Unemployment and Generosity
What if Jesus really meant that?
What if Jesus really meant that?
Not an option, not one way of being a discipleship - want to follow Jesus? Sell and give;
What does it mean to be a disciple? Sell and give,
What does it mean to be a disciple? Sell and give,
857,000 workers file for unemployment as layoffs persist
857,000 workers file for unemployment as layoffs persist
What changes do we need to make to be generous people? You cannot separate generosity from discipleship
What changes do we need to make to be generous people? You cannot separate generosity from discipleship
what changes do we need to make to follow Jesus?
what changes do we need to make to follow Jesus?
Command - have a yard sale, give the proceeds to follow Christ
How many have done that?
(practical problems? - be generous with no money)
(e.g. St. Francis, Poor Clares (order of nuns)
she may make her solemn vows, at which time a wedding ring is placed on her finger, making her a permanent bride of Christ.; Poor Clares make four vows: poverty (“we are emptied of things to be filled with eternal riches; we are set free from slavery to materialism, secularism, and consumerism”),
The New International Version Chapter 19
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Think: how many of you are doing this? what would your life look like if you followed this to the letter of the law?
Think: how many of you are doing this? what would your life look like if you followed this to the letter of the law?
generosity - it’s not about you; if it’s not about me who’s it about?
biggest funerals = stories about generosity; generosity defined the person;
cannot seperate generosity from discipleship - follow Jesus? Be generous
applies - bigger challenge for those who live comfortably; the greater the comfort the greater the challenge;
Sincerity - what must I do (Mark’s Gospel - on his knees)
Sincerity - what must I do (Mark’s Gospel - on his knees)
sincerity or theatrical? marriage proposal; desperation; sincerity; really wants to follow Christ, be a discipleship
Perfection? Be who God created you to be. Fulfill God’s intention for your life.
Perfection? Be who God created you to be. Fulfill God’s intention for your life.
keep the law, be perfect
“Which ones?” he inquired. Jesus replied, “ ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’” “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”
“I’m a good person”
“I’m a good person”
I’m The Rich man knowing the law said he kept them. The modern equivalent to “I’m a good person.” Define good. Jesus defines it with simplicity and generosity;
sad - walked away
sad - walked away
few times do we read of Jesus’ making people sad; anger, yes.
God make you sad? Disappointment? - tied to his stuff; God’s call to generosity makes him sad;
Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
1. Focus (Legacy - what are we leaving behind?) self focused?
1. Focus (Legacy - what are we leaving behind?) self focused?
consumed with - hobbies, wealth, entertainment
2. Simplicity (sell your possessions -
2. Simplicity (sell your possessions -
collector (reason to keep, build storage) v. minimalist (get rid of clutter)
caution - getting rid of not equal generosity; minimalist does not equal righteousness; reason for getting rid of? probably collecting something;
consumerism at the root; we have all we need) ironies of pandemic: more spent on luxury items;
ready to have that yard sale?
3. Generosity - time, talents, treasure - it’s not about you
3. Generosity - time, talents, treasure - it’s not about you
cannot separate this from discipleship
simplicity frees us from stuff and frees us to live out our purpose
your ministry for the poor? how does generosity help that