Experiencing God In Our Lives
Experiencing God’s Power Zech. 4:6 - EBC Wednesday Night Bible Study 1/12/05
The power for developing character doesn’t come from will power or integrity it comes from the Holy Spirit.
I. The Filling of God’s Spirit
A. Being indwelt in spirit
1. Rom. 8:16 – at the moment of salvation we are indwelt by the Spirit
2. John 16:8 – he will reprove us ---- reprove – convince
3. John 14:26 – he will teach us all things
4. John 16:13 – he will guide us into all truth
5. John 14:16 – he will abide with us forever
6. Acts 13:1-3 – he directs the work of the church, he is the administrator of the church
B. Being indwelt in soul – the soul involves the mind, the will and the emotions. We should ask God to fill every area of our being
1. Eph. 5:18 -
2. Heb. 4:12 –
C. Being controlled in body – we should dedicate our bodies to living for Him by yielding our members to Him
1. Rom. 6:12 -
2. Rom. 12:1-2 –
II. The Testing of God’s Spirit
As the spirit led Jesus into testing, sometimes he will lead us in that direction
A. The Tests
1. Fiery trials (1 Peter 4:12) – sudden urges of anger or lust
2. James 1:2-3 –
3. Cor. 12:10 -
a. Infirmities – physical limitations and defects that hinder strength and health
b. Reproaches – ridicule and rejection as a result of God’s standards
c. Necessities – pressures and responsibilities that are part of daily life
d. Distresses – circumstances that do not turn out as we had planned or hoped for bringing about grief and sorrow
B. The Responses
1. Thank God – 1 Thess 5:18 -
2. Rejoice – Phil. 4:4 –
3. Cry out to God when necessary – Psa. 50:18
4. Do good in spite of it – Rom. 12:21 –
III. The Power of God’s Spirit
A. To the degree that we pass the test, we will experience the power of God
1. 2 Cor. 12:9 -
2. Rom. 5:3-5 –
3. Rom. 8:17 –
4. Eph. 3:17-20 -