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I Corinthians 7:10-16, Divorce
Pastoral address - Today I Corinthians leads us into a difficult and in some cases painful topic.
now1 Corinthians 7
I corinthian 7:1-16,
Today we look at 2 subjects specifically in our study through I Corinthians: Sex within Marriage and Divorce
1 wk. ago1 Corinthians 6
Read I Corinthians 6:12-20
2 wk. ago
I Corinthians 6
3 wk. ago1 Corinthians 5:10
I Corinthians 5, sermon overflow
-A man says, Jonathan I’ve battled and struggled with lust my whole life - or I’ve struggled with gossip for years. It seems like a repetitive sin I don’t think I’m a Christian.
1 mo. ago1 Corinthians 5
I Corinthians 5
Introduction -
1 mo. ago
I Corinthians 4
Hook - Example of doing something challenging, but good.
1 mo. ago
I Corinthians 3
Define “people of the flesh” 7 “babes in Christ”.
2 mo. ago
Zechariah 8:20-23
There are two basic divisions to the chapter and I’ll just call them to your attention. Here are a few little notes. Verse 1 gives us the key phrase. “Again, the word of the Lord of hosts came to me saying.” Now look at verse 18, “And the word of the Lord of hosts came unto me saying.” Now, you have two words of the Lord here and divide – this divides the chapter into its two parts. In the first one, verses 1-17, God gives them the promises of the kingdom. From verses 18-23, God tells them the results of that kingdom or the results of that fulfillment of the promise. So really you have two times here when the word of the Lord of hosts comes to the prophet Zechariah. Once, to describe the kingdom and the second time to describe the results of such a thing.
2 mo. ago1 Corinthians 1:18–31
I Cor 1:18-31
Scripture - Natalie McLeod reads.
2 mo. ago
I Corinthians 1
I. Prevision of Christ? Unity of Christ?
2 mo. ago
2 Peter 1:5-11
3 mo. ago
Philippians 4:10-20
God’s Power 4:10-13
3 mo. ago
Philippians 4
4 mo. ago
Questions to consider while preparing
How does this passage show the greatness of God?
4 mo. agoPhilippians 4:4
Therefore - What is “therefore” there for?
-I am going to build on the previous truth.
-What I am will make sense if you understand what I just said.
4 mo. ago
Philippians 3:12-21
Vs. 12, Paul has not fully apprehended Christ. Christ has fully apprehended Him, but Paul has not fully apprehended Christ.
4 mo. agoNNIBD
MEEKNESS — an attitude of humility toward God and gentleness toward people, springing from a recognition that God is in control. Although weakness and meekness may look similar, they are not the same. Weakness is due to negative circumstances, such as lack of strength or lack of courage. But meekness is due to a person’s conscious choice. It is strength and courage under control, coupled with kindness.
The apostle Paul once pointed out that the spiritual leaders of the church have great power, even leverage, in confronting a sinner. But he cautioned them to retrain themselves in meekness (Gal. 6:1; 5:22–23).
1 yr. agoCHPL
These men, he said, “convinced me of the absolute impossibility of being half a Christian. I determined, through His grace, to be all devoted to God.”
A1 yr. agoCHPL
The Christian life was less a personal relation to Christ and more a matter of membership in the state church. Faithful attendance at public worship and reception of the sacraments offered by orthodox ministers were the essential marks of a good Christian.
A1 yr. agoCHPL
The Christian life was less a personal relation to Christ and more a matter of membership in the state church. Faithful attendance at public worship and reception of the sacraments offered by orthodox ministers were the essential marks of a good Christian.
A1 yr. ago1 John 3:22 ESV
22 and mwhatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and ndo what pleases him.
A2 yr. agoCHPL
No one can be a true Christian without aspiring to holiness in his life.
A2 yr. agoCHPL
The consequence of faith to Calvin—far more than to Luther—is strenuous effort to introduce the kingdom of God on earth. Though no longer judged by the law of God, the true Christian finds in the law the divine pattern for moral character. Man is not jusitified by works, yet no justified man is without works. No one can be a true Christian without aspiring to holiness in his life. This rigorous pursuit of moral righteousness was one of the primary features of Calvinism. It made character a fundamental test of genuine religious life and explains Calvinism’s dynamic, social activism. God calls the elect for his purpose!
A2 yr. agoCHPL
While Calvin did not profess to know absolutely who were God’s chosen—the elect—he believed that three tests constituted a good yardstick by which to judge who might be saved: participation in the two sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; an upright moral life; and a public profession of the faith. These were adequate for a disciplined church on earth.
A2 yr. agoCHPL
Years later, looking back over his career, Calvin observed, “Being by nature a bit antisocial and shy, I always loved retirement and peace.… But God has so whirled me around by various events that He has never let me rest anywhere, but in spite of my natural inclination, has thrust me into the limelight and made me get into the game,’ as they say.”
A2 yr. agoCHPL
. In the Anabaptist assemblies all members were to be believers baptized voluntarily upon confession of personal faith in Christ. Each believer, then, was both a priest to his fellow believers and a missionary to unbelievers.
A2 yr. ago
Thoughts & Quotes from “Church History in Plain Language”
In the Anabaptist assemblies all members were to be believers baptized voluntarily upon confession of personal faith in Christ. Each believer, then, was both a priest to his fellow believers and a missionary to unbelievers.
2 yr. agoCHPL
In the Anabaptist assemblies all members were to be believers baptized voluntarily upon confession of personal faith in Christ. Each believer, then, was both a priest to his fellow believers and a missionary to unbelievers.
A2 yr. agoCHPL
First among these convictions was what the Anabaptists called discipleship. The Christian’s relationship with Jesus Christ must go beyond inner experience and acceptance of doctrines. It must involve a daily walk with God, in which Christ’s teaching and example shape a transformed style of life. As one Anabaptist put it, “No one can truly know Christ except he follow him in life.” This meant resolutely obeying the “bright and clear words of the Son of God, whose word is truth and whose commandment is eternal life.”
2 yr. agoCHPL
Many of the persecuted fled to Germany and Austria, but their prospects were no brighter there. In 1529 the imperial Diet of Speyer proclaimed Anabaptism a heresy and every court in Christendom was obliged to condemn the heretics to death. During the Reformation years, between four and five thousand Anabaptists were executed by fire, water, and sword.
To us the Anabaptists seem to have made a simple demand: a person’s right to his own beliefs. But in the sixteenth century the heretics seemed to be destroying the very fabric of society. That is why the voice of conscience was so often silenced by martyrdom.
2 yr. agoCHPL
Finally, the Zurich council lost all patience. On 7 March 1526, it decided that anyone found rebaptizing would be put to death by drowning. Apparently their thought was, “If the heretics want water, let them have it.” Within a year, on 5 January 1527, Felix Manz became the first Anabaptist martyr. The Zurich authorities drowned him in the Limmat, which flows through the city. Within four years the radical movement in and around Zurich was practically eradicated.
2 yr. agoCHPL
That is the kind of church Grebel and Manz wanted in Zurich, a church free from the state, composed of true disciples. The baptism of believers was merely the most striking feature of this new kind of church. Zwingli, however, would have no part of this revolution. He needed the support of the city fathers.
2 yr. agoCHPL
In Zurich’s city-state, as in the rest of the Christian world, every newborn child was baptized and considered a member of the church. As a result, church and society were identical. The church was simply everybody’s church. In the New Testament, however, the church was a fellowship of the few, a company of true believers committed to live and die for their Lord.
2 yr. agoCHPL
In one important respect Zwingli followed the Bible even more stringently than did Luther. The Wittenberger would allow whatever the Bible did not prohibit; Zwingli rejected whatever the Bible did not prescribe. For this reason the reformation in Zurich tended to strip away more traditional symbols of the Roman church: candles, statues, music, and pictures. Later, in England, men called this spirit “Puritanism.”
2 yr. agoCHPL
Actually, the Anabaptists rejected all thoughts of “rebaptism” because they never considered the ceremonial sprinkling they received in infancy as valid baptism. They much preferred “Baptists” as a designation. To most of them, however, the fundamental issue was not baptism. It was the nature of the church and its relation to civil governments.
2 yr. agoCHPL
Actually, the Anabaptists rejected all thoughts of “rebaptism” because they never considered the ceremonial sprinkling they received in infancy as valid baptism. They much preferred “Baptists” as a designation. To most of them, however, the fundamental issue was not baptism. It was the nature of the church and its relation to civil governments.
A2 yr. agoCHPL
Actually, the Anabaptists rejected all thoughts of “rebaptism” because they never considered the ceremonial sprinkling they received in infancy as valid baptism. They much preferred “Baptists” as a designation. To most of them, however, the fundamental issue was not baptism. It was the nature of the church and its relation to civil governments.
A2 yr. agoLuke 2:12 ESV
swaddling cloths and lying in a manger
A5 yr. agoSet NotebookDefault (Source Sans Pro)11AA
I Corinthians 7:10-16, Divorce
Pastoral address - Today I Corinthians leads us into a difficult and in some cases painful topic.
This is not only a difficult message to preach, but a difficult one to hear. All of us have been touched by divorce if not personally, but have friends and family who have experienced divorce.
I have friends in this church body who have been through very painful divorces. I know my words today will till up emotions that the Lord has helped you put to rest.
So, we approach this subject with honesty, humility and love.
Why does divorce take place?
Hardness of heart
Either 1 or both of the individuals has hardened their heart. This hardening of the heart by one or both has caused the marriage to fail.
Jesus says this in Mark 10:5
Mark 10:5
Matthew 19:8
You say, I’ve heard a lot of reasons for people getting divorced, but never heard that divorce happens due to hardness of heart.
When the heart is hardened, it becomes prideful, it doesn’t admit wrong, it rationalizes sin, it becomes unloving, it protects self at all cost, it lies, it does not take responsibility, it does not submit itself to God.
-This is why a Christ follower must at all cost protect their heart.
Proverbs 4:23
A person with a hard heart,
-Can scream and curse at the person they once felt deep love for, and not feel any remorse.
-A person with a hard heart, can cheat on their spouse by looking at pornography or being intimate with someone else and rationalize that it’s ok.
-Heard heartedness can rationalize that “not being happy anymore” is a good enough reason to break marriage covenant that they made before God.
-A hard hearted person can be abusive in word or in action and think that the other person just deserved it, or made them do it.
-A person with a hard heart, can lie, be an addict, empty bank accounts and come to the belief that it was O.K. considering the circumstances.
-Probably the most common heart hardened symptom is getting to the place where you just don’t care anymore. They are indifferent to the relationship. They are emotionally numb to their spouse.
and let’s be perfectly honest.
When you place 2 sinful people in a house together and tell them to get along and love each other for the rest of their life, - there is bound to be problems.
-It is really a miracle that any marriage relationship lasts at all.
-The only reason I am still married is that my wife is a professional forgiver.
Ultimately, Divorce happens because of hardness of heart.
What is the take away?
-That I must be daily evaluating the condition of my heart.
-My heart is not just critical to having a successful marriage, but a successful relationship with Jesus.
-I must daily be asking God to help me to honestly evaluate my intentions, motives and desires.
Psalm 139:23-24
-We are such self deceivers that God must search us and lead us. Why because we are incapable of searching and leading ourselves.
-This tells us of the love of God. He does not leave us to our own broken abilities, but he is there to help us evaluate our heart and walk closely with Him.
What does God think about divorce?
Malachi 2:13-16
God says that by divorcing our wife we do her violence.
-This may not be physical, but the divorce is so painful to the soul - that it is equated to an outward beating.
What is the answer? Look at the end of verse 16.
-Guard yourself in your spirit.
-Keep your heart from becoming hard.
Why does God have a hard time with divorce?
To understand divorce you have to understand what a covenant is.
Illustration - Covenant
There is a term used many years ago that you don’t hear anymore called blood brothers.
Blood Brothers - When two men are best friends and they swears loyalty to each other. They will have each others back and protect each other no matter what.
-In one tradition two men would swear loyalty to each other and then the covenant would be confirmed by each cutting his wrist, the wrists were tied together with a leather strap, until their blood was mixed together.
-This is were the term blood brother came from.
-They would even be willing to die for each others.
-A biblical covenant with your spouse is even more serious than the blood brother covenant.
-Besides your commitment to God at your salvation, it is the most serious promise one can ever make.
-God takes the covenant of marriage very seriously.
-Covenants are never made to be broken, but always to be fulfilled.
-You can fully trust someone because they made a covenant with you.
-God is a God of Covenants.
-He invented Covenants.
-He had Covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Israel. Covenants are part of God’s plan.
-I say this loosely, For the Christ follower
-Jesus made a covenant with his own blood.
-The blood of God, was shed for you.
-When you became saved The Spirit of God entered your soul as a promise of salvation.
-Instead of God’s blood in you, God Himself His Spirit is in you.
-God is the greatest Covenant keeper.
-If he says something is going to happen, you can take it to the bank.
-God can be trusted no matter what.
-The greatest covenant you make is the covenant you have with God, when you are saved.
-There is a second covenant that most of us make in our lifetime and that is with our spouse.
-When you get married, if you have married another Christ follower, you make a covenant with God and with your spouse.
-Being a covenant keeper is part of God’s character.
-This is why once we are saved, we are secure in our salvation.
-God loves when his people are like Him, Covenant keepers.
-It is a sin against God when we break our covenant with our spouse????
Does God allow Divorce or is it sinful?
The answer is “yes”.
-To be honest, it gets a little complicated.
When does God allow divorce?
In 2 instances:
A. When immorality takes place.
Matthew 5:31
-Look at the word “Except”. This is the exception.
-Except Porneia - it is a broad word for sexual sin that includes any sexual touch including pictures & pornography.
-Divorce is ok, if your spouse has cheated on you in a sexual way.
B. If your spouse is a non-Christian
I Corinthians 7:12-13
When does God not allow divorce?
-When you don’t meet the exceptions of immorality or a non-Christian wanting to divorce.
Commentary - The World thinks this is crazy...
Does God allow for separation?
If you are in an abusive situation,
If your spouse is doing illegal activity,
If your spouse is endangering you or your kids
If this is your situation, you need to do 3 things:
1st, Call the police
2nd, Call your family
3rd, Call your Church
You need help and support.
-If things have gotten so toxic in your relationship that reconciliation will best happen by getting separation for a specific amount of time.
Question, so you are telling me that if my spouse beats me that I can’t divorce him?
Here is the part that is tricky.
Go to the church. It will most likely be determined by your church leaders that a serial abuser is not a Christ follower. Then, you will have permission to divorce.
Why? God does not make a spiritual covenant with an unbeliever.
What is the take away?
Some situations God allows divorce. Some situations need immediate separation.
-If a couple is working toward reconciliation, separation may be needed.
In some situations God does allow for divorce.
In other situations divorce is sinful.
Lets unpack those.
Does God allow re-marriage?
-God does allow remarriage for those who’s spouse has broken the covenant through immorality.
-God does allow re-marriage for those who divorced an unhappy unbeliever - because there was never a spiritual covenant there to begin with.
What if I have divorced and re-married and I don’t meet that criteria?
Matthew 5:31-32
Those who have divorced and remarry outside of the exceptions have committed adultery.
That’s me, what now?
Let me give you 3 simple steps.
Confess your sin to God.Love your current husband or wife now, like you have never loved them before.
-Even though your marriage may not have started perfectly. Your marriage is now God’s will for your life.
-As a Christ follower make it the best marriage it can be.
-Your marriage is not a 2nd rate marriage.
-Your marriage is still a picture of how Christ loves His church.
-Your marriage is a place that reflects God’s glory to a lost and dying world.
For those of you who are not in this situation consider this verse in the prophets. Committed adultery....
God doe
I’ve never been divorced, this doesn’t apply to me.