Command of ChristIII Let your light Shine
Command of Christ –“Let your light shine” Wednesday night Bible Study 1/21/04
After salvation we should have a brightness in our lives that is noticeable to others. Our light should shine both in good words and good works. A good word is meeting the needs in the life of another person. This will also allow people to see that we have a genuine love for them and no motive for personal gain.
I. The Creation of Darkness
A. It confounds the wicked
1. Prov. 4:19 -
B. Wicked men exploit darkness
1. Prov. 2:12-13 -
2. Isa. 5:20 –
3. Isa. 29:15 –
4. John 3:19-21 –
II. God’s Use of Our Light
A. 1 Peter 2:9 -
B. John 8:12 –
1. As we follow Jesus we become reflections of his life.
2. Isa. 64:8 – God’s purpose is to remove all the darkness from our lives and form us into the image of his son
C. Eph. 5:8 –
1. Bill Gothard – “when children of light do not separate from the children of darkness, they weaken their most powerful witness”. We become like the people we hang around with.
III. The Brightening of our Light
A. Turn away from all darkness (Acts 26:18)
B. Expose all things to light (Psa. 112:4, 1 Cor. 4:5)
C. Look unto Jesus (Psa. 89:15)
D. Forgive all offenders (1 John 2:9.11)
E. Engraft the word of God (Psa. 119:105, 130)
F. Put on the armor of light (Prov. 13:12-14)
G. Show love with good works (1 John 2:10)
H. Be sensitive to fasting (Isa. 58:6-8)