9-13-20 2 Kings 6:24-8:6 God Is Able
2 Kings 6:24-7:20 - God is Able
Warning against Forgetting
This trial came because they turned away from God (Leviticus 26:14-17).
The worst that could happen in our trials is to forget about God.
The king and commander had given up hope that God could keep his word (6:33/7:2).
Forgetting God’s power leads to despair, desperation, and blame.
Remember and Trust His Power
God caused the Arameans to run, leaving their provisions (vs5-7).
If God says it, it will be so (vs16).
Our circumstances are no match for the power of God.
We must trust God to experience the reality of His power at work.
Go Tell
The lepers dive into the plunder until they realize they were wrong (vs8-9).
As bad as circumstances are - we live in a day of good news.
This is news we must share - as we often naturally do any other good news.
As we share the good news with others, we are reminded of God’s power
as well.