Contentment and Humility
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Wednesday Night Lesson
Wednesday Night Lesson
The story is told of two brothers who grew up on a farm. One went away to college, earned a law degree, and became a partner in a prominent law firm in the state capital. The other brother stayed on the family farm. One day the lawyer came and visited his brother, the farmer. He asked, “Why don’t you go out and make a name for yourself and hold your head up high in the world like me?” The brother pointed and said, “See that field of wheat over there? Look closely. Only the empty heads stand up. Those that are well filled always bow low.”
Said differently, “The branch that bears the most fruit is bent the lowest to the ground.”688
“The foundation, the motivation of a life of humility, is the example of Jesus Christ’s humble life and sacrificial death on the cross”
Humility helps us understand that we are nothing without Christ, Contentment helps us understand that we have everything we need.
An example of humility is to bow down, or essentially a status implying low social standing. Even if I am the smartest, most affluent person in the room I’m one of the fellas, I’m one of the ladies just like everyone else.
Humble people we like:
Anyone fixing something for us, whether its a computer or our car we want them to help us understand on a level where everyone can get it.
A couple of years ago Snoop Dogg was receiving his Walk of Fame star and he started his speech with “I would like to thank me” Granted it was his talent that got him there and he goes on to thank everyone that helped him along the way but we can never forget the people and God that is responsible for getting us to where we need to be.
Although from societies perspective we look for these professions or people to be humble, but humility is a characteristic that all people should have.
Pride is repulsive and arrogance is unattractive.
Our example of humility has to begin with the cross:
Jesus had every right to establish human reputation and heavenly reputation on earth nonetheless He made himself like us to be a sacrifice for us.
You may not be homeless but you can empathize with homeless people.
You may not be sick but you can empathize with those who have been the victims of Covid-19.
You may not be unemployed but do not think of yourself better because you have never had to search for a job.
The beautiful thing about humility is that God will exalt us:
Philippians 2:9-11 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
The intersection of humility and contentment meet where we allow God to exalt us and we do not think of ourselves higher than anyone else.
One thing that we must realize is humility begins with obedience, that even when we do not feel like it, God’s way is always the right way.
To be lowly, to be humble, to be obedient to esteem others higher than ourselves does not mean we neglect ourselves it just means we operate with others in mind.
Operating like this is unnatural especially in our westernized view of living life.
We live in a capitalistic society in which whomever has the most power, money, or is the best looking has the most resources and is treated better than the people who actually need help.
Humility is the denial of self, Christ is the epitome of self denial by dying on the cross.
He knew what it was like to be abased and to abound. He came down from heaven to live like us and to be a sacrifice for us.
Be reminded even when things get tough, we are capable of doing these things because the power of God lives in us!
I know what it’s like to go without and I know what it’s like to have more than I need:
Sometimes the abasement is to teach us a lesson about contentment and sometimes the excess is to help us understand the grace of God even when we do not deserve it.
In all things I seek the cross. Chandler states “always, always, always seek the cross. It is there we see our example for service and sacrifice to others. It is there that we get the power to serve and sacrifice for others. And it is there that we receive forgiveness when we fail in serving and sacrificing for others.
Even when I have nothing, the power of God sustains me. Even when I have a lot, the power of God got me there.
The New King James Version. (1982). (Php 2:9–11). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.