as something you choose to do. Living life by the Spirit will result in a more obedient posture.
Fellowship, gratitude, submission, reverence (Eph 5:18-21) = fruit
Am I seeing suspicious outcomes?
After you choose to follow the leading of the HS, do you see results that seem “suspicious”?
“That shouldn’t have been so successful”
“People shouldn’t have been that moved by what I said.”
“Why did I feel like praying for Sam and Janet just now? Why was that prayer so deep into my bones? Why did they say my prayer for them was at just the right time?”
“I can’t believe someone wants to receive Christ after I completely bumbled the explanation I gave.”
“How could I have received so much more than I asked for?”
“I really expected the answer to be ‘yes’ - why did it turn out ‘no’?”
All evidence of the Spirit at work in your life
Am I enjoying freedom from the flesh?
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” - from the burden of religious laws, from the desires of the flesh - freedom!
Even though I may have struggles with this thing over here, am I still experiencing freedom from the flesh in other ways that I used to struggle with?
The HS brings freedom!
Walking by the Spirit is not mysterious or mystical
Be planted by faith in Christ
Grow by welcoming the independent work of the Spirit in you
Cultivate the work of the Spirit by setting your mind on the things of the Spirit
Harvest the fruit that the HS produces in you - love, joy, peace, obedience, freedom, and suspicious outcomes
Walking by the Spirit can be subtle
Not mysterious or mystical
Viz. tying your shoes: ^learning, experience
Walking by the Spirit can be plain, even mundane
It’s not always a kick in the pants
Sometimes it is!
But other times, it’s more like finally hearing what He’s been saying for a while
11:30: D Groups
D Groups
D Groups
Discovery Questions
Read Romans 8:1-17, preferably in more than one translation.
Summarize in your own words what this section is about.
What do you gravitate to in this passage? Why?
What does this tell you about God?
What does this tell you about people?
On the premise that this is God’s Word, what changes would you have to make in your thinking or actions?
Who in your life needs to hear this?
Directed Questions
Remember to leave time for prayer, or perhaps do prayer first.
Cross references that may come in handy:
Gal 5:16-26 (fruit of the Spirit)
Eph 5:17-21 (be filled with the Spirit)
1 Cor 12:12-14 (baptized by the Spirit, drink of one Spirit)
1 Peter 1:1-2 (sanctified by the Spirit for obedience)
2 Cor 3:12-18 (where the Spirit is, there is freedom)
Introduce: Ask if there is anyone who hasn’t yet been introduced to someone else in the group.
Describe someone that you learned a lot from by “walking” with them, spending time with them, working with them side-by-side.
How was this different than learning from a teacher in a classroom?
Read: Romans 8:1-17 (more than one translation, if convenient)
What does the Spirit do in this passage? (Stay within this passage.)
What do people do with regard to the Spirit in this passage?
What are some of the fruit of walking by the Spirit in this passage?
What did Paul want his readers to do with this passage?
What do we learn about walking by the Spirit by contrasting it with walking by the flesh? (See also Gal 5:16-26.)
What is one thing that God is impressing on you to do?