The Authority of the Law - Romans 7:1-6
Something in human nature makes us want to go to extremes, a weakness from which Christians are not wholly free. “Since we are saved by grace,” some argue, “we are free to live as we please,” which is the extreme of license.
“But we cannot ignore God’s Law,” others argue. “We are saved by grace, to be sure; but we must live under Law if we are to please God.” This is the extreme expression of legalism.
Paul answered the first group in Romans 6; the second group he answered in Romans 7. The word law is used twenty-three times in this chapter. In Romans 6, Paul told us how to stop doing bad things; in Romans 7 he told how not to do good things. “You were not justified by keeping the Law,” he argued, “and you cannot be sanctified by keeping the Law.”
Topic addressed (1)
law. Gr. nomos. Occ. over 190 times, of which about two-thirds are in Paul’s Epistles, the greater number being in Romans and 31 in Galatians. There are 23 in this chapter.
Marriage Illustration (2-3)
This is an illustration of the fact that death breaks all bonds; husband and wife, master and servant.
In the case of his illustration, marriage, Paul’s point is that laws governing marriage are null and void when the marriage union is broken by the death of one spouse. Death is the only thing that frees one from the lordship of law in marriage.
But in Paul’s illustration from marriage, it was the husband who died and the wife who married again. If you and I are represented by the wife, and the Law is represented by the husband, then the application does not follow the illustration. If the wife died in the illustration, the only way she could marry again would be to come back from the dead. But that is exactly what Paul wants to teach! When we trusted Christ, we died to the Law; but in Christ, we arose from the dead and now are “married” (united) to Christ to live a new kind of life!
We died to the Law (4-5)
While we were living in the flesh. That is, when we were unregenerate.
Our sinful passions, aroused by the law, were at work in our members to bear fruit for death. How the law can arouse sinful passions appears in verses 7–13. The ‘fruit for death’ consists of those evil works whose ‘end’ is death, according to 6:21.