The Frequency That Moves God
and before the throne there was as it were a sea of glass, like crystal.
And around the throne, on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with the face of a man, and the fourth living creature like an eagle in flight. And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say,
“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty,
who was and is and is to come!”
In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory!”
I know it seems like life has been trying to suck the life out of you this year and that it has been one thing after the other but God sent me today to give a word that would shift us forward. We have been through it in 2020 and we have heard word after word and yet we are waiting with a great anticipation wondering when is God going to move. I want to talk to you very briefly this morning from the subject of the frequency that moves God. Webster’s dictionary defines frequency as the rate at which a sound pierces through the air. The rate at which sound pierces the air. I came to tell you today that God is looking for a particular sound that will pierce through the air to get his attention. Not only is the sound meant to get his attention the sound is meant to create an atmosphere in which the glory of God can come and dwell. People of God it is important to understand that God is not concerned about what outfit we have on God is not concerned with what our hair looks like God is not concerned with the superficial God is concerned about what sound are we releasing into the atmosphere. I just stop by to let you know this morning that there is a frequency that moves God there is a sound, there is a particular posture that moves God to action.
God Uses Opposition to See What Sound you Will Make in a Crisis
God Uses Opposition to See What Sound you Will Make in a Crisis
The first point that I want to bring out to you that I want to bring out to you is to not discount the process because opposition is sometimes necessary. Many times we find ourselves frustrated by what we see. However, having a real transparent moment..I have to tell you that more times than not what you see is not going to match what God said. There is a process in between what God promised you and what you currently see. I wish I could tell you this morning that the process comes without opposition but unfortunately I must tell you that the process is full of opposition. However, opposition is a sign that you are inside of the will of God. If the path you’re walking has no opposition then you are probably on the wrong one. Let me say that again, if the path you’re walking has no opposition then you’re probably on the wrong one. I have found that following God and being inside of the will of God automatically results in opposition. Opposition should not deter you but it should assure you that you’re headed in the right direction. We’ve got to understand that difficulty is a part of the process. We cannot continue our strategic devaluing of the process. The Bible shows us time and time again that the process is necessary for our refinement. When talking about the captors and tormentors, Psalm 137:4 poses a question, “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” In order to answer that I have to take you to two of my friends in the New Testament to show you that sometimes God puts in a position of distress in order to determine what sound you will release. Some of us allow opposition to get us out of character but let’s look at Paul and Silas and how they handled opposition. In Acts 16 when Paul and Silas were thrown in prison, they refused to change their posture despite facing extreme opposition. Rather than cowering at the sight of what seemed to be impossible odds they realized that times of trouble are not an excuse to become silent, they are the perfect opportunity to get louder. Can I pause right there just for a moment and tell you that some of you have gotten quiet in this season. However, God sent me to sound the alarm to wake you up and tell you that it is time to get loud again because this time it’s not just you that’s getting free, everybody in your house has got to be free. So, do not fret in the face of opposition because the louder you get the more people have to get free.
Your Sound Creates a Mercy Seat for God to Dwell
Your Sound Creates a Mercy Seat for God to Dwell
Now that we’ve learned that opposition is God’s instrument to see what sound you will release in crisis, the second point I want to bring out to you is that your sound creates a mercy seat for God to come sit and dwell. Looking back to our guiding scriptures for the message, we see this imagery of the cherubim. Can I take some exegetical freedom to posit that it was not their wings flapping that created the mercy seat but it was the sound, the frequency that they were producing that created an atmosphere that was perfect for God to come sit and dwell. l just came to tell you today that your holy will create an atmosphere where the glory of God can come sit and dwell and the weight of His glory, the weight of His presence is going to crush what has been trying to crush you.
Defeat Has a Look but Victory has a Sound
Defeat Has a Look but Victory has a Sound
The last point I want to make before I leave you this morning is that defeat has a look but victory has a sound. The last place I want to take you in scripture this morning is to Joshua and the children of Israel at Jehrico, the victory had already been secured but the victory wasn’t in the walking around the walls, the victory was in the sound. Some of us have been walking around the same wall over and over again waiting on it to fall but we have not released the sound that is attached to victory. God is wanting to lean in our direction but He is waiting on the sound. Not just the individual but the whole body of Christ. If you look to the upper room, we see they were all on one accord.