Fear Not Matt. 10:28 Wednesday Night Bible Study 10/04
A- Fear’s Destructiveness
1. Hebrew word – (yare’) to revere, to be dreadful
2. Greek word – (phobeo) to be alarmed, to be in awe of, to revere
a. Bill Gothard – “fear in important because we worship what we fear”. If we fear man he’ll intimidate us.
B. Fear is the opposite of faith
1. Prov. 29:25 -
a. Snare – a trap cleverly concealed so victim doesn’t see it until it’s too late.
I. Effects of Fear
A. Fear corrupts worship -
1. 1 Sam. 15:15 – Saul feared the people.
a. We fear rejection by our friends so intimidated, we join them in ungodly ventures
B. Fear disqualifies us from fighting God’s battles
1. Deut. 20:8 – God established a command that any soldier who had a fear of the enemy was allowed to go home.
II. Causes of Fear
A. Guilt – (Gen. 3:8-10)
B. More powerful adversary – (Jer. 32:27, 2 Kings 6:16)
C. Rejection – (John 9:22; 12:42)
D. Personal loss – Two motives for all – desire for gain and fear of loss
III. Conquering Fear
If we are to overcome fear, a major enemy of God, we should:
A. Anticipate rejection by others
1. Fear may cause us to compromise godly standards so others won’t reject us. (Ie – clothes you wear aren’t like other teens wear, you don’t do the things others do, go out after word for a drink)
a. Matt. 10:22-25; 32-33 -
2. Give up you think about yourself and be concerned only with what God thinks
B. Dedicate all possessions to God
1. Phil. 3:7-8 -
2. Matt. 19:29 –
C. Consecrate yourself to God
1. Rev. 12:11 -
2. Phil. 1:23-24 –
3. Matt. 10:29-31 –
4. Rom. 8:31 -