When Faith Becomes Sight
The Strength to Carry On • Sermon • Submitted
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· 137 viewsA sermon on vision, planning, and acting in faith
➟ ➟ ➟ Page 20 of our vision plan begins with a quote from 1 John 5.4-5.
Faith has a purpose. It serves as a our strength as we go through life and head for final victory - eternal life.
Let’s read v. 4 again:
You have been born of God.
You are in the process of conquering the world.
Greek: nike, the goddess of triumph.
Continuous process, describing habitual, ongoing action.
Your triumph can’t be taken away.
You are headed for victory.
It is so certain, it is written in past tense.
The victory that has come to you is by faith.
What a glorious thought!
➟ ➟ ➟ Especially as we’ve groped our way through the fog of uncertainty that has been and is 2020.
We need to do the mental exercise required and seize the opportunity presented to us.
Faith is rarely developed in comfortable surroundings.
If anything, much of what has happened this year has forced us away from what is familiar, predictable, and routine.
It is actually a good thing because it moves us out of faith-maintenance mode.
It is in the moments where we are outside of our comfort zone and move in obedience to God - that our faith increases. The farther we step out - the more God increases it.
What are some faith-building experiences you’ve had this year?
Things that forced you out of your routine and actually became a moment for spiritual growth?
Things where you can look at and see victories along the way?
➟ ➟ ➟ Have you ever driven from here to Seattle?
Straight through it is around 34 hours.
What makes the trip enjoyable along the way?
➟ ➟ ➟ You might take a breather to enjoy the water parks in Wisconsin Dells.
➟ ➟ ➟ You stop @ the Spam Museum in Austin, MN.
➟ ➟ ➟ You take a break in the Badlands in SD.
➟ ➟ ➟ And you head for the Black Hills to gaze at Mt Rushmore.
➟ ➟ ➟ You drive over the Big Horns of WY and take some time in Yellowstone.
➟ ➟ ➟ You cross the Continental Divide in NW Montana and pause to view the beautiful lake in Coeur d’Alene, ID.
➟ ➟ ➟ You pause as you head over the top of the Cascades and take in the scenery as you descend down to Seattle.
You still make progress along the way … and take in the blessings you’re given as you go along the way.
I think it is very necessary that we regularly take the time to pause and reflect on the victories we’re having.
Through the years, I’ve felt a certain resistance to this in the church and I don’t know why.
It’s like we always have to focus on our inadequacies and weaknesses and everything we struggle with … and only think of how we have to do more and more.
➟ ➟ ➟ (This is what leads to the mindset of “I’m not good enough.”
While we should never be content with our weaknesses, we can hold ourself back and rob ourself of the peace/joy and blessings of God’s abounding presence in our life.
If we only focus on what is wrong - we’ll miss what is right. We’ll miss all the blessings right in front of us.
We’ll miss the hand of God - who is constantly moving in our life & helping us along the way.
So take a few moments and praise God for the blessings as you head for your ultimate triumph!
➟ ➟ ➟ As we move into the final quarter of our vision plan for 2020, we’re going to be spending a lot of time in Hebrews 11.
Think of the heroes of faith here. We have story after story of men/women who:
faced the impossible.
believed the incredible.
watched God perform the miraculous.
➟ ➟ ➟ Hebrews 11.2 - for by this our ancestors were approved.
Approved … not because they were super-Christians with great abilities than our own, but because they were men/women of faith.
Faith defined their relationship with God.
By Faith:
Enoch saw heaven.
Noah saw an ark.
Abraham saw a heavenly city.
Joshua saw the promised land.
By faith they obeyed God - following Him - trusting him along the way - to the fulfillment of their god-given impossibilities.
To what did this lead?
Their faith became sight.
They believed God against all the odds. As they did, God used them to accomplish His purposes.
For the heroes of Hebrews 11, faith wasn’t just a check-box of virtues … Faith was a whole-life commitment that truly impacted others in a God-glorifying way.
Faith wasn’t just a part of their life - it was their life.
➟ ➟ ➟ That is what is so inspiring about them. They had the strength to carry on!
That’s what we’ll be talking about during September.
As I think about these heroes of faith, I want to be like them, don’t you?
I want my faith to become sight.
➟ ➟ ➟ Today, we’ll look at how this is done.
What is the process by which faith becomes sight?
It’s really not that complicated.
Today we’ll look at the lives of 3 faith-filled men who saw God do the impossible.
Faith becomes sight when we:
Believe like Moses
Prepare like David
Build like Nehemiah
Believe Like Moses
Believe Like Moses
➟ ➟ ➟ Hebrews 11.27-29 - Moses persevered as one who sees him who is invisible.
Place yourself in Moses’ shoes for a moment.
Tasked with leading a least a million contrary and obstinate people through the wilderness.
Once they get in the wilderness, God calls upon him to build the tabernacle.
It was no small thing.
Men and resources were needed. National effort required.
Daunting task for a leader.
➟ ➟ ➟ Exodus 35.5 - Moses receives the command from God and delivers the message to the people. This was an act of faith for everyone.
They’re out in the wilderness. No means of food/water outside of God’s provision.
But yet, here is God calling them to action. He had, acutally, already provided what was needed for this project.
➟ ➟ ➟ Exodus 12.30 - after the 10th plague, there wasn’t a house without someone dead.
Pharaoh calls Moses & Aaron and tells them to get out.
➟ ➟ ➟ 12.33 - Hebrew people under pressure by ordinary citizens to get out. We’re all going to die!
➟ ➟ ➟ 12.35 - Hebrews ask for gold/silver/clothing.
➟ ➟ ➟ 12.36
Exodus 35.4-5 - God asks for a response … and v. 21 says they did.
All the things in 35.22-29 came by the provision of the Lord.
➟ ➟ ➟ 36.5-7 - They had to be stopped giving. There was more than enough.
What do we learn here?
➟ ➟ ➟ When God directs His people to do something - he makes a way to do it.
We will not see it, we won’t see the way - unless we step out in faith.
➟ ➟ ➟ Moses believed God and delivered the message.
The people believed God enough to give overwhelmingly in response.
They gave in faith:
A million + w/no home, sustenance, or economic security who gave so bountifully through freewill so there would be a place of worship for God.
Faith becomes sight in the completed tabernacle.
Prepare Like David
Prepare Like David
During the time of David, the tabernacle was still in existence. To David, this just seemed disrespectful.
➟ ➟ ➟ 1 Chronicles 17.1 gives us a glimpse of his heart. David lives in a palace. God dwells in a tent.
David moves into action and then God says, “wait.”
➟ ➟ ➟ 17.4, 11-12
David is now faced with a choice. This news had to be disappointing.
He could have sat back & done nothing.
Instead, 1 Chronicles 29 shows us how in faith he prepared building materials for Solomon.
➟ ➟ ➟ And he does so in a way that honors God. 29.1 - the building will not be built for a human, but for the Lord God.
David’s faith is calling him to be involved by making personal preparation. The next few verses show us his personal involvement.
The faith that becomes sight isn’t abstract… it’s applied. It’s not a theory … it’s labor.
➟ ➟ ➟ 29.2 - It’s zealous. I have made provision …to the best of my ability.
➟ ➟ ➟ 29.3 - It’s affectionate. Because of my delight....
➟ ➟ ➟ 29.3 - It’s sacrificial. I now give my personal treasures over and above...
These are the preparations of God-honoring faith.
Faith is more than a profession of commitment … it is the actual rolling up of our sleeves and getting involved.
What are some things that God has placed on your heart?
Spiritual things that need to be accomplished?
Individual ministries you can get involved with? Brotherhood camps / adoption agencies / college booster clubs / retreats & gatherings?
Work going on in this church you can be a part of?
Work that is needed in this church that’s not being done right now? Quit waiting for someone else to start it … you start it.
Move in Zeal.
➟ ➟ ➟ Colossians 3.23 - Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people...
Are you zealously giving your time, effort, and money?
It’s been said: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
Move with Affection.
Where do your affections lie? What is on your lips?
What has our affection generally has our tongue.
For David, God captured his affections. He was consumed with the desire to honor God.
➟ ➟ ➟ Colossians 3.2: Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Paul is taking about affections.
When they’re set appropriately, it is very natural to engage in faith-filled action.
Move with Sacrifice.
We don’t mind sacrificing for what we love.
Young man sacrifices to buy a ring for his bride.
Father sacrifices to provide for his kids w/more than he had.
➟ ➟ ➟ When David moved with sacrifice, it inspired others to to move with zeal, affection, and sacrificial giving.
Their faith became sight when Solomon used these materials to build the temple.
Is your faith passionate enough that you will become personally involved in preparing for the work of the Lord?
Build Like Nehemiah
Build Like Nehemiah
Nehemiah is one of the greatest leaders in history.
He had heard the distressing news from Judea. The walls of Jerusalem were lying in waste. He obtains permission from the king to go there and rebuild.
➟ ➟ ➟ 2.17 shows us his heartbrokenness as he viewed the sight. But it’s also a moment that stirs him to faith. Come, let’s rebuild Jerusalem’s wall, so that we will no longer be a disgrace.
Nehemiah cared … and he did something about it. He acted decisively. There was a burning in his heart to make a lasting difference. How did Nehemiah build?
➟ ➟ ➟ 2.18 - he prayed fervently.
I want you to see the pure motives, sense of certainty, and firm faith.
His faith inspired others to get involved.
➟ ➟ ➟ 2.19 - he acted decisively.
He works through the obstacles, criticism, and threats.
He successfully overcomes constant pressure to:
give into fear
succumb to discouragement.
When God calls us to a task, it won’t be easy.
What we see in Nehemiah is someone who withstood the opposition and focused on the potential.
➟ ➟ ➟ He built on the faith God gave him. His leadership led to the walls being completed in 52 days.
This project, which had been neglected for almost a century, got completed because Nehemiah took the initiative and saw the task through. It’s a huge testimony to his faith.
What do we see in Moses, David, and Nehemiah?
God gives them the vision for what can be accomplished.
These leaders, in obedience to the word of God, step out in faith.
This inspires people to get personally involved, who call on others to follow.
Then, God goes to work and accomplishes far more and beyond what we can imagine.
Faith becomes sight .... victory comes … when we believe like Moses and take God at His word.
Faith becomes sight … victory comes … when we prepare like David and set our affections on things above.
Faith becomes sight … victory comes … when we build like Nehemiah with all the determination in the world.
So, during this year of uncertainty and discomfort, how is God calling you to make a difference?
What opportunities has God blessed you with?
What is He calling you to go build for His glory?
If today you’re sitting at the bottom of the mountain and feel insufficient and like success is impossible, you’re not alone.
Every single person in Scripture who saw God go to work had to first face the impossible.
You can, if you will, watch your faith become sight.
➟ ➟ ➟ 1 John 5.4
➟ ➟ ➟ Will you step out in faith?