Help Wanted

Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 28:51
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What was your first job?
What was your first job?
We live in a world where many people are looking for jobs and many are hiring. My first job was a janitor of a church. I mean I have done many things in my life: referee for soccer, yard work stuff for others, but the first job was janitor. My second one was working in a fast food restaurant where I eventually became a manager, all before heading off to college. Then I started in ministry and have now been in ministry for 20 years, 17 as a full time pastor of some sort.
Life has purpose. You have purpose.
Life has purpose. You have purpose.
This is one of the core truths of Scripture. Yet, many of us struggle to find this meaning and purpose. We can value all of life; and I mean ALL life because of this truth. We are more than just a bunch of cells.
Your life matters! Regardless of what this world tells you, you have a purpose. It doesn’t matter you age, abilities, or skills. You have a purpose.
Am I living out my purpose?
Am I living out my purpose?
This is the question we need to be asking each day.
God’s harvest is ready!
God’s harvest is ready!
As we interact with this story we see an amazing thing; the harvest for the Kingdom of God is plentiful and ready to be picked. This is what some would call abundance mentality. Yet, many of us, myself included, can have a scarcity mentality where we see only what we do not have. We can either see the church as dwindling and not having as many people. Or we can see the harvest is getting bigger. How we think will shape how we see the world.
Pray for workers!
Pray for workers!
This is part of our purpose. We must see the world with God’s eyes. We must see that the harvest is ready to be picked. Our human nature sometimes pushes us for action before it is time. We can either become complacent or we can become too action oriented and forget this important step.
This reminds us whose job it is and whose harvest it is. The work begins and ends with the Lord.
Jesus sends out workers.
Jesus sends out workers.
We do not exist for our own purpose or meaning. We are to be “sent out” ones in this world. He doesn’t just ask us to pray. He answers the prayers.
The mission is for all.
The mission is for all.
Men, women, young and old. The mission foretold is yours to behold. Here we see Jesus expanding his ministry from himself and the 12 disciples. Think about this, that means there is at least 85 people on mission, or at least invited. Do you think all 85 understood what they were being sent out to do? Do you think they always would get it right? No! Granted, most probably, would have been with Jesus for about a year or so but we don’t know exactly.
The mission is risky.
The mission is risky.
I know we do our best to minimize risk. Sometimes that is absolutely necessary and wise. This is a reckless abandon approach to life. But at the same time if something is too easy we tend to not care as much.
The mission is urgent.
The mission is urgent.
The customary things they would have done Jesus is asking them to not to in order to be about the mission. I may not be a farmer but
The message starts with peace.
The message starts with peace.
The message is not one of force. Jesus is not going to “make” anyone do anything. Neither can we. We have to stop fighting everything that is wrong and get back to the call of the Kingdom. The call is a message of peace. Now, this doesn’t mean we don’t stand for truth but my generation and younger are tired of all the fighting. Especially in churches.
The Kingdom of God is here!
The Kingdom of God is here!
This is the words they are sent with. Jesus says prepare the way for me and tell them the Kingdom is here, in me! Regardless of whether the towns or people
Part of the kingdom being present is the battle between the enemy and God’s people.
Remember your position.
Remember your position.
It isn’t about the power or the success one will have when on mission for Christ. It is the place and position of being in the Kingdom which matters most. We rejoice in our position of being known by God not by what happens.
It’s about Jesus.
It’s about Jesus.