FOT08 Training to be teachers [DrW]
Isa 65:1
Brother in England at religious school in 1965. Gave him 1975 in Prophecy.
Moses lived 120 years
40 in Egypt
40 in Midian leading sheep
God has intervened in our lives for a purpose... that we might teach His Way
Isa 30:31 This the Way.. Mystery of God.... viewed as bigotry today. Can you prove it... if not, you are liable to be blown away. I Thess %:21 Prove all things... hang on to what is true. Know those who labor among you.
Phil 1:6 as long as you stay focused.Nothing else there.
Teaching the Way of God....
Gen 26:5 A renewal of the Promises to Abraham
Spelled out in Ex 20 etc
What we will teach... can't teach what you don't know... Isa 2:2 over all other government
We will go out teaching... like DCrockettIII and DrW coming here. 1:1,000,000 on earth today.
How do we learn to teach?
1-2-1 Direct instruction
Educate do's and don't's
Gen 2:15 Prov 15:2 Wise teachers made learning a joy... Enjoy teaching... Eve presented to Adam!!!
Woman built second for a purpose Isa 58:14 Make the Sabbath a joy... make it fun if a team leader!!!
Jesus made learning a joy...
Give people opportunity to be creative... let them make decisions and reap the consequences unless small children
Written records
Gen 5: Where will you be 40 years from now.
Deut 17:14
Deut 4 Deut 6 Teach your grandchildren
Luke 9:1 Lukew 10:1 Delegate carefully
Studying for a test or study to teach If so, must know subject.
Teachable moments - use them!
Deut 6:5 Luke 14:25
Ask questions! Create openings... Have you ever thought of such and such???
Thank God for the privilege of being here.
Use challenge and discovery I Thess 5:21
Would Jesus do that?
What would you do if such and such occurred?
Visualize Paint word picture
Songs and Proverbs
Soft answer prevents wrath...
More blessed to give...
Golden Rule
Didactic group teaching like we are doing today
Neh 8:1-9 Ezra 7:6-7 skilled scribe in the Laws of Moses.
God's Church Waldensian Methodists today etc. College was one room in the old days. Ministers were taught there down the ages in the Church of God. Northern Italy etc.
Moses teaches Joshua how to teach te people. Deut 28:14 Levite led in the law. Shechem natural antitheater.
Consider the setting
Ex 19 Set then stage... Mt. Sinai... old laws.. bondage?? not hardly...
Called to teach the world God's Way of life... our mates, our families, etc.
Teach teach teach... knowledge of God's Way in TW.
Select all the text in this box and paste your sermon here...
Sermon text with italics and bold and John 3:16 and v. 20.
Heading 2
Text with an outline.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 2
- Level 3