Choosing the Narrow Way II Wednesday Bible study 12
Choosing the Narrow Way II Wednesday Bible study 12/15/04
Last week we discussed “why people choose the way of death”
1- Fear of being ridiculed
2- Pleasures of sin
3- Natural Inclinations
4- Destructive nature of sin
I. Some Characteristics of the Way of Death
A. It is the wide way (Matt. 7:13)
1. Great diversities of opinions and philosophies
B. It is the crowded way (Matt. 7:13)
1. There are multitudes traveling this way. God haters and the religious are among this group.
C. It is the way of the ungodly
D. It provides prosperity but adds sorrow
1. Psa. 37:1 -
2. Psa. 73:3-5 –
II. Some Characteristics of the way of Life
A. It is narrow (Matt. 7:14)
1. John 14:6 -
a. In science answers are precise. Two plus two isn’t five.
2. Heb. 12:1 –
B. It is not crowded
1. This path is trodden by those that know how to stand-alone
a. Daniel
b. Elijah (1 Kings 19:14)
C. It is the way of wisdom
1. Prov. 4:11 -
D. It follows the steps of Christ
1. John 10:27-28 -
III. How Can We Walk this Way
A. Ask God to show you his way
1. Psa. 27:11 -
B. Choose to follow Christ
1. John 8:12-
2. Josh. 24:15 –
C. Choose to die to self
1. Matt. 16:25 -