Applying The Word Of God Consistently
The 4th chapter the 12th verse for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and of the joints and Marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and of joints and Marrow and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart look at your neighbor. And as you're sitting down say, do you apply the knowledge you have consistently? Do you apply the knowledge you have consistently? Someone to talk to you for a few moments of something that the Lord kind of shared and got on my heart and it may not be a great sermon and maybe a wonderful servant will see how it turns out. Sometimes you just trust the Lord. We live in a town. That is really amazing. And if anybody knows I do computers for a living. And so I love technology. I love it a lot. It it is a it is it is kind of what I've always been good at and Lords always blessed me in it, but because of that I have a lot of gadgets. Inferences my watch hear that will let me call somebody it will let me text somebody I can even do an EKG on my watch if I think my heart's out of rhythm. I can on this watch tell how many steps I took I can tell what my heart beat is on this watch I can get messages and I can look at Facebook status on my watch. I can do a lot of things. I have a ring here. This ring is not just your average wedding ring. This ring will tell my blood chip might buy the temperature will tell my sleep patterns. I can tell how much deep sleep. I had how much REM sleep I had how much light sleep I had I can tell if I've got a fever this ring will tell me before I even know myself at would tell me if my heart is a little elevated due to stress. This ring is pretty cool. I'm not telling you that because you want one I had to wait eight months to get mine. So get in line, but I'm telling you this because I love gadgets. My phone will do amazing things. I went to the doctor this week give blood and in two days, they could tell all I got back on my phone. Forgot my blood work on my phone so I could even research it and I'm telling you this for a reason because we have all of this knowledge today and and I get up every morning and I check my app on my phone and I see how I slept before I even know how I slept. I look at it. And if it's all green, I feel pretty good. If it's red. I don't feel so good and I base it not even on how I feel random, but somehow my phone in my watch and my my my my ring tells me I should feel. Why because if it says I said good I must have slept good and if it says I didn't sleep no matter how I feel Jessica. I must not have slept good and it's true. And so we have all of this knowledge and we live in a time where we have all this knowledge and we have all of this information we have so much. And me and Rudy we listen to a lot of podcasting and you know, what will Willis and how we we should eat and we all know information for us as we know sugar is one of the worst things that you can do sugar claw, every study says it's is addictive to you as cocaine. And and we know that Sugar feeds cancer, it fuels cancer. It's a known fact about blame anybody because I had a bag of Orioles last night, even though I know all of this information And So It Begins as I begin to pray about this and then we'll begin to deal with me is that we have so much information. But if we do not apply the information we have consistently. If we do not apply the information we're given rightfully. What it does is it begins to do something in our lives? And the same is true for the word of God because listen, I know how I should eat. I know I should not eat breads. I know I shouldn't not eat starches. I know I should not eat sugar. I know if I drink too many Coke Zero's my gout flare up in my my foot and guess what last Friday I did or last Saturday. I Woke up had to use a cane. I look like my daddy and everybody else that I had to use a cane and rubies like how you going to preach tomorrow. I said, I know I have to drink water and then I went out to eat and I really wanted a Coke Zero. I was on a cane folks knowing that the Coke Zero, and I still wanted that Coke Zero and I had to do it had to have my wife tell me know you're not getting that and I thought Lord if I see it with my own eyes, and I know the physical how much are we not apply the word of God that gives us knowledge and directions and shrimp and help everything. The Bible says the word of God. It isn't listening says it's quick and it's powerful does it's sharper than any two-edged sword and resources. It pierces it piercing even to the dividing asunder. Here's what's important. It's as it can split Nu Soul and Spirit down to the joint and Marrow that means it gets way in there just so he can really work on you when you apply it consistently. Even though I'm talking about come on help me. The Bible says this is his in 2nd Timothy just promise that you'll know this one. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable it means it's given to us tax if we take it and we'll grow it and we'll use it. It's profitable for your life. It's impossible for the doctrine the f word reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect through furnished unto all good.
We live in a time with so much information. And I love information but knowing sugars bad for me and going at 9 last night on my way home after working and tired of feeling like I'm old a bag of Oreos. I mean those Orioles and then feeling like I just feel like I wish I hadn't done that cuz Abigail's always had a few too. Many carbs are not going to feel good and she'll hear me up there when they go and I'm ready to die. Jason said he heard one day after I ate too many carbs and it's true, but I know it but I'm still like a pig that goes back to my thoughts. And if I even know that bag of Orioles is bad and what it does to my body. How much more do I know that living a Godly life? It's profitable to me, but yet the flash wants me to go back and cut the things of the world. But if I'd realized it's just the same as it's not going to leave me to healthy life. Neither is not living a fullness to gospel prosperity and blessing and benefits going to be
The Bible says the word of God this Bible society and culture and history is wanting to wipe out as we lift. The Bible says this word of God from Genesis to Revelation that it will it will correct you if you'll let it but we become people that don't want to be corrected. Listen. I know sugars bad for me, but just a few tell me to argue with you because I don't like you and me cuz they're not going to feel bad and just get watches me walk out of Family Dollar with a bag of Oreos seeing Justin knows better fix. This is how we become this week. We we going to the night clubs and we go to the bar all of the things of the world. Don't nobody tell me correct me. If you let the word of God get ahold of you it'll correct from the deepest part of you. That's that that you can't even argue with you can't even fuss about that. That's why I don't have to preach to you if you want. Treats to you to you in a minute out of our be on the top side. When you're crying your eyes out to you when you feel lonely or walking at midnight still talk to you.
What are you going to do? But get your neighbors help. I'll let you know consistently. So what happened was? I'm telling you I'm showing you my thoughts because if you don't see my faults, you'll think I'm trying to preach something to you that that that that is perfect. If I go get my vitamin D3. Now vitamin D is critical to your body. If you don't have it, you start having hallucinations. You don't have it. You start imagining things if you don't have it paranoia. The perfect range of your vitamin D is 30mg or 30 whatever it is to a hundred. In October Ben was 2.2. Temple 2 untraceable You can have kidney failure liver failure. So what I do a good vitamin that I turn on and get like some sun. I do everything. I take those pills when I get up in the morning to take them not I'm taking those supplements. Not too much later, I go get checked. I'm 25.
I've done it Mom. I got that vitamin D up. Then I stopped everything cuz I got it up. This last week back down to 14. What because I wasn't consistent. And the doctor looked Migos, what are you taking supplements rooms like he's taking them but I ain't even told Ruby that I had to take him in 3 weeks.
Why are you telling me this Justin? Because the word of God is like that you're getting good spirts when you're going through a battle and you'll read that Bible and manual have some good times and you come up and you'll think you're really getting it and you'll walk home and then life will hit you and you get busy and you go a month without feeling of a presence of God and reading your Bible. You wonder what happens if you start doing what you was doing. If you want to have the nooning. Can you got to keep doing it? It don't happen in the day. It happened to midnight after midnight after midnight. You don't you don't have a healing anointing by just waking up and speaking in tongues you have it because you lay a day by day. You'll have Revival in your community as you show up on Sunday that you have a 522 minutes because you wake up Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday praising God and pray for Revival.
Telling me this. Get all this knowledge in the word of God says I'll give you knowledge. I'll give you the way to live. I'll give you the way. But you have to apply it to your life.
Why you telling me this just cuz I want you to buy it. I'm laying my faults and failures on the table today to show you and to tell you that it ain't just enough that you know, it's true to it ain't just enough that you show up on Sunday. It ain't just enough that you say grace before you eat. I'm telling you the Bible says if you let the word of God Be Your Everlasting Knowledge from sunup to sundown if you let it correct, if you let it reprove you if you don't let you teach you if you let it comfort you through hell if you let it be the knowledge of your life and apply it.
Listen what the Bible says here James 1 and 22.
What was the scores of what of the word means do the word? That means when I didn't take my vitamin D supplement for 3 weeks. I wasn't being a doer. And I suffer defense if you don't do the word everyday Crystal, it's not just good enough that you do it all over other week. You got to do it every day. I'm going to do it every day if I want to Siri.
But we are people. We are people I ever went outside and probably buy automatic every one of us. Every one of us is like me don't argue with me. You might have great wolf. Are you thinking one area? I can probably find another you don't.
There are things that everyone of us know that we shouldn't be doing that. We're doing from Gossip to anger to jealousy to tell us stuff to eating bad to all these things. What the Bible says be doers of the word and not hearers.
And right now I'm here in a lot of ways if if I hear that sugar is bad and I feel I deserve the back of Oreos. There's a difference I can feel like I deserve it. And not do it. I'm not the only one thing I think sometimes I feel bad about myself, but then I go back to to the Apostle Paul and he says I do things I don't want to do. He was he was trying to tell what I'm preaching today. He was preaching to them. what the Bible says don't be just a hearer so I can take it and I can drive them by the Dollar General or the Family Dollar whichever one that has been and I could drive them by that but no last night I went in and I got my Orioles but I didn't just get my bag of Doritos to
bored They are good but they're not good for you. So when I bite into that Dorito, my French is being fed. But I'm going to suffer somewhere.
It's a troll sound like. When I indulge in the world Randall it the Bible says that you know what it says. It says one of the Great Men chose to suffer with a right then to enjoy. proceed He made the decision that has trouble with. Is your issue there's two opportunities here.
I can now grab a hold. Of the fact that these things are bad for me Bible tells me that that jealousy and and anger and bitterness in my heart will destroy me the Bible tells me unforgiveness of my neighbors and those around me and my loved ones will destroy me. The Bible tells me that not living close to God will lead to a path of Destruction. The Bible tells me the closer of Holiness. I can live the straighter I can leave now now listen holding this is not a black-and-white argue with you holding. This is a scale. So some of us are more willing to lay down things and end call. I'm willing to lay down for God then holster. I am in the kosher. I am the more I have the benefits of living that lifestyle. If anyone talked about so now let's go to reality. Go back two years ago. Two years ago, I begin listen to podcast when I begin to learn that sugar is bad about the same time my mom begins to find out about her cancer.
the first thing mom did one of the first things was to give up sugar. You give up. It's sugar is one of the main things you folks on cuz you heard and knew what we've been saying and what you've been feeling. But Mom waited until she had symptoms. To give it up. And I'm telling you I'm preaching I'm using my mom is example, she'll forget me listen mama had to wait until it was so bad stage 4 that it got her attention and she gave it. Now me on the other side. I don't have kids.
But I'm hearing and I'm seeing that when you give it up two years ago and helped with the help of the Lord, of course all that stuff, but these things you've been doing that have helped you. And I think that I know it's true, but you're I'm at home eating Oreos.
You see John when 89? married to the love of his life for year after year after year even four years pinkies up really been to the doctor now. It's when he had seen cut off of his face and a little bit dear, but you see the benefits of living closer to the Lord. Pissed wanted you can people people in your life something that happens when you without having to be forced to do it. without having to be forced just something that happens in the atmosphere when my people that are called by my name will humble themselves and pray. He said I don't hear from Heaven forgive you of your listen to happen. Even though I don't see it even though I don't touch it. I know that he is able and I want everything he's got for me until I know he's able more than I want that woman more than My Little Pony for my boys and I want this thing over here. I got a hold on to you because I need what you got.
And the word of God is the key to unlock all of it. At least I know what you're saying, Justin. Justin if you're this bad off why you preaching to us and what you're saying.
Should I go to the doctor this week to hear that? My cholesterol is too high. I have no vitamin D. My blood sugar is too high rubies there to make sure I don't take no medicine so she can give me healthy the natural way.
and trust me her natural whey is she'll get rid of all the junk food and
but I go in and Ruby shows up to the doctor and I walk in and out the doctor walks in play Justin.
Well your weights up a little bit. And I'm picking you got a gun.
You got to go.
Anybody got William doctors at try to tell you that and you look at them like while you were living before you tell me come on, I'm being honest with you. They're not there because they do it there there because of experience in the knowledge of what they've been through gives them the authority to tell you. Men of God that are really loaded of God are not out there cuz the perfect they're up there because they have the knowledge and experience and the lie to be able to back it up and say listen. I know we love the teachers that taught walk it talk it and I would love to tell you I try not to do the big see him and I try to stick to gluttony a little bit and work on that. I try to knock down some of these other little thing. I'm not perfect but I'm up here because I can tell you and put you to the one that is he's the one that can lay down every burden upon you he's the one that can lift a person off of you. He's the one who can hear you from anxiety. He's the one that can heal you of your sickness and he'll give you see it. All you got to do is just be out here, but I do or the work it's up to you. I can't make you do it. It's up to you. If you want to do that or you want to hear it if you want to hear it and all you're doing is filling a space in this see if you want to do it, but I want to give up sugar Mommy. I want to live I want to work out and I'll keep working until you see six packs only time. I may fail soon. Have a mess up his but the Bible says the righteous fall seven times, but he gets back up. Don't give up on a child of God. I'll be there ain't no I may not be perfect. I may not look like it, but I'll make it through because I got caught behind me and helping me through it.
Hold on to it come out in the presence of the Lord walked into that place. We exhaust ain't going to kill mix compression ain't going to kill me. Where are you up to? I'm going to keep on till I make it.
I'm almost done.
you don't think In the Bible, it was a bad situation of people just hearing and not doing. Matthew says it this way Matthew 7:24 if you want to eat later. therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and do it. I would like him into a wise man, which build his house upon the rock. Keep going back back more. If you do the word, you'll be what you do the word. You'll be on your side if your door if you'll help you when you talk to me.
Philippians 2:14 says do all things without murmuring and disputing now this I can preach to What was it Ruby? I was trying to get the other night. You would let me Chinese.
I got pretty mad at you didn't.
She goes where you want to eat at the Chinese? You don't tell me what to do. I'm a grown man 42 years old almost. Rainbows and what happens to you?
Play some Pearl you already did I don't care how old you are you not getting that Chinese? She's a bully for your good probably. Listen. I didn't get Chinese I resented her.
I really wanted fried rice. I really wanted General Tso's and I really wanted to thank bro, and I really wanted my wonton soup. She probably let me hit it. If all I got was the one ton soup or egg roll or that but I want it all. I didn't get it. so the Bible says this list
do all things without murmuring. Andis beauties
it's easier for me to not have Chinese if I can fuss it Ruby over you been honest with you. I can let out my anger.
I know what she's telling me is Right Jessica. I know this 300 I go I'm coming down to 290 and man. I'll just and use I get there cuz I got so sick from eating all the food that I can eat for days. I'm being honest with you, but nothing more exciting than when you had like the stomach flu or you threw up a bunch of really sick or you got Gout knee can't make you a True refrigerator and your wife won't bring anything to that. I'm being honest with you and you step on that that that that that scale at the end of the week and your down Tim pound. You feel really good no matter how you got there. There's a sermon in that somewhere with the bad part is then I figured okay, I'm downtown. I got to work with And I go from 292 3:15 3:15, meaning of snore 3:15 means I can't put my arms all the way down cuz about my back fat my side fat. I'm being honest with you. That's what 315 means. It means. I'm out of breath other day at Jensen. I think it was said that why you breathing so heavy and I'm sleeping. I can put up with people better. I'm telling you to messages. When is get healthy, even if you don't like it in the second is do things with that God ask you without murmuring because here's what happens if the Bible says if we murmur and We complain the Bible says God hates are complaining believe it or not. She hates you the Complaint Form to learn some people and not be around you then to be with you and I don't want that a thought. I want God to be with me I want To walk with me in the cool of the day Virginia. So what the Bible says do all things without murmuring and disputing that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the middle of a crooked are we in the midst of a crooked and perverse a weakness of the perverse Nation among whom you shine light as in the world holding forth the word of life.
Apply it consistently now. Look I got one more thing to talk about what this was a good sermon for you. How many pencils Oreos? Rubio I will if I want to I'm old enough.
I will.
Now here's what happens. We all get knowledge and you get some good knowledge when you come to church on Sunday. Here's the issue.
This is the part. I want you to really get in at least there's some really good. the only thing of system I got so much knowledge coming in. Randall I bet you watch Fox News. Nothing else probably and I bet you watch it. Since you said I got on to you. I'll talk to you again. I bet you watch Fox News. I bet you watch about every chance you get a mile being accurate probably said about the only thing you watch. List all Radio Shacks political problems, but all you listen to watch TV shows right now. Sing with me I get knowledge everywhere. I wake up. I got no much. I get my blood work done. Even if the doctor don't I go about 3 once every 3 months why because I listen to podcast out of these numbers there what happens if I'm telling you something this is this is true for all of us. I'm just using us as example. What happens if I get knowledge? And I don't do anything with it. It creates anxiety and it creates stress. What's the political news and if I'm not being active on Facebook and if I do that, I'm not doing anything and what happens if you're not a dude or and you just listen to it builds up inside of you and it produces, you know to do right and you don't it's the worst thing in You by because if you eat such as you can't run from thought you'd rather Listen to If you're not going to be real with God to get out of church, I'm being honest with if you're not if you if you don't play church, and I don't want anybody leave this church, but I'm telling you is for your own mental capacity and your own thing until you're ready to get ahold of God that don't sit under the anointing that it will eat at you want Eric you work till its way and you and you will hate laugh and you'll be missed. But you won't know how come you're not locking it right now, but it's not true that don't sit under good. Leonor take it if you ain't willing to try not be perfect not making every time but just at least it's a big talking works. But if they don't get their knowledge and experience.
If I'm not willing to try to sleep better and get more rest and eat better, then I don't need to be list with all this but now I think I'm going to get cancer.
I never get cancer. I'm speaking over my life and your life you won't get it. My memo headed touch with Alzheimer's to work at mind. Last week I'm going to get it now. I'm being honest with you willing to lose weight find out what it is.
If you ain't willing to do the work don't find out what it is.
Am I being wrong?
Does fear and worry and stress is not good for us? So the same as if I'm not willing to serve God, I don't need to hear about how great everybody up to slap his that he is and how they are used to make it all better when I hurt and make my make all my fears go away. I don't need to know that if I'm not willing and late. I'd rather not hear it. I'd rather be ignorant to everything around me a hold of it. And I know what that's why some of you will never be happy again. If you get out of church, if you like back slots, but you ain't happy to talk to you was running from God's but was eating you alive and now you're back to the house so I don't care where you are at. But sometimes you got it real that you'll never run again. If you don't make you miserable until you're back in the alternate and seeking God for what he's done.
Come on. I'm trying to tell you today.
Grab ahold of knowledge the water God's got so much to teach you so much. But if you're willing to be a doer of the word
Come on up to this music. Please place a thumbtack. Hold up here and help me improve myself tired.