The Gospel and the Church: Part 2

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Introduction: Last week we saw the impact the gospel has on a group of people who come together as a church. These people left a lasting impression, they had a visible presence in their community, and it proved a divine calling. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only thing in this world that can produce something that transcends or outlasts time. So how did this come to be? This morning we will look at four areas of the gospel and the church and I am convinced that the gospel can have the same effect today as it did around 50 AD in Thessalonica.
Scripture Reading:
1 Thessalonians 1:5–10 KJV 1900
5 For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake. 6 And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost: 7 So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. 8 For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing. 9 For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; 10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
The Gospel Preached- Vs 5
Exposition- The gospel is in word.
Power of the gospel
But it is not in word only. Talk is cheap. “Ye have wearied the LORD with your words,” Malachi told the Jews (Mal. 2:17). Paul had not walked all of the way from Philippi to Thessalonica with a bleeding back just to talk. His message was in power; the word used is dunamis—untrammeled, unequaled power.
He fully expected that things would happen. Souls would be saved, lives would be changed, and churches would spring up. People would get angry. The Devil would stir up opposition.
He did not rely on his excellent hermeneutics, his knowledge of homiletics, his first-class education, his mastery of the original languages, his natural eloquence, or his powerful personality. It was not his outlines, his illustrations, or his sincerity that produced such spectacular results as always followed in the train of his preaching.
It was the Holy Spirit. From start to finish, everything about Christianity is supernatural. No wonder we have to rely on the Spirit of God.
Much Assurance-
Paul was completely persuaded by the gospel.
Thus, Paul marched into Thessalonica filled and anointed with the Spirit of God. Paul was as confident that God would produce spectacular results in Thessalonica as Elijah was when he called down fire from above; as Moses was when he stood before Pharaoh, staff in hand; and as Joshua was when he commanded the sun to stand still.
Illustration- When George Whitfield preached, hardened men wept. Moody could talk to vast congregations, and each individual felt as though he was talking just to him. Billy Graham could preach to tens of thousands in the pouring rain, stating gospel truths almost unadorned with illustration, with practically no discernible outline, speaking with a total lack of oratory or passion, give a matter-of-fact invitation, and hundreds would come forward to receive Christ. When Finney preached, the agony of conviction that fell on people was excruciating. At times, his mere appearance at a factory would cause people to fall down beside their machines, crying out in horror for their sin. When Jonathan Edwards preached his famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” people fell in the aisles, smitten of God. He did not even preach it; he read it
So What? That same gospel is preached today! It has the same power, the same deliver i.e. the Holy Spirit and the same result “much assurance” when taken to heart.
Now What? Have you decided to place the gospel at the forefront of you mind? Will you, like Paul believe in the God of the Bible and allow Him through the power of the Holy Spirit to use you to exclaim the Gospel? Then you must believe!
The reason I can stand up here and preach these words today is because of the faith that I have in God, knowing through much prayer that He will use this message to change a life here today. Will it be yours?
Transition: So Paul preached with confidence and assurance through the power of the Holy Spirit, but that is only half. Next we see
The Gospel Received- Vs 6-7
Followers- mimetes; imitators, mimics, to be like someone else
received- not just hear but to accept the word of God.
They heard, they received or accepted it as true and realized there needed to be a change in their life. Not just their lifestyle, but their complete way of living.
Paul followed Christ so well that he was a model to be followed.
His walk with the Lord was enough for the people to say “I want to live like he lives” even more than want is need!
But it didn’t just stop with their conversion- they were so impacted by the gospel and by what they had seen and heard from Paul that they too were examples to others!
Illustration- We can look around the room and see young men and women that grew up here. We have family and friends that you have known all their lives and know their parents. You can see traits in the children that remind you of their parents. From mannerisms to speech we mimic those that we look up to. Our perceptions and our biases are passed down even if we never come out and say it, kids will mimic or imitate adults. Likewise, people watch and notice how you, Christian, are living your life and will imitate that. Are you setting the right example for others to follow?
So What-
Discipleship is exactly what we see going on here. Many have asked the question “what is discipleship”? It is the pouring out of one person into another person. Paul poured into these people and it overflowed to the surrounding areas, even into a different region!
Do people see Jesus when they look at you? Do they see a follower of Christ or just someone who pretends?
Now What-
The answer to that question is something you must decide for yourself today. We can all do better at becoming a model to follow. It takes faith, it takes prayer, it takes an attitude that is determined to study and follow scripture.
Have you received the Gospel? Are you a Christian? Then it’s time we start doing what Christians are supposed to be doing and it begins with discipleship.
Transition- If the gospel is preached and the gospel is received, then it is only logical that...
The Gospel Spread- Vs 8-9a
Exposition- The gospel and discipleship produces excitement about telling others the good news. It’s not something we keep hidden.
Sounded out- gives the sense of the herald’s trumpet
They were bold in their witness in a hostile world!
They didn’t whisper behind closed doors to their best friend
They shouted from the rooftops and people took notice! (visible presence).
The jews had the word of God but selfishly kept it to themselves; these Christians didn’t!
By the time Timothy made it to Corinth and Paul was going to write the letter, he was hearing the same story from everyone!
Illustration- A young boy in high school finally got a kiss from the girl of his dreams. She had said yes to his proposal to be his girlfriend. He had had a crush on her since the 6th grade. He was smitten with her. After the kiss all he could do was to tell everyone! It didn’t matter if her ex-boyfriend heard it and got mad, he didn’t care. He wanted everyone to know what amazing thing just happened in his life. He was excited, he was ecstatic. Anyone and everyone knew that she had the keys to his heart.
So What-
This is the impact we see when a church takes the great commission seriously.
This is what happens when you believe the gospel, when you trust the gospel, when you live the gospel.
This is what happens when small group Bible studies are formed and you get together to talk about God’s word and discipleship happens.
People in the community stand up and take notice that there is something changing in you. You notice something changing in you.
That is the power of the Gospel and it is viral. It will spread like wildfire.
Now What-
Now is the time to let the gospel take root in your heart.
Now is the time that you begin to grow in your walk with the Lord
Now is the time that you let the gospel impact your life so that through you, the way you live, the way you love, others will want to know more about the reason for the change in your life
Now is the time for the gospel to spread and it starts with you
Transition- We have seen the gospel preached, the gospel received, and the gospel spread, but there is one final item we need to understand.
The Gospel’s Purpose- Vs 9b-10
With one short sentence Paul describes who they used to be and who they are!
They used to be idol worshippers, not they worship God
They used to be evil wicked and lost, now they were children of God
They used to serve Satan and the man-made dead idols and themselves, now they are serving the true and living God living for the one who brought them out of that darkness and into the light!
Why?! Because of the power of the gospel and the hope that it gives to those who have no hope. Jesus and deliverance He will bring
They had something to look forward to!
Illustration- When I go out of town, I tell Candi “I’ll see you when I get back”. She knows I’m coming back, she just doesn’t know exactly when. When I am about to leave, I call her and say I should be there around 11. It may not be exactly 11 but she knows I’m coming and she will be looking for me. Jesus said He will return and we should be looking forward to that day.
So what- The gospel does two things here: Transforms and gives hope.
Now What-
Has there been a transformation in your life that can be seen such as these that we have seen here today? Have you stopped serving yourself and started serving God? Can others see Jesus in you?
Are you ready for Jesus to come back? If he came today, where would you stand. As a Christian, you should be able to say without a shadow of a doubt that you are looking forward to the day that Jesus comes.
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