Commands of Christ II Follow Me
Matt. 4:19 Wednesday Night Bible Study 1/7/03
What did Jesus mean when he gave this command? To follow Christ is to lay aside our goals and pleasures and to embrace the purposes for which God created us. We are to know Him in a personal way and to make disciples of every nation. John 15:16 – God chose every one of us to go forth and make disciples. 1 Peter 2:9. It is important to know that as Christ used these imperfect men He can still use imperfect men.
I. What does it mean to follow Jesus?
A. We must exchange our goals, priorities and affections for His.
1. Mark 10:21 -
B. Bill Gothard, “the call to follow Jesus is to walk away from everything that will hinder our fellowship with Him and our effectiveness for Him”.
C. Matt. 5:16 –
II. How Do We Relate Fishing With Light
A. Fishermen during this time period fished with nets not lures. By experience, they found fishing at night most beneficial.
1. Luke 5:5 -
B. These fishermen had a powerful means of catching fish – light. Fish are attracted to light. The brighter the light the more fish. They would hang a light over the edge of one boat, which would attract the fish; they would then circle the fist with nets.
III. How Do we Relate To Fishing For People
A. John 8:12 -
1. John 12:32 -
B. The light of every believer is the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives
1. 2 Cor. 4:6-7 -
C. Since Jesus is the light we are reflections of His light. As the moon is reflected light from the sun we are reflected light from Jesus.
1. Matt. 5:14-15 -
D. If our light is dim we won’t attract many people.
1. John 14:12 -
E. 1 Cor. 11:1 -