Ecclesiastes Chapter 8

Study of Ecclesiastes  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  35:01
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Verse Memorization - Colossians 3:1-16

Turn to and read Ecclesiastes 8:1-5. Pray.
As we continue our trek through the book of Ecclesiastes, we will continue, in this chapter, to see Solomon give good advice even though it is given from a humanistic perspective.
Ecclesiastes 8:1 KJV 1900
Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? a man’s wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.
Wisdom is a virtue; even to those who are far from God.
“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” – Albert Einstein
Wisdom in properly handling finances.
Wisdom in rearing children.
Wisdom in business.
Wisdom in taking care of one’s health.
This really begs the question, though...

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom is the accumulation, assimilation, & application of Biblical truth.
Proverbs 2:6 KJV 1900
For the Lord giveth wisdom: Out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
Knowledge - How do we gain knowledge of Biblical truth? The main way in which we do that is by searching in God’s Word.
Understanding - How do we gain understanding of Biblical truth? Through the Holy Spirit.
John 14:26 KJV 1900
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
Wisdom - Being obedient to God’s Word.
Psalm 119:1–2 KJV 1900
ALEPH. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, Who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, And that seek him with the whole heart.
By way of application...
You will never acquire too much wisdom!
You will never get to the point, through the study of God’s Word, where you are “too full” of Biblical wisdom.
You will never get to the point where the Holy Spirit will have taught you everything there is to know about the Biblical truth that you have accumulated.
You will never get to the point where you should stop being obedient to God’s Word and applying God’s Word in your life.
Now, back to Ecclesiastes chapter 8...
It is a good thing to acquire wisdom! But, wisdom, coupled with a right relationship with God, is a great thing!
King Solomon, here in Ecclesiastes 8:1, was “singing the praises” of wisdom. However, how much better it would have been for Solomon had he done so out of a right relationship with God!?!? (Solomon should have the first one to testify to that fact. All we need to do is go back to 1 Kings chapter 4 to see that!)
Proverbs 2:6 KJV 1900
For the Lord giveth wisdom: Out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
Many churches, in years past, have had individuals known as “the Candy Man.” (Stephenie’s home church, when she was growing up, had one.) All the children in church would know who that person was and they knew that all they had to do was go to the Candy Man and he would give them piece of candy.
While I do not want to equate God to the “Candy Man,” I believe that everyone can understand the application. God gives wisdom.
James 1:5 KJV 1900
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
Allow me to ask...
How’s your relationship with God?
How long has it been since you talked with the Lord And told Him your heart’s hidden secrets? How long since you prayed? How long since you stayed On your knees ‘till the light shone through?
As I mentioned earlier, even the unsaved understand the virtue of wisdom. However, do we, as God’s children truly appreciate the benefits of wisdom?
Turn to and read Proverbs 3:13-18 and consider the benefits of wisdom.
To all of this how should we respond?
Proverbs 4:7 KJV 1900
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: And with all thy getting get understanding.
Solomon now gives some very good advice concerning our civil authority.
Ecclesiastes 8:2–5 KJV 1900
I counsel thee to keep the king’s commandment, and that in regard of the oath of God. Be not hasty to go out of his sight: stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him. Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou? Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.

"I counsel thee to keep the king’s commandment...”

I understand that some may look at that statement and say that Solomon, as king, was being “self-serving.” In other words, it was in his best interest to counsel people to obey him.
I’m thankful that, while there are churches in the United States, that have found themselves in situations directly opposed to civil authorities, South Charlotte Baptist Church thus far as not found itself in such a situation. Again, for that I am thankful.
However, understand...

Civil authority has been ordained by God!

Genesis 9:6 KJV 1900
Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
Turn to and read Romans 13:1-7.
Romans 13:2 KJV 1900
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
While I do not live under the illusion that our civil authority - our government - is perfect, I also understand that it has been ordained by God.
I believe that much of the mess that our country is currently seeing would never have happened had individuals simply complied with and obey the civil authority that they were confronted by.

“Be not hasty to go out of his sight...”

Solomon cautions us here in vs. 3 to be cautious in how we conduct ourselves before the king. Pastor David Sorenson says this…l
“Foolishness in a king’s sight only invites wrath.”
Be cautious how you conduct yourself around civil authority.
Now that I have moved to South Carolina, I am once again going through the process of gaining my concealed carry permit. Part of the training for that is to have an understanding of the laws in South Carolina that relate to gun ownership and carrying a concealed weapon. One aspect of that is in how I respond to and conduct myself around law enforcement. For example, if I am pulled over, as a concealed carrier, it is my responsibility to 1) immediately put my hands upon the steering wheel so that the officer sees them and 2) to announce to the officer that I am a concealed carrier, whether I have my weapon on my person or in the vehicle and to let the officer know where the weapon is.
There are several examples in the Bible of individuals who conducted themselves wisely before their civil authority:
Nehemiah, the king’s cupbearer.
Esther, the queen.
Daniel and the three Hebrew children.
The Apostle Paul
In all of those examples, God blessed because there was a right attitude shown toward civil authority even when they disagreed with that authority.
Nehemiah 1:11 KJV 1900
O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king’s cupbearer.

“Where the word of the king is, there is power...”

We find these words in vs. 4 of Ecclesiastes chapter 8.
One of the reasons why we should be cautious in how we conduct ourselves before and around our civil authority is because they do have power.
George Washington said, “Government is not mere advice; it is authority, with power to enforce its laws.”
As in Solomon’s case, the king could do as he liked. (Praise the Lord for the fact that we still, by and large, live in a country where our civil authority is bound to act according to the laws of the land.)
However, for a moment look beyond the power of the king to see the True Power - God!
Daniel 2:21 KJV 1900
And he changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, And knowledge to them that know understanding:
Again, I remind us of what Paul wrote in Romans 13:
Romans 13:2 KJV 1900
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
One of the reasons, I believe, that there is lack of respect for civil authority is because there is no longer a fear of God in our society.
Ecclesiastes 8:5 KJV 1900
Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.
We’ll finish tonight with this verse which really wraps up Solomon’s thought from the previous verses.
Romans 13:3–4 KJV 1900
For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
While we see our country seemingly spinning out of control, these verses should still be a challenge and encouragement to us that it is a wise thing to honor and respect the civil authority that God has placed in our live.
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