Protesting In Yahweh's Name
So if you've been with us the last couple weeks we've been moving through this sermon series called his kingdom come and we've been exploring the Book of Daniel and seeing all these events in it all points to one central theme that is all about the kingdom of God that is colliding into the world that we live in right here right now. And then Daniel time he was seeing all these amazing events take place in his day. And also we at the church see it unfolding before us as well and into the last couple weeks we talked about how first and foremost that there was a bunch of Jewish boys and they were taken from their homelands from zoo. And they were moved to a new nation call Babylon and then they had to go through the university and learn the customs of the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar. And eventually they became the wise men in the country. And then last week we spoke about how King Nebuchadnezzar had a provocative dream and it just blew his mind. He didn't have an explanation of what took place. Is dreaming so he had to find a whole bunch of people and he said you need to tell me the contents and the interpretations of the dream and it eventually God gave Daniel the contents of the dream and then the rest of the wise men were saved in the kingdom and likewise. We see if we're moving forward in chapter 3, we start out with the main characters similarly just like last week and was about to Nebuchadnezzar and he starts off with a issue. He starts off with a dilemma for the faithful followers of Yahweh. The people that the people that follow God and in this the opening story of Daniel chapter 3, we see King Nebuchadnezzar make something huge like he had his dream of big statue per se and it was a golden image and it says listened in Daniel chapter 3 King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold who's Heights with 60 cubits, and it was also 9 cubits wide and so kind of getting this idea of her sitting up in China. Monuments for the people to worship to bow down to and if you want to try to have a modern-day example, think about when you go to the DC the Washington's Monument house really tall and skinny. That's what this one would kind of look like. It was this was about 90 ft tall by 9 ft wide and so this but this Monument was made of solid gold and then everyone was instructed to worship this I don't so King Nebuchadnezzar instructs everyone in the city to come in consecrate this item. He talks about how everyone from the city of the prefect's the governor's the counselors. The treasure is the justices the magistrates and all the officials they are to come they are come together and celebrate this ginormous event because King neberkenezer is doing something magnificent City. And so all the people they all come in anyway kind of seems forced. It's not like everyone will it will I only want to come and then they were there to consecrate to bless this Monument most likely was consecrated and blessed and dedicated to the gods of the nation Mar Duke in the Babylonian Gods. It was had nothing to do with with the boys. But the Jewish boys Daniels God Yahweh. And so everyone in the city was then instructed that whenever he heard all of these instruments when you when you heard the liar when you hear the harp the try again the bagpipe in any kind of music. Is that very moment when the music goes your knees go Crashing Down. When you hear the worship going up in the sky you crash down to the floor and you worship the golden image of King Nebuchadnezzar erected and doing that you're worshipping their gods their culture their society. And this was a problem for those who were faithful to the gods of Israel. But then we see from continuing on the story that there was three men Daniels kind of gone from this story and Daniel chapter 3, so we're left with three faithful young boys. And as we continue in the story we see that after ever one is a bit afraid everyone's afraid because of this reason if they don't worship this idle, they don't worship and bow their knees to it. This is the repercussions of their lack of worship. They we thrown into a fiery or firey furnace alive and they release courts to death. And so all the people you could probably get the sense that King Nebuchadnezzar Mavis declaration to the people says if you don't worship, you'll burn by fire. Most people said I'm good with getting on that program. I don't want to burn to death. I'll I'll go ahead and I'll buy my needs to this golden image and I'll worship their gods. It doesn't matter to me. I want to keep my life, but I wasn't the same for everybody. There was three brave men that were going to stand up to the trial cuz they weren't going to give up and submit to The idle and we see this in in the story be continued on that. There is three young prominent man and they rate work risen up the power throughout and thus the nation of Babylon and and their names of Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo and we see that there's some Chaldean some other wise men in their kind of getting jealous or getting that they're saying hey look we're going down. We're never condensers golden image and worship in the guys, but we noticed something in the distance. We see something that's not right. We see these three young boys. They're they're not falling on their knees and worshipping the golden idol. Like we are rather they're doing a protest. They're standing up where the music goes up there not crashing down on their knees and worshipping rather. They're just standing up and just watching us worship. And so this is a couple of the Chaldean men. They were really angry they and they spoke to King Nebuchadnezzar. And if you got your Bibles, you can see what happened. They maliciously accused the Jews and inverse 8th and they just went up the King Nebuchadnezzar say, hey, we're not going to let this happen. We're not going to let these protesters go protesting forever were going to make this known to King Nebuchadnezzar that his statue his decree. His executive order is being broken being violated. So what's going to make it known to the king and so they go to the king and they say Old King live forever. You okaying have made a decree that every man who hears the sound of the hornpipe liar tried in Heart by bagpipe and every kind of music shall fall down and worship the golden image and whoever does I Fall Down and Worship shall be cast into the burning fiery furnace. There are certain used whom you have a pointed over the Affairs of the province of Babylon and their names are Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo and these men know King pay no attention to you. They do not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up and you can imagine that tension that was in that room. That's the Chaldean men's are like, you know King Nebuchadnezzar if you made this decree, and they are not following orders. You appointed them. You got some disobedient servants. Are you going to do anything about it? And he's like, yeah, I need to take care of these man of these are my leaders I've set up and they're not following executive orders than everything is going to fall in your underneath my leadership. And so you can cry see the the anger that King Nebuchadnezzar was experiencing in that moment. And so he then calls Those three boys, I need these three boys. I need to have a conversation when you have a pep talk what in the world is going on here boys. Why are you not doing what I have instructed in it? And then when the boys came into the room, he says this is it true old Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo that you do not serve my gods or worship the golden image. I have set up now if you are ready. Maybe there was a mistake. Maybe you didn't know that the whole nation was supposed to bow down to the to my golden statue in and worship the gods when the music when I put baby in case you didn't get with the program or didn't hear from the commander and chief. I want to just give you another opportunity. I want to give you another chance to recant or two to give up your protest and get on your knees. And so I'm going to give you this time to worship and I'm going to order the music to go up and and this very moment you can go ahead and buy your needs and it'll be well and good for you. But if you do not worship boys Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo, if you don't listen to what I have ordered you shall immediately be cast into the burning burning fiery furnace. And who is the god who will deliver you out of my hands? And the boys were in that spot they had to make a decision until we trust God do we trust Our God or do we just follow along with the program to be actually Bow Down On Our Knees because if not, we're going to die. We're not going to live any longer. It's really if you think about the words of King Nebuchadnezzar it was because he said if you don't worship, you will not live you will have nothing you will die right here. And right now in the boys, they had to make a decision. Do we follow along with the world or do we stand up for what is true? And just and we see even earlier we see even earlier or later in the New Testament when Jesus had the same confrontation of either bowing down to the principalities of the world or standing up for God himself in the new. Testament you see in the Book of Matthew that Jesus was during this time of fasting and prayer he was in this was called the the Temptation in the Book of Matthew chapter 4 in Jesus was hungry. He was so tired and Restless for these 40 days and 40 nights had nothing to eat. And this was the time when Satan came after him and he was going to test him just as King Nebuchadnezzar was testing the three boys and that very moment and Satan came out to Jesus at his most vulnerable weakest hour and first Seasons hungry didn't eat anything for 40 Days Inn in the insides of for the first temptation.
As people of God will live only by the gods bread alone. And in the second temptation is Peyton came up to him. So, you know Jesus if you're really the son of God throw yourself off a cliff and surely you're having a father will send Angels picking you up and you won't even hit the rock with the with the foot of your heel. You'll be fine. And Jesus says do not Test the Lord your God is that's what it says in the scriptures have been saying thought well, alright, so he passed testing number one and testing number to I will give him a Temptation that he surely will not ask and it says like come on Jesus Jesus and Satan well, but he was balance and he says look at all the kingdoms look at everything how glorious they look now Jesus. This looks really wonderful the kingdoms of the World In His glory and splendor, but I will give you all of these. If you just Bow Down and Worship me. And then Jesus response get away from me Satan. Worship Belongs to the Lord only. And then the second flat and Satan was gone and that very best that very moment. And you know, what is similar between that story of Satan in the boy is that they both had the same they both have the same Temptation will we worship God our Father alone, or will we bow down to the golden Idols of this world who will be ultimately Worship in the end in front of the boys. It was either bow down or die and so you see the Dilemma that they had the face like a do I want to bow down my knees & Sons live another day or do I stand up for the warden even fear the death of being thrown in a fire and the boy said no, we are not going to worship any other God other than the god of heaven and so in that very moment we have to ask ourselves the same question. Are we as a church following in the footsteps of Jesus Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo because as they all stood the test of time they said nope worship only Belongs to the Lord and we will only Barney's down to him and we have to come back to ourselves church. Are we say? No when the King Nebuchadnezzar in our world is demanding us about Down and Worship Him worship His golden statue and for a while, but we have a lot of things that are tempting us each and every day the devil is tempting the church the world and so is spending all night. It is declaring until you hey, you know, it'll be way better for you if you just got on your knees and worship me rather than the Sovereign Lord. And that is the Y that is the Y but the world wants to sell the church and you know what the sad part about. It is as Christians, sometimes we fall into that trap and we will be well and good for us if we bow down our knees and sometimes it's a church we fall into that Temptation and we bow on our knees and we worship something other than the Creator itself and sometimes we substitute our spiritual activities for our own personal gain as a church. I think we do that and times in our lives we substitute spiritual activities for our own personal gains. And sometimes we do that by often getting rid of something that's important spiritually in our lives for something that's not relatively important or essential and I would say some examples I would say it's probably when we replace our time of worship together for something that's not Is important working more hours spending more time with our family home alone or possibly doing the work of the Lord. And so we as his Christian, sometimes we Barney's in the state, you know God I don't really need to give you time today in my life. I need to do something more for myself. I need to work more hours. I need to go on at I need to go on a trip. I need to take a vacation. I need to have more family time and you know what church when we do that when we substitute spiritual activities for our own personal gain, ultimately we are doing is getting on our knees and bowing down to the world. Now is that wrong? Is it able to do those things to know but when we substitute them when we substitute spiritual activities for things that are not as essential essentially we are getting our needs and we're bound and down the King Nebuchadnezzar. We're bound and down to Satan. We're bound and down to send Itself by saying God you are. Not important enough in my life. But Jesus Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo said nope. God you were more important and no matter what happens to our lives. No matter what happens. We're I'd be thrown in the fire orbi router software and pick up our cross then file down to the world that we live in right here and right now bus route for going back to us, but for God fearing Christians, we stand up we stand up no matter what to King Nebuchadnezzar of our world and Satan in our time, even if it means that we have to lose something on our behalf. You see when you bow down you don't really since we lose anything but when you stand up for God you ask it actually might have to come into a conflict you might have to struggle a little bit and potentially when we protest when we stand up for God and we say, I'm not giving up my spiritual life for the world possibly might mean losing more money losing Comfort losing friendships are some privileges but in the end we know that we will be victorious. Is the followers of Christ we will be Victorious and we need to stop missing out on our spiritual life and start a protest against the devil the world in sin and God wants you there to God wants you to be protesting the world's doing but he wants you to be protesting for the kingdom of God standing up for its values and it's raining out here on the earth because there is nothing more important than the kingdom of God that's lasting vets here today and it's going to be here for all eternity and the boys Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo. They made that decision is not bound to you today. And then what the consequence was is that they were going to get thrown into the fire and that's what the world can do to us the world tries to intimidate Christians. Through the power of death. If you don't listen to what I say, I'll scare you with death. I was scared. I'll scare you about you losing your job. I'll scare you by losing your friendship, but truly and death is not the fear Christian the resurrection. Yeah, you can kill me. You can harm me. But Chris is going to raise me up one day and because of that I have no fear when the world is trying to put me on his knees. I will protest and stand for the kingdom of God no matter what and that's all King Nebuchadnezzar cartoons of the boys. You know what you won't bow down to me what's taking you and throw you guys all the in the fiery furnace and that's what the story continues going on. And then after in verse 16 Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo answered and said to him to these words to King Nebuchadnezzar after they responded by saying no. Oh King Nebuchadnezzar. You have no need to answer you in this matter. If you if this be so our God whom we serve is able to Deliver Us From The Burning fiery furnace, and he will Deliver Us Have your hand okay, but if not be it known to you okay that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that it that you have set up and the boys made that decision. They said you know what happens what happens to us doesn't really matter. We're going to stand up for the Lord. We are going to stand up for the kingdom of God, even if the consequences is dead. And if God says his great if God doesn't he's still God he still amazing. He still loves us each. He still loves it's infinitely, but we're going to trust in the Lord's plants in this very moment rather than giving our lives of the kingdom of the world. We are going to stand up and say nope. We're going to keep fighting for you instead. And so that's what happened to Ken got really angry. He was full of rage and then he decided I'm going to throw these three boys in the fire is he even told it to serve maybe even seven times hotter Stoke it up really? Well and the fires were so large that even with the soldiers that were dragging the boys full to they were wearing their tunics and all their clothes taken off when the soldiers got close enough to throw the boys into the furnace some of this some of the soldiers even die to it. Was that hot as the boys were in golf inside. This ginormous. Fiery furnace is something miraculous happens. And if you're well, if you're really well known that the story you probably already know what happened the boys weren't consumed by fire. They were alive they are well and they're jumping around having fun there. I don't know what it be like inside a fiery furnace. But if I was inside the fiery furnace, I tried to jump in the round trying to play with fire if you're working burned. I think it'd be a really cool experience, but the boys are in there in there like all right, we're on we're on fire and we don't feel anything in the in the Bible tells us that not one thing on their person singed no damage no harm. They are perfectly normal and fine in King of a Cancer and verse 24. He says, he was a declarative to the counselor's did we not cast three men bounds of the fire and they answered and said to the king true king. He answered and said for men Unbound walk in the midst of the fire and they are not hurt and the appearance of the fourth is like the son of Gods and truly in this very moment the boys, they they Ultimately chose something they chose peace in Christ. They chose peace and God other than Conformity with the world. Be bothered by their stance God if you allow us to live will live if we do not live that will be fine. And if that very moment they were thrown into the fire and I think for a while also when the world is trying to press up and harm us psychologically physically spiritually emotionally. Mentally, we even remember that Christ's peace God's peace will give us or any difficult circumstance that we are in and for the boys they had true if an unimaginable piece when they were thrown into the fiery furnace and God showed up God show the angel and there was another person with them while they're in the fiery furnace. So there's a there's something that we need to always remember no matter where you're at in life. No matter how hard the world is pressing up against you and trying to make you fall away and force yourself to follow something. That's other than Jesus Christ. We remember that even when we're in the fiery furnace God is with us. God is neck. Beside us and he is not going to allow us to be abandoned. He is with us each and every day no matter where we are at and just like in that story God showed up in their peace overwhelmed them Christ's peace surpasses all understanding. And so when you feel like you're in the fire in your life and that the world's pressing up against to ask God for more. Peace, and he will deliver and then the story continues on with this that after King neberkenezer realizes that the boys are surviving lyrics actually not to surviving but they're thriving in this horrible circumstances that alright. Alright. Alright, this is something wrong. She was taking place right before my own very eyes. And and I'm going to call them out and he said Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo Servants of the most high God come out come here and then Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo came out from the fire in the say traps in the prefix in the Governor's in the king's counselors gather together. And saw that the fire had not had not had any power over the bodies of those men and their hair on their heads was not send their cloaks were not harmed and no smell of fire had come upon them Nebuchadnezzar answered and said blessed be the god of Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo who has sent his Angel and delivered his servant who trust in him and set aside the King's Command and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any God accept their own God. Therefore I make a decree any people Nation or language that speaks anything against the god of Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo. She'll be torn limb from limb from Limb and their house laid in ruins for there is no other God who is able to rescue in this way. Then the king of promoted Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo in the Providence of Avalon. And so in the end of the story, you see that God saved the boys. They trusted they trusted the Lord more than the King Nebuchadnezzar. Yeah King neberkenezer promise. You can have come for peace wealth. You'll be okay just bow down submit. But rather the boys to know we're going to protest for God. We're not going to get cave in to your desires. You're welcome you Nebuchadnezzar place because it's not godly it's not wholesome. It is. Not for his kingdom. So we're going to stand up and when we as Christians stand up we have to ask ourselves when we are throwing the fire god overwhelmed me with peace But ultimately this we as Christians need to remember that we live for the kingdom over Babylon. This is truly not our home the place that we're living in today. And so you shouldn't you shouldn't be surprised you should be flabbergasted when people expect you to follow that. The typical traditions of you on the western culture. They're not expecting you become a follower of Jesus. That's countercultural. But for a Christians, we know that that even if we experience death, we are the ones who were victorious because we don't worship the king of this world. We don't worship book the governor's the the princess even the president's which religious Christian worship someone who is more Grand than all of them combined. We worship a risen savior who died and came back to life and because of that his kingdom last for all eternity and buy our faith. We disown the kingdoms of this world and we take possession of the Kingdom of Heaven. I hope you guys are thankful for that. Damn. That thing is never going to go away is truly peace on Earth is truly what we all want in our hearts in this very moment, and we As Christ followers we stand up to the World by staying our confession that Jesus is Lord we can and when we repent we're showing the world that we belong to someone else and threw a baptism we identify with our Lord and savior and so on these ways we tell the world that we belong to something different truly us as Christians. We are X-Files in this foreign Nation because it is not our Eternal home, but as Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo said no to and they protest it for the lord's name. We as Christ followers need to remember was truly important. It's his kingdom. And so when the world is pressing up against you to tell you to do things that are contrary to the kingdom of God say no and you even if they throwing you a fire you lose something remember that Christ's peace that surpasses all things and truly you belong to something. That's far greater far better and will last for all eternity. So at the end of the day no matter the political temperature no matter what's heating up in our world in the world is trying to force us to do something different honor God at all cost. Honor God with your whole heart mind soul and strength no matter what the political temperature is saying in America is easy to follow Jesus. China it's not and who knows how how quickly are world's going to change but no matter what the political temperature is honor God with your whole life. Never buy your needs anything or anyone other than Jesus himself. at the end of the day, we will be Vindicated either in this life or the life accom because all we did is worship God and I want to say this to we're not all pure we are all have fallen short of the glory of God in that is where Grace comes in and maybe you today you're thinking Austin, you know, I have fallen so many times on my knees in worship something that other than Jesus Christ and that's where the gospel is the gospels there to forgive broken people of their sense of that. They can join in this kingdom last for all eternity. Maybe you're thinking Austin. How do I buy all my needs a Jesus? How do I disown the world and I would say this but the pattern in the Bible is this that people came to Faith they repented they believe in all their hearts they confess and they were baptized and that is how they said to the world that we belong to Jesus and now so the world is fading away and maybe today you're here you're thinking I want a bow my knee to someone who's greater who loves me unconditionally who wants to give me the best gift ever which is eternal life and I would say to you maybe after church was talk, but for those who already Have made that decision who are following Jesus on the spiritual journey. Just remember that the world's going to press up against us, but truly as Christians we are the ones in control cuz we worship The God Who is totally Sovereign everyday? No matter what happens on our God with all cost with spray. Heavenly Father we thank you for this day. We thank you for what you are about to give us as we going this time of communion Lord. We just thank you for your body is broken on our behalf. And and the blood that was spilled for the remission of sins. And I pray the Lord has become around your table. And then we remember your sacrifice that we give you all honor and Glory that do to you just as Shadrach Meshach in a Bendigo. They said no to the world and protested in your name. I pray God that we will protest in a way that gives you honor and Glory help us not fall short of your glory. But God help us the truly pick up our crosses and live for you each and every day a lord. We we belong to you and you alone so God, give us the victory help us to remember that when we are Preston Thrones the fire that you are with us through and through and again God is be going to this time as we are partaking these emblems which are your body help us should truly remember the your sacrum In your love that was poured out on the cross for our eternal life again God. I pray that if we are bowing down to things that are not good things that are not spiritual and they're actually away from the kingdom. I just pray God that we repent of those and I we've truly pick up your cross and continue to follow you no matter where you take us into a fire into a different land or to a different city nation got a spray or that we just follow you wherever you lead us. And again guys, we come around this table help us. Remember what you have given us so that we can have eternal life in your name. We pray this in Jesus. Holy name. Amen.