Do For Others Matt
Do For Others Matt. 7:12 EBC Wednesday Night Bible Study 10/27/04
Bill Gothard – this command is an invitation to dream about all the things that we would enjoy being done for us and then use that as a checklist to begin doing for others (Luke 6:38) Explain this verse (Phil. 2:4). Isabella Thoburn- “we are not in the world to be ministered unto but to minister to. The world is full of need, and every opportunity to help is a duty”.
I. Self Desire – Right or Wrong
Nothing is wrong for us to have self-desire as long as what we want is in harmony with what God wants for us.
A. Psa. 37:4-6 – if we delight in Him, He will make His desires become our desires
B. Art of delight – how do we delight in our friends – we think about them, talk with them, spend time with them. God wants us to do the same with Him.
1. Psa. 5:3 -
2. Isa. 58:13-14 –
II. What Things Do we want Others to Do For Us
A. Demonstrate love – (1 Peter 1:22)
B. Show honor – (1 Peter 2:17; Rom. 12:10)
C. Forgive others – (Col. 3:13)
D. Provide emergency funds – (Rom. 12:13; 1 John 3:17)
E. Be truthful – (Eph. 4:25)
F. Demonstrate loyalty- (Eph. 4:22-25, 5:21)
G. Give protection – (Heb. 3:13)
H. Earnestly pray – (Eph. 6:19-20; Jas. 5:16; 1 Sam. 12:23, 2 Chron. 7:14)