Luke 18:31-34 - Passion Prediction

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In this passage from Luke, Jesus speaks about the prophecies, about his suffering and his desire to see them fulfilled. We also encounter his closest disciples struggling to understand the meaning of this.

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You are sermon series in the Gospel of Luke. We will be in Luke with the exception of Christmas time from now until Easter but know this when the Gospel of Luke gets to the Easter Story, it will be Easter and shortly thereafter. We will be done with Luke and it's been a long journey. I think we're pretty close to 80 sermons so far through the Book of Luke and we'll go over a hundred by the time we're done but the end is in sight and I look forward to the Easter season and finishing out the Gospel of Luke with you this morning. The sermon is entitled passion predicted. Passion predict another word passion as I use it here is from the Latin Patty and it simply means to injure or to suffer until The Passion of Christ as we talked about it today is talking about his suffering in the passage. We looked look at this morning is Jesus speaking about the suffering that he is about to experience a shortly after chapter 18 and where we are now we get into the passion narratives looking at the end of Jesus's life in the suffering that he injured what's open our Bibles turn on all devices and open them up to Luke chapter 18.

Are we have four verses to consider this morning? Luke chapter 18 verses 31 through 34. I'm taking the 12. He said to them see we are going up to Jerusalem and everything that is written about the son of man by the prophets will be accomplished or he will be delivered over to the Gentiles and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit upon and after flogging him. They will kill him and on the third day. He will rise. But they understood none of these things the saying was hidden from them and they did not grasp. What was said. Let's pray father we come before you now thankful for your word and Desiring to submit to it. We would ask that you would help us to understand in our minds and embracing our heart the truth that is contained here that you would father help us to apply it to our lives. We make these prayers with faith knowing that you have promised to accomplish this through your words. We leaned into those promises this morning looking to you to conform us into the image of the Redeemer Jesus Christ Our Lord. I pray father God that you by your spirit would help me to communicate your truth and away that's faithful and helpful pray this in Christ name. Amen. A reticulated the main idea of this passage this way Jesus intended to fulfill the Prophecies of his suffering. And the disciples could not understand this. We need to understand the meaning of Jesus is suffering. Let me say that again. Jesus intended to fulfill the Prophecies of his suffering and the disciples could not understand this. We need to understand the meaning of Jesus is suffering. This passage is best understood if we consider three Fox two of them explicit and one of them applied these three facts that are in this passage will help us understand and apply God's word this morning that the first fact that is explicitly revealed in this passage. Is that the prophets Predicted the suffering of Jesus prophets predict. Jesus said see we are going up to Jerusalem and everything that is written about the son of man by the prophets. Will be accomplished the main accomplishments and experiences of Jesus life where process prophesied many years before he was even born not every detail. But every important accomplishment in experience of his life was prophesied hundreds of years before he was even born God gloriously and mercifully and graciously gave us the New Testament but understand this all of what Jesus did and all of what he accomplished can be understood from the Old Testament scriptures. It so much of it was prophesied before Christ was born. This passage uses 7 verbs to describe what the prophets predicted about the suffering of Jesus and he makes note of them Jesus said he would be delivered marked shamefully treated spit upon flogged killed and Resurrected. That's what Jesus said the prophets had said about him. In fact, we're going to this morning. Look at just one of the Old Testament prophets Isaiah. And look at one of his prophecies in which he predicts these 7 things about the Messiah 700 years before Jesus was born just one Prophet makes mention of all these thanks. We see you tonight day of 50 and Isaiah 53. So we're going to look at Isaiah 51 through 7 and look for these 7 predictions combined with Isaiah 53:2 starting Isaiah verses 1 through 7. We read thus says the Lord, where is your mother should ever get a divorce with which I sent her away or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you the whole for your iniquities. You were sold and for your transgressions, your mother was sent away. Why when I came was there? No, man, why when I called was there no one to answer that's a prediction of Jesus being rejected by his own people. When he came there was no man when he called there was no one to answer. He was rejected by his people and delivered to the Gentiles. Are there goes on to say is my hand shorten that it cannot redeem or have I no power to deliver behold by my rebuke. I dry up the sea I make the rivers a desert their fish tank for lack of water and dying of thirst. I closed the heavens with Blackness and makes tack cloth are covering the Lord. God has given me the tongue of those who are taught that I might know how to sustain with a word him who is weary morning by morning. He awakens. He wakens my ear to hear as those who are taught the Lord God is open my ear and I was not rebellious. I turn not backward. I gave my back to those who strike. A prediction of him being flawed and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard. I had not my face from disgrace indicating. He was mocked and shamefully treated and spitting Isaiah says he was spit upon again predicted 700 years before the birth of Jesus denver7, but the Lord God helps me therefore. I have not been disgraced. Therefore. I have set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be put to shame and then hop over to Isaiah 53 couple Pages later verses 9 and 10, we're eating first nine and they made his grave with the wicked and with the rich man in his death predicting. Jesus would be killed the Messiah would be killed. Although he had done no violence and there was no deceit in his mouth yet. It was the will of the Lord to crush him. He is put into grief. When is solo makes an offering for Guilt. He the one who has already died and been killed he shall see his offspring he shall prolong his days. The prophecy of the one and the Gentiles killed would be resurrected. That's just one prophet Isaiah one prophecy predicts those seven things that Jesus said the prophet that said would happen.

It's all the prophets predicted the suffering. What's interesting in this passage is that Jesus also predicts his suffering hear what he says. He says everything that is written about the son of man by the prophets will be accomplished. That's a prediction. Is it all the things that the prophets predicted I now predict they will come to pass and I know we've been in Luke a long time. But let me remind you of Luke 9:22 where Jesus says the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders the chief priests and scribes and be killed and on the third day be raised or Luke 9:44. Let these words sink into your ears. The son of man is about to be delivered into the hands of men or Luke 13:33. Nevertheless. I must go on my way today and tomorrow and the day following for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem Luke. 1725 but first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation again, not only did the prophets predict the suffering of Jesus but Jesus himself predicted it not only in this passage many times and Luke before we get to this point. So that's the first fact and understanding this passage. We need to be clear on the prophets predicted the suffering of Jesus and he himself predicted that he would suffer second fact Jesus fulfills. The second fact in the passage is really implied as we consider the fact that the Gospel of Luke was written after Jesus's death and Resurrection after the events that are predicted here. So it's implied that Jesus fulfilled these things.

Now Jesus didn't just fulfill them. He's hugely important that he fulfilled the but I think we also have to keep in mind that it was always his intention to fulfill these Prophecies of his suffering for a minute what that's like we could often think about our future. I want to accomplish great things. I want to succeed in whatever my vocation is I want to get married and have a family we can predict things about our own life and intend to fulfill them. But are they generally really good and happy things. What Jesus is intending to fulfill here is the most horrific suffering that any human being will ever experience he intends to fulfill it. That's his desire. That's his aim. That's his goal. To fulfill these predictions. I don't know if you caught it, but and Isaiah 57 the verse I read a few moments ago, but the Lord God houses are for I have not been disgraced. Therefore. I have set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be put to shame what has the Redeemer set his face as a flint for he's set his face as a flint to go to Jerusalem and experience the suffering and obedience to what God has called him to he intends to experience that horrific suffering that we read about in the Gospels. So understanding that Jesus fulfills and intends to fulfill these properties. Let's let us look at just one of the gospels and see that Jesus did in fact to fill these 7 things will look at the gospel of Matthew this morning. Starting at verse 1 of chapter 27 and going to verse 10 of 28 the the story and Matthew of his passion and let's see these 7 Things predicted that come to fulfillment through Christ starting verse 1 of chapter 27 when morning came all the chief priests in the Elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death and they bound him and let him away and delivered him over to pilate the governor. He would be delivered into the hands of the Gentiles. Skip ahead 2 verse 24. So when pilot saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning he took water and wash his hands before the crowd saying I am innocent of this man's blood see to it yourself and all the people answered his blood be on us and our children that he released for them, Barabbas and having Scourge Jesus. Having flogged him having him whipped. He delivered him to be crucify another prediction that Jesus fulfilled. Where's 27 than the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor's headquarters and they gathered the whole Battalion before him and they stripped him and put in a Scarlet robe on him and Tristan together a crown of thorns. They put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand and kneeling before they mocked him. Is Jesus mentioned in the passage in Luke as was prophesied by Isaiah for Fields? They mocked him saying hail King of the Jews and they spit on him.

Even as he made mention of and took the Reed and struck him on the head when they had mocked and they stripped him was a roll and put his own clothes on him and let him away to crucify him.

Where's 39 and those who pass by derided him wagging their heads and saying you who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days save yourself. If you are the Son of God come down from the cross. His people treated him shamefully he was derided. Wasn't just as people that Roberts the criminals who just lie died on the cross is beside him we read. And the robbers who were crucified with him also reviled him in the same way shamefully treated. Where's 45 now from the 6 hour? There was Darkness over all the land until the ninth hour in about the ninth hour. Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli Eli Lama sabachthani. That is my God my God. Why have you forsaken me some of the bystanders hearing? It said this man is calling Elijah and one of them at once ran and took a sponge filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink but the other said wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to save him and Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his Spirit. He was killed. He fulfills the prediction of his death as well. Chapter 28 know after the Sabbath tour the dawn of the first day of the week Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb and behold there was a great earthquake for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and roll back the stone inside on it. His appearance was like lightning and his clothing white as snow and for fear of in the guards trembled it became like dead men, but the angel said to the women do not be afraid for I know that you see Jesus who was crucified he is not here for he has risen as he said, Come see the place where he lay, then go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he is going before you to Galilee there. You will see him see I have told you so they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy and ran to tell his disciples and behold Jesus met them and said greetings. Jesus made note of the Prophecies of his resurrection. He predicted that he himself would fulfill them and we see and Matthew 28 and in fact, he did these seven things that Jesus indicated were prophecies about him things that hundreds of years before he was born were prophesied about him these things the seven things that he intended to experience were all with Phil. He was delivered into the hands of the Gentiles. He was mocked. He was trained shamefully treated he was spit upon he was flawed. He was killed in Resurrected. So true facts so far Jesus's suffering was prophesied and Jesus fulfill those prediction. That brings us to our final fact another explicit Fact one that I think brings Clarity to this passage in terms of understanding it but also gives us a path of application in terms of what this passage communicates. The final explicit fact is that the disciples could not understand what he was talking about the disciples misunderstand. We read but they understood none of these things. The saying was hidden from them and they did not grasp. What was said. Now this fact is clearly an important fact In this passage. Luke goes to really let me consider how short of passages is glucose a great effort to highlight. The fact of the disciples did not understand. Let's keep in mind that Luke was known to the disciples was considered a faithful disciple himself. He wrote this gospel knowing that they would see it be able to validate it and he makes it seems to think it's necessary to three times repeat the fact that the disciples couldn't understand. They didn't he says they understood none of these things. The saying was hidden from them and they did not grasp. What was said. This is clearly an important point. What are the commentators block? Help sprinkler to this. He says Luke does not mean that Jesus is message was unintelligible, but it is sipos could not understand how his death could fit into the divine plan for Jesus. You see the disciples understood the words that Jesus spoke, but they could not comprehend their meaning as they were related to Jesus's expectations and reality and consequences of what he would do.

I think many of us have had an experience similar to this. I've had one recently where someone has said something to me and I've understood the words they're saying but the full meaning and the implications of what's being said is not fully realized to me short time ago. As you know, I got a call from my brother telling me that my father our father had passed away.

He called me to tell me that Dad had died when he spoke those words. I understood the meaning of those words. I I knew what he meant. But I couldn't and still don't understand the full implications and the meanings of those words themselves as I go through an experience that my dad would have been there for now. I start to understand better. And I will experience things in the future where he will not be there where the full implications of those words. Dad is dyed understand better. I understood the words when he said them, but they weren't clear in terms of their meaning. So this is what's happening with the disciples understand the words that are being said, but they don't understand the implications in the meanings. In the fullness of what Jesus intends to communicate? Don't understand this those disciples where the closest human beings to Jesus they daily experience the teachings of Jesus they were with him. To have things explained to them to have things taught to have stayed heard more than anyone and they didn't understand. as we read that perhaps We look down upon the disciples. How could they not? Well in later that I'd like this morning to return to someone we have looked upon to help us throw this study and sermons on the Gospel of Luke and that's the the bishop J C Ryle for many years ago comments on. This idea of disciples not understanding Royal says that she says Let Us observe last lie in these vs. This slowness of the disciples to understand Christ's death. We find that when our Lord describe is coming sufferings. The disciples didn't understand a thing. He said it's significance was hidden from them and they failed to grasp what he was talking about. We read such passages as he's perhaps with a mixture of pity and surprised we wonder at the darkness and blindness of these Jews. We Marvel that in the face of plain teaching and in the light of the plane types of the Mosaic law to suffering zombicide should have been lost sight of in his glory and his cross hidden behind his crown. But are we not forgetting that the vicarius death of Christ is always been a stumbling block and an offense to Proud human nature. Do we not know that even now after Christ has risen from the dead and ascended into Glory the doctrine of the Cross is still foolishness too many and a price substitution for us on the cross as a truth, which is often denied rejected and refused before we wonder these first-week disciples for not understanding our Lord's words about his death. We should do well to look around us and may humble us to remember that thousand the so-called Christians neither understand nor value Christ death at the present day. Let us look well to our own Hearts. We live in a day when false doctrines about Christ's death of bound on every side. Let us let us see to Christ crucified is really the foundation of our hopes and the price of Tony Jefferson is indeed the whole life of our soul. Let us be aware of adding to Christ's sacrifice on the cross its value is infinite it admits New Edition. Let us beware of taking away from Christ sacrifice to suppose that the Son of God only dye to leave us an example of self-denial.

as we consider the disciples didn't understand is Luke emphasizes the fact that they didn't understand let us show less care for how they understood more for how we understand

What Bishop Ryle brings to light here really leads us into our application as I closed this morning for points of application two things to understand and two things to be resolved. First thing to understand is Israel encourages us we need to understand the gospel. We need to understand the life and the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ Believers. The gospel is our Salvation. It is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe. It's not only our Salvation. It's our sanctification. It's because of Christ's death and resurrection that we can be Sanctified and we can work out our own salvation with fear and trembling and it's because of the Gospel that we can look forward to our glorification our own Resurrection. We're given new bodies to dwell with God forever. Instead of being worried about what the disciples in Jesus time should over shouldn't have understand. Let's be understanding the gospel ourselves so that we might glory in this gospel so that we might grow in this gospel. So we might protect the gospel in a day and age like all the rest sandwich that gospel is under attack. From outside the walls of the church and from inside the walls of the church understand the gospel. If you're here this morning or you're listening online and you're an unbeliever. You need to understand the gospel understanding response responding correctly to the death and resurrection of Christ is imperative for your salvation. Apart from understanding and acknowledging your sin and turning from it and apart from understanding who Jesus is and what he has done and putting your trust in him and his work. You will not be safe. Unbeliever, you need to understand the gospel this morning. We would love if you want Clarity on that to explain it to you. Give us a call. Send us an email speak today to one of the staff members.

Understand the gospel second point of application this morning. We need to understand the biblical pattern of Salvation through suffering part of the reason for the disciples couldn't understand what was going is because they didn't consider that biblical pattern that salvation came through suffering. They were looking for a Jesus who would come with power and in their geography and in the politics and in a society take over. With power and was strength but that's not the biblical pattern of salvation Salvation comes through suffering to let us understand this morning that there will be suffering that we are disciples. I've been promised by Jesus himself that we will suffer. He said in the world you will have tribulation. Let us understand that. That's a Biblical pattern of Salvation. It comes through suffering. But let us also understand that there is strength in our weakness. Jesus also said my power is made perfect in weakness because of his work on the cross and his resurrection from the dead and his distance speciation of his Spirit to his people he enables us to live through the suffering and die if he calls us to his faithful Disciples of his We are called to suffer but there is strength in our weakness because salvation comes through suffering us a Biblical pattern. We need to understand that I finish this morning with two things to be resolved about.

First be resolved to obedience in the face of whatever suffering God calls you to. even if Jesus was Jews understood where the prophets had predicted Jesus predicted it himself and it was always his intention to remain obedient and he set his face like Flint to face the suffering. The most horrific suffering that any human being can experience he set his face like Flint in order to be obedience to be obedient and work all to that same obedience. You see in the middle of the suffering

I might be too late. To make that resolution. We're far better off making the resolution now, I will be resolved in the face of whatever suffering comes my way to be obedient. God help me to be so. resolve that now So what is the foundation in the midst of your suffering finally number for fourth application this morning second thing to be resolved to? Let us in light of this. Understanding the gospel understanding the Biblical pattern of Salvation through suffering resolving to be obedient in the face of that. So then let's be resolved to always see Jesus as the Fulfillment of what the prophets prophesied.

But it's hugely important. Because it's about understanding his death and Resurrection as he said but Jesus isn't just a filler of those prophecies. He's also the failure of the prophecies that one day. He will put an end to suffering one day. He will destroy death one day soon will be no more sorrow will be no more pain will be no more tears will be no more FIFA feels those prophecies 2 I saw in the midst of our suffering must be resolved to see him as the fulfiller of the Prophecies of all that is to come that we might find strength in our day and in our suffering. Let's pray.

Father God we thank you for your words. We pray this morning even as we prayed when we started for your help. Father God I pray for both believe or non-believer alike. Help us to understand the gospel.

Help us to understand. It's important to help us to make a lifetime pursuit of digging into the wonders of the Gospel of your death in your Resurrection. Help us to glory in it. Help us to grow in it.

father God help us I understand that there will be suffering.

And that salvation only comes through suffering is Jesus life. Death and Resurrection is Ascension in his return. points to help us this morning to resolve to be obedient. No matter what it is you call us to and help us this morning to be resolved to see Jesus as the true fulfillment of all that has been prophesied both his death his resurrection our resurrection and our eternal glory.

I pray this in Christ's name, Amen.

As I said the sermon this morning and titled passion predicted using the word passion which comes from the Latin Posse, which simply means to injure or to suffer are the term The Passion of Christ is a reference to the time of suffering from The Garden of Gethsemane to his death on the cross and we understand In this passage that that and much of that was predicted will see you in just a moment the passages from Luke chapter 18 Just 4 verses verses 31 through 34 and yet in half an hour's time was so well, I think we'll see the significance and importance of this teaching of Jesus. Oh turn with me and your bibles are on your devices to Luke chapter 18 verses 31 through 34.

Can we read starting in verse 31? I'm taking the 12. He said to them see we are going up to Jerusalem and everything that is written about the son of man by the prophets will be accomplished for he will be delivered over to the Gentiles and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit upon and after flogging him. They will kill him and on the third day. He will rise but the end of the none of these things the same was hidden from them and they did not grasp. What was said. I would articulate the main idea of this passage in this way. Jesus intended to fulfill the Prophecies of his sufferings and the disciples could not understand this. We need to understand the meaning of Jesus's suffering. Let me say that again Jesus intended to fulfill the Prophecies of his suffering and the disciples could not understand. We need to understand the meaning of Jesus's suffering. No, I think this passage will be best understood if we consider three facts two of them explicit one of them implied from the passage in the first fact that is explicitly revealed in God's word In this passage is that prophets predicted the suffering of Jesus prophets predict. We read see we are going up to Jerusalem and everything that is written about the son of man by the prophets will be accomplished. The main accomplishments and experiences of Jesus were prophesied about hundreds and thousands of years before he was even born we have been blessed with the New Testament with God's word from the time of Jesus really until the start of the church, but even were we not given the New Testament the life and accomplishments of the Maasai are were laid out in the Old Testament by the prophets many years before he was born. Jesus makes reference to the predictions or prophecies by the prophets in this passage. In fact Luke or Jesus uses in Luke 7 verbs to describe what the prophets had predicted about his suffering. Jesus tells them he will be delivered over to the hands of the Gentiles. He will be mocked. He will be shamefully treated. He will be spit upon he will be flawed. He will be killed and he will be Resurrected. And we're going to look back to the Old Testament. We're just going to consider one of the prophets of the Old Testament Isaiah who predicted these 7 things about Jesus. What is 700 years before he was born? We're looking Isaiah 50 verses 1 through 7 and 53 verses 9 and 10 or received these 7 predictions. The Jesus said would be fulfilled the 7 predictions from one prophet Isaiah starting verse 1 chapter 50 that says the Lord where is your mother's certificate of divorce with which I sent her away are which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you the hold for your iniquities you were sold and for your transgressions your mother was sent away. Why when I came was there? No, man, why when I called was there no one to answer. That's a prediction in a prophecy about Jesus's rejection by his own people and even as he makes mention of in Luke he will he will be delivered over to the hands of the Gentiles. He will be rejected by his people in Isaiah prophesied about it in chapter 15 verse 2 hundreds of years before Christ was born Isaiah goes on is my hand shortened that it cannot redeem or have I no power to deliver the hole by my rebuke. I dry up the CI make the rivers in the desert there fish stink for lack of water and die of thirst. I called the heavens with Blackness and make sack cloth are covering Lord. God has given me the tongue of those who are taught that I am. I know how this is staying with a word him who is weary morning by morning. He awakens. He awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught the Lord God has open my ear and I was not rebellious. I turned not backward. I gave my back to those who strike speaking of being flawed and my cheeks to those who pillow pull out the beard I hid not my face from disgrace. Predicting Jesus being mocked and shamefully treated and spitting the prediction that he would be spit upon but the Lord God helps me therefore. I have not been disgraced. Therefore. I have set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be put to shame. Popover a couple pages to Isaiah 53 verse 9 and 10 verse 9 and they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death. He was predicted to be killed. Although he had done no violence and there was no deceit in his mouth yet. It was the will of the Lord to crush him. He is put him to grieve when his soul makes an offering for Guilt. Then we're told that even though they made his grave with the wicked and he was put with a rich man in his death. He shall see his offspring he shall prolong his days. If you were here at Easter we talked about how that was a prediction of his resurrection. So the prophets predicted his suffering that was just one Isaiah who in a couple pages in The Book of Isaiah. We can see predicted the seven things that Jesus talks about In this passage, but we also have to know that Jesus himself predicted his own suffering the prophets predict his suffering but Jesus himself predicts his suffering he does. So In this passage everything that is written about the son of man by the prophets will be accomplished. That's a prediction. Body, even though we've been in the Gospel of Luke a long time. If you just turn back to some of the sermons and studies we've done in the past year or years we can see that in Luke chapter 9 verse 22. Jesus says the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and on the third day be raised Luke 9:44, let these words sink into your ears. The son of man is about to be delivered into the hands of men Luke 13:33. Nevertheless. I must go on my way today and tomorrow and the day following for a cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem Amour Rouge that recently Luke 17:25, but first he speaking of himself must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. You see the prophets including Jesus himself predicted the suffering of Jesus. That's the first fact. This passage that will help us understand clearly what it's speaking to. The second fact In this passage is less explicit. In fact, it's implied.

And it's implied. When we remember that the Gospel of Luke was written after the life death and resurrection of Jesus. So the events that Jesus is talking about now, and it's talking about in the future when the Gospel of Luke is written as in the past. Until the second fact about this passage that is implied that is important for us to understand this passage is that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies and predictions made about him?

That's an important fact Jesus fulfill the prophecies and predictions about him. It's crucial in fact, but it's not just that he fulfilled them. We also need to take away that he intended to fulfill them. It was his intention to fulfill them. I don't know if you caught it, but in Isaiah 50 verse 7, but the Lord God he'll see therefore. I have not been disgraced. Therefore. I have set my face like a flint. What does that phrase mean that he sent his face like a flint what he set his face like a flint means is that he resolved to face the suffering that God had ordained for him as Redeemer of the Worlds. the intended to experience those predictions now we often will have a sense of prediction about our own future. We have the intention of getting a job and being successful at work. Perhaps making lots of money. We have the intention of getting married and raising a family.

Those are good things and valuable things. But what she says is intending to do here is to fulfill prophecies about his suffering not about something good, but about something difficult. In fact the worst suffering a human being can experience. We need to know that Jesus fulfilled this but we also need to know that he intended knowing beforehand to fulfill these things. That's why I want to take a few minutes this morning to look at another gospel the gospel of Matthew from chapter, 27, 1/2, 28 10, which speaks of Jesus as passion and see the D7 things. The Jesus makes note of in terms of what the prophets prophesied. He actually did for Phil. So we're going to look at Matthew 27 1 through 28 10 just picking out some certain versus which pertain to those seven things. We read starting inverse one when morning came all the chief priests and the Elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death and they bound him and let him away and delivered him over to pilate the governor. He fulfilled that prediction that he would be delivered into the hands of the Gentile. Jumping 2 verse 24. So when pilot saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning he took water and washed his hands before the crowd saying I am innocent of this man's blood see to it yourself and all the people answered his blood be on us and on our children then he released for them bearable Barabbas and having scourged Jesus having him with having him flogged. He delivered him to be crucified Jesus fulfilled the prediction that he would be flogged verse 27 in the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor's headquarters and they gathered the whole Battalion before him and they stripped him and put a Scarlet robe on him and twisting together Crown of Thorns. They put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand and kneeling before him they marked

Fulfilling the prediction that he would be mocked saying hail King of the Jews and they spit on him. Fulfilling the prediction that he would be spit Upon A took the Reed and struck him on the head and when they had mocked and they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him and let him away to crucify him. Verse 39 and those who passed by derided him wagging their heads and saying you who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days save yourself. If you are the Son of God come down from the cross. He was shamefully treated by his countrymen but not just his countrymen the very criminals who were crucified on the cross beside him treated him shamefully weary in verse 44 in the robbers who were crucified with him also revealed him in the same way. Fulfilling yet another prediction.

Going on verse 45 now from the sixth hour. There was Darkness over all the land until the ninth hour to build the ninth hour. Jesus cried out with a lot of boy saying Eli Eli Lama sabachthani. That is my God my God. Why have you forsaken me and some of the bystanders hearing? It said this man is calling Elijah and one of them at once ran it took a sponge still there was sour wine and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink but the other said wait, let us see whether Elijah will come up to save him and Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his Spirit. He was killed he fulfilled that prediction. The moving on to chapter 28 know after the Sabbath tour the dawn of the first day of the week Mary Magdalene in the other Mary went to see the tomb and behold there was a great earthquake for where the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and roll back. The stone is sat on it. His appearance was like lightning in his clothing white as snow and for fear of in the guards trembled and became like dead men, but the angel said to the women do not be afraid for I know that you see Jesus who was crucified he is not here for he has risen as he said, Come see the place where he lay, then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead and behold he is going before you to Galilee there. You will see him see I have told you so they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy and ran to tell his disciples and behold Jesus met them and said greetings. He fulfilled the prediction of his resurrection as well.

The seven things Jesus indicated were prophesied a boat him that he intended to experience. We're all fulfilled. He was delivered over to the hands of the Gentiles. He was mocked. He was shamefully treated. He was spit upon he was flawed and then killed and then he was resurrected.

At least two facts help us to understand this passage. Jesus suffering was prophesied and Jesus fulfilled those predictions, but the final fact and explicit fact, I think is where we can draw our application from this morning and where we can get complete Clarity on this teaching of Jesus. This final explicit fact, is that the disciples misunderstood Jesus disciples misunderstand Prophets predict Jesus fulfills disciples misunderstand we read but they understood none of these things the same was hidden from them and they did not grass. What was said? This is a very important point that Luke wants to make in a very short passage in this short passage. Luke takes three opportunities to repeat the fact that the disciples didn't understand no know that Luke was known by the disciples that he was writing a gospel that they would be aware of. And he seemed to think it important to emphasize the fact that they didn't understand three times. He makes this clear once they understood none of these things. The saying was hidden from them and they did not grasp. What was said. This is an important point. We can't miss In this passage. No, so we're clear here. Let me share a quote from a commentator Bach in regards to not understanding what Jesus said Luke does not mean that Jesus has message was unintelligible, but that disciple could not understand how his death could fit into the divine plan for Jesus. You see the disciples understood the words. He spoke. But they couldn't connect it to their expectations. They couldn't connect it to what the experience would be. Like they couldn't connect it to what they were looking forward to in regards to Salvation. They were looking for Jesus to come in power to in a geopolitical sense. Save them to fight back the Romans to create God's covenant community in God's chosen land again. This is what they were looking for it so they couldn't understand what he was saying. I didn't leave in many ways had experiences like this. I've had an experience like this recently or I comprehended the words that were being spoken to me, but I couldn't fully appreciate their meaning in terms of what my life would be like As you know a couple weeks ago now my dad died. And my brother was the one to call me on the phone. And I had not picked up a phone call a few moments earlier from one of my friend of my dad's friends. And so when my brother called me, I knew what he was calling about. And when I answered the phone, he said those words dad has died. I understood what he meant by those words, but there was no way that I could understand the implications of those words for my life and the experience and they were and I continue to be in darkness about that in some regards going forward. There will be things that I experienced in the days and weeks and years ahead which will bring more clarity so that I can understand what it means. Your dad has died. So I understood the words he was saying but I didn't understand the implication in the full meaning of it for my life. And I still don't to this day. This is what the disciples were experiencing. They understood the words. They can make sense of what he was saying wasn't eligible, but they couldn't put together the greater implication and meaning of what he was suggesting.

And these are the disciples. These were the humans who were closest to Jesus. These are the ones who are under his teaching for years. These are the ones who could have had things explained to them. And they didn't understand. It would be easy for us to judge them wouldn't it? Why didn't they get it? I couldn't understand while to help us in regards to that. I want to return to someone who has helped us throw this study in the book or in the Gospel of Luke and that's Bishop J C Ryle for many years ago. Is that a great commentary that I want to share with you on this idea of the disciples not understanding. Royal says let us observe lastly in these vs. The slowness of the disciples to understand Christ's death. We find that when our Lord described his coming sufferings the disciples didn't understand a thing. He said it's significance was hidden from them and they failed to grasp what he was talking about. We read such passages of these perhaps with a mixture of pity and surprised we wonder the darkness and blindness of these Jews. We Marvel that in the face of plain teaching stand in the light of plane types of the Mosaic law. The sufferings of them is I should have been lost sight of in his glory and his crown hidden bahadur story his cross hidden behind his crown. But are we not forgetting that the vicarius death of Christ has always been a stumbling block and an offense to Proud human nature do we not know that even now after Christ has risen from the dead and ascended into Glory the doctors across is still foolishness too many and the car a substitution for us on the cross as a truth, which is often denied rejected and refused before we wonder these first-week disciples for not understanding our Lord's words about his death. We should do well to look around us and may humble us to remember that thousands of so-called Christians. Neither understand nor value Christ death at the present day. Let us look well to our own Hearts. We live in a day when false doctrines about Christ's death of bound on every side. But as seen a Christ crucified is really the foundation of our own hopes and a Chrysler touring deaths per cent is indeed the whole life of our souls let it be aware. I let us beware of adding to Christ's sacrifice on the cross its value is infinite it admits New Edition. Let us beware of taking away from Christ sacrifice to suppose that the Son of God only dye to leave us an example of self-denial that is to contradict a hundred playing the scripture. Let us walk in the Old Paths. Let us stay with Paul. God forbid that I should Glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Before we look down upon those early disciples who didn't understand. Let's look around ourselves today. Let's look in our own hearts. Throat every age since Christ death and Resurrection in the birth of the church. The cross has been a stumbling block through every age the doctrine of the Cross has been attacked both from outside the walls of the church and from the inside. not really leads us to Four Points of application this morning that I'd like to make as we finish to in regards to things we need to understand and to in regards to things we need to be resolved about and Bishop Ryle leads us to the first point of application. We need to understand the death and resurrection of Jesus. We need to understand the gospel. believer it is the gospel is the death and resurrection of Jesus, which is the power of God unto salvation for you if you believe It's not only the initiation of your salvation, but it's the sanctification your life and growth and godliness in being conformed to the image of sun. Rest upon who Jesus is in what Jesus has done for you where in you find the motivation in the power to change wherein you have been given God's spirit who works with you and your sanctification. It is the gospel which lead you to your glorification to the day when you yourself will be resurrected and given a new body. In which you will be for eternity with God.

We need to understand the gospel so that we can glory in it. We need to understand the gospel so we can grow in it. We need to understand the gospel so we can protect it and our day and I are a unbeliever your call this morning to understand the gospel as well understanding and responding correctly to the death and resurrection of Jesus is imperative for your own salvation. If you don't see your sin clearly in the results of that sin clearly and turn from it and put your faith and trust in Jesus and what he accomplished on your behalf. You won't be safe. Salvation for you on Believers found in the gospel in the death and resurrection of Christ.

And that is something you would like to understand better to have some clarification on we would love to talk to you about it. Speak to one of the staff members today. Call the church. Send me an email. It's imperative that we understand the gospel all of us and we'd like to help you with that. Second thing to understand understand the biblical pattern of Salvation through suffering is one of the reasons why the disciples couldn't understand they didn't see the suffering that was required for the Salvation which the anticipated the biblical pattern of Salvation comes through suffering It's a we need to understand there will be suffering in our lives Brothers and Sisters. Jesus Promised it in the world. You will have tribulation. He says. We need to understand that that's the Christian way that the biblical pattern salvation through suffering. We will experience suffering but there is strength in our weakness. Jesus also said my power is made perfect in weakness. You don't walk through the suffering alone. You don't face the suffering alone. God has given you the spirit in his grace is sufficient for what he has called you to in regards to suffering. So let us understand the gospel and understand the biblical pattern of Salvation through suffering. Then I'll finish with two things to be resolved about. Let's be resolved to be obedient in the face of the suffering were called to That's what Jesus demonstrates now. He knew what the prophets had predicted. He himself had predicted these very things I suffering greater than any that anyone would experience and he was resolved to be obedient in the face of the suffering. You don't know what that looks like for you. The suffering that you will be called to in this lifetime has not been prophesied the way it was for Jesus.

And so you can't be resolved about the specifics perhaps but you can resolve today. To be obedient with God's help as you face that suffering. Maybe too late to make that resolution when you're in the suffering. So let's make it today. Let's be resolved to obedience in the face of the suffering we face and finally this morning as we close. Let's resolve to always see Jesus as the one who fulfills the prophecies. Why is that so important what's important because of what we talked about today as we talked about his death in his resurrection in the gospel to understand that he fulfilled those predictions that he was delivered. He was mocked. He was shamefully treated. He was flawed. He was spit upon he was killed and he was resurrected that's important. But those are the only prophecies about him. There are more prophecies and predictions about Jesus that pertain to when he returns. And he completely saves his people from sin and suffering and pain and he reconciles them completely to their father in heaven where they will be with him forever with No More Tears no more pain. Just that glorious communion with the Triune God forever and ever we need to be resolved to see Jesus as the one who fills all of the prophecies. The ones he has fulfilled already and the ones he will fulfill to his father's Glory into our great game. Let's pray. Father God we thank you for your word. We thank you for this teaching and the Gospel of Luke. In which we come to understand that prophets including Jesus himself predicted. Jesus is suffering and the Jesus intended to fulfill those and did fulfill those predictions and his death and his resurrection. as we consider that and as we think about the Misunderstanding the lack of understanding of the disciples father God we ask you to help us by your spirit to be people who understand the gospel who understand the death and resurrection of Jesus. I pray for the believer to this morning that they would father God make their life a pursuit of understanding and meditating on and making discoveries in the gospel their whole life the day will glory in it and they will grow in it and they will guard it father God I pray for the unbeliever that you would bring them understanding of the Gospel open their eyes to the glory of who Jesus is and what he has done. They might turn in Repentance and trust in him.

Father God help us to resolve this morning with your help to be obedient.

In the face of the suffering which we are sure to experience and father God. Let us be resolved this morning to always look to Jesus as the one who fulfills all of the prophecies. All the guys the ones that have been fulfilled already in the ones that are still to come that we might find strength in this day. I pray this in Christ's name. amen

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